DC Protests Draw 2 Million

An "Overwhelming" Victory for Obama
Based on exit polls, the Washington Post is predicting an overwhelming victory for Barak Obama in the South Carolina primaries.

Apparently the white vote was pretty much split with Clinton and Edwards in a near tie and Obama a close third. The black vote, however, is believed to have gone to Obama four to one.

More than half of the Democratic electorate was black, a slight increase over 2004 when 47 percent of primary voters were African-American. A desire for change was once again the key voting attribute of Democratic primary voters - as it had been in votes in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada. And, as in Nevada, which held its caucuses last Saturday, the economy was the overriding concern of the voters.

During today's voting in South Carolina, there were indications of a heavy turnout -- especially in black precincts where Obama, the first African-American with a serious chance of winning the nomination, expects to win easily. Several black precincts near Columbia, the state capital, reported hitting 25 percent of all registered voters by midday, according to state party officials.
Up to two million march to US Capitol to protest against Obama's spending in 'tea-party' demonstration | Mail Online

Up to two million people marched to the U.S. Capitol today, carrying signs with slogans such as "Obamacare makes me sick" as they protested the president's health care plan and what they say is out-of-control spending.

The line of protesters spread across Pennsylvania Avenue for blocks, all the way to the capitol, according to the Washington Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency.

People were chanting "enough, enough" and "We the People." Others yelled "You lie, you lie!" and "Pelosi has to go," referring to California congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.

Far greater numbers than anyone was expecting, it seems. These protests have tapped a nerve...

When you consider that these people showed up from all around the nation on their own dime, it's down right impressive, it's not like D.C is in everyone's backyard.
:clap2: LOL! You guys keep topping yourself for idiocy. I especially love the part where you spin the lack of trash to mean that rightwing nuts are so anal that they actually retain their own waste! :lol::lol::lol:
keep proving yourself a moron ravi

they didnt LITTER in the first place
Of course not! Wingnuts are so thoughtful and caring of the environment. :rofl:

No offense, but you are an idiot.
conservative ARE
and you are the fucking idiot
:clap2: LOL! You guys keep topping yourself for idiocy. I especially love the part where you spin the lack of trash to mean that rightwing nuts are so anal that they actually retain their own waste! :lol::lol::lol:
keep proving yourself a moron ravi

they didnt LITTER in the first place

they didn't LITTER because they stayed at home, figuring why go there, let's just claim there were 2 million protestors later, blame the liberal media for not reporting that fact, and then hop along merrily. that's good for the environment, saves gas too.

But fact remains? Despite the Number? Those REAL citizens cleaned up after themselves versus the MESS left by the Bamster's NEW Subjects...

Checkmate. You lose.
60,000 people with 6months in the planning is pretty weak! I wonder how many medicare bought scooters were rolling?
From "The American Thinker"

9/12 demonstration a record DC turnout: National Park Service<LINK

Thomas Lifson
[FONT=times new roman,times]The truth will out. Despite mainstream media attempts to characterize turnout as [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]in the thousands[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times], a spokesman for the National Park Service, Dan Bana, is quoted as saying "It is a record.... We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever."[/FONT]
[FONT=times new roman,times]_______________________[/FONT]

Whatever. Fact remains? The Government is on notice by The People, and that's what's important. Will the Statist listen? Probably not if their record is any indication. But just a note here? If they don't? Saturday will look like a picnic in the park on a peaceful Sunday in my view.
:clap2: LOL! You guys keep topping yourself for idiocy. I especially love the part where you spin the lack of trash to mean that rightwing nuts are so anal that they actually retain their own waste! :lol::lol::lol:

Ravi Did You have another accident, We've talked about this before.
Only Republicans can start counting at 1 and after 70,000 numbers, end up at two million. This is why they should go to school and stop downing education. Unless you are a "priest" or a telephone "psychic", mysticism will never get you a job. LEARN NUMBER COUNTING!
:clap2: LOL! You guys keep topping yourself for idiocy. I especially love the part where you spin the lack of trash to mean that rightwing nuts are so anal that they actually retain their own waste! :lol::lol::lol:
keep proving yourself a moron ravi

they didnt LITTER in the first place
Of course not! Wingnuts are so thoughtful and caring of the environment. :rofl:

No offense, but you are an idiot.

I can speak for myself, I am.
From "The American Thinker"

9/12 demonstration a record DC turnout: National Park Service<LINK

Thomas Lifson
[FONT=times new roman,times]The truth will out. Despite mainstream media attempts to characterize turnout as [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]in the thousands[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times], a spokesman for the National Park Service, Dan Bana, is quoted as saying "It is a record.... We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever."[/FONT]
[FONT=times new roman,times]_______________________[/FONT]

Whatever. Fact remains? The Government is on notice by The People, and that's what's important. Will the Statist listen? Probably not if their record is any indication. But just a note here? If they don't? Saturday will look like a picnic in the park on a peaceful Sunday in my view.
:clap2: LOL! You guys keep topping yourself for idiocy. I especially love the part where you spin the lack of trash to mean that rightwing nuts are so anal that they actually retain their own waste! :lol::lol::lol:

Ravi Did You have another accident, We've talked about this before.

It's OK. I don't have a problem with Liberals being blatent with their moronishness.:cool:
keep proving yourself a moron ravi

they didnt LITTER in the first place

they didn't LITTER because they stayed at home, figuring why go there, let's just claim there were 2 million protestors later, blame the liberal media for not reporting that fact, and then hop along merrily. that's good for the environment, saves gas too.

But fact remains? Despite the Number? Those REAL citizens cleaned up after themselves versus the MESS left by the Bamster's NEW Subjects...

Checkmate. You lose.

you are not playing chess. seriously.

at least you are now sometimes linking to the source for your bullshit, instead of "palagerizing" bullshit, THEfT.

i heard there were 2 million real americans protesting, no one saw them or counted them, because they were so fast and small. they did not litter because they clean up their own bullshit, and they did not leave any traces because they mastered levitation. do you know why no yetis and bears were there? every one millionth protestor had a combined anti-yeti-anti-bear-bracelet. and it worked!
Only Republicans can start counting at 1 and after 70,000 numbers, end up at two million. This is why they should go to school and stop downing education. Unless you are a "priest" or a telephone "psychic", mysticism will never get you a job. LEARN NUMBER COUNTING!

I had no idea the U.K. was full of Republicans.
No Democrat ever shouted “liar” at W. when he was hawking a fake case for war in Iraq — Some people just can’t believe a black man is president and will never accept it.

No...they Just applauded interrupting his speech during a SOTU Address to the Nation...

And why did OBAMA make this speech? Simple? To tell the people...

"We don't CARE what you people THINK...WE are gonna do this with or without you..." [/paraphrase of Bammies Speech]

Now? If Obama was so damned sure of his Majority? Why wasn't it passed BEFORE the Congressional break? Republicans don't have the power...but they are daily accused of Obstruction...

Really? They don't have the numbers to OBSTRUCT anything do they?

You have some homework to do sport...

And incidently? I wasn't kidding about the Democrats interrupting Bushs' SOTU speech...and guess who was front Aisle doing it?




And BTW? Encircled? Is your Messiah, Your King Dictator OBAMA. Right up FRONT making trouble with his fellow Statists.


Custer got pretty puffed up about things too, so did Napoleon.
An "Overwhelming" Victory for Obama
Based on exit polls, the Washington Post is predicting an overwhelming victory for Barak Obama in the South Carolina primaries.

Apparently the white vote was pretty much split with Clinton and Edwards in a near tie and Obama a close third. The black vote, however, is believed to have gone to Obama four to one.

More than half of the Democratic electorate was black, a slight increase over 2004 when 47 percent of primary voters were African-American. A desire for change was once again the key voting attribute of Democratic primary voters - as it had been in votes in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada. And, as in Nevada, which held its caucuses last Saturday, the economy was the overriding concern of the voters.

During today's voting in South Carolina, there were indications of a heavy turnout -- especially in black precincts where Obama, the first African-American with a serious chance of winning the nomination, expects to win easily. Several black precincts near Columbia, the state capital, reported hitting 25 percent of all registered voters by midday, according to state party officials.

Interesting...NOT a LINK to be found here in this post. Dude? Dudette? Do yourself a favor? Continue. I'm personally enjoying the laugh.
:clap2: LOL! You guys keep topping yourself for idiocy. I especially love the part where you spin the lack of trash to mean that rightwing nuts are so anal that they actually retain their own waste! :lol::lol::lol:
keep proving yourself a moron ravi

they didnt LITTER in the first place

they didn't LITTER because they stayed at home, figuring why go there, let's just claim there were 2 million protestors later, blame the liberal media for not reporting that fact, and then hop along merrily. that's good for the environment, saves gas too.

I came close to going. The next one will probably include me.
keep proving yourself a moron ravi

they didnt LITTER in the first place

they didn't LITTER because they stayed at home, figuring why go there, let's just claim there were 2 million protestors later, blame the liberal media for not reporting that fact, and then hop along merrily. that's good for the environment, saves gas too.

I came close to going. The next one will probably include me.

i was nearly there, too. but then i had other priorities, like spreading bullshit inch-thick on the internet.
No Democrat ever shouted “liar” at W. when he was hawking a fake case for war in Iraq — Some people just can’t believe a black man is president and will never accept it.

No...they Just applauded interrupting his speech during a SOTU Address to the Nation...

And why did OBAMA make this speech? Simple? To tell the people...

"We don't CARE what you people THINK...WE are gonna do this with or without you..." [/paraphrase of Bammies Speech]

Now? If Obama was so damned sure of his Majority? Why wasn't it passed BEFORE the Congressional break? Republicans don't have the power...but they are daily accused of Obstruction...

Really? They don't have the numbers to OBSTRUCT anything do they?

You have some homework to do sport...

And incidently? I wasn't kidding about the Democrats interrupting Bushs' SOTU speech...and guess who was front Aisle doing it?




And BTW? Encircled? Is your Messiah, Your King Dictator OBAMA. Right up FRONT making trouble with his fellow Statists.


Custer got pretty puffed up about things too, so did Napoleon.

Good Point. I get the "Waterloo" inference. ;)
You are exactly the type of person that I was referring to, when I said "the few". Thank God that you don't represent the average Conservative, we'd be in much worse shape than we are.

ROFL... Sis I represent Americans... all of them and without exception. And it's hysterical that you would thank an entity in which you do not believe and which your entire ideology REJECTS by DEFAULT.
How exactly do you come to that conclusion? Please refer to evidence of what my ideology is, and how it rejects God by Default.

Since it's quite clear that you don't know me at all, your bizarre conclusions on my moral character will be filed into the "don't give a fuck" file.

The simple fact is that you are not aware of a single element, facet or trait of Americanism (Conservatism) which could even POTENTIALLY lead to a negative US economic effect...

Now to PROVE that... I hereby challenge you to cite ANY TRAIT, ELEMENT TO, or facet of Americanism... OKA: US Conservatism... which you feel has or could even POTENTIALLY lead to a negative economic impact on the US Economy as a whole.
There is no point in my even answering this question, since a.) Economics is a theoretical science, and every economist I've ever met has had entirely differing views on both macro and micro economics, and b.) I'm sure you have no idea what you're talking about.

When you fail to post a valid example of such... you will have exposed yourself as a coomon fool and the embodiment of the common Leftist...

Best of luck to ya sis...

Here, I'll tell you what. Describe what you think "American OKA: US Conservatism" is, and then I'll respond.

You have to realize that you are trying to reason with a poster who believes that ALL homosexuals need to have the ability to see the future and if they don't then they are violating the rights of their current partner's possible but as of yet nonexistent future partners and therefore should lose their own rights.

There is NO Right to exercise one's right to engage in sexual intercourse with a consenting, appropriately aged partner, at the expense of the rights of those individuals who will partner down the road.

Again, this is not complex... Unalienable Individual RIGHTS... come with UNALIENABLE INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITIES... and just because one has a need to bleed from their anus... does NOT give one a RIGHT to enage in such activity that PROMOTES THE LIKEIHOOD THAT SUCH WILL RESULT IN THE USURPATION OF ANOTHER PERSONS RIGHTS...
they didn't LITTER because they stayed at home, figuring why go there, let's just claim there were 2 million protestors later, blame the liberal media for not reporting that fact, and then hop along merrily. that's good for the environment, saves gas too.

I came close to going. The next one will probably include me.

i was nearly there, too. but then i had other priorities, like spreading bullshit inch-thick on the internet.

No, for me, it came much closer. I had work set up that I would have had to loose, necessity dictated. Next Time, I Truly want to be there, it's been a long time & I want Pictures.
I've discovered that various posters have spammed multiple threads on this subject all over the board.

Apparently right-wing posters are spamming this all over the internet, I'm assuming in an attempt to create a "Google Bomb".

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