DC Protests Draw 2 Million

The people have put the right on notice: you guys have no power. Run along.

So ... you're on the Jupiter side I see. The left supports protesting 100%. ;)

And indeed...IF these people didn't HAVE the POWER, then why wasn't the Healthcare Bill just passed before the August Recess?

That's right...the 'Rascists' wouldn't let it happen. Some people only use a small portion of their brain...some forget they have one, eh?

Good post, KK.
The National Park Service doesn't provide estimates, you know. :lol::lol::lol:

Crowd estimates vary wildly for Capitol march -- latimes.com

From the article:
Confusion and anger over crowd estimates are as much a part of Washington as its granite monuments. Million Man March organizers in 1995 threatened to sue the National Park Service for estimating a crowd of 400,000 when their own number was between 1.5 million and 2 million people. Afterward, Congress directed the agency not to produce estimates.

"We do not give crowd estimates for any event, any time, whatsoever, period," said Bill Line, spokesman for the National Park Service.

You are correct.

From the Inauguration article:

David Barna, a Park Service spokesman, said the agency did not conduct its own count. Instead, it will use a Washington Post account that said 1.8 million people gathered on the US Capitol grounds, National Mall, and parade route.
So, what is a final figure? Did anyone figure it out? I'm honestly too lazy to go through the entire 32-page thread ... I hope you understand.

So, what is a final figure? Did anyone figure it out? I'm honestly too lazy to go through the entire 32-page thread ... I hope you understand.

The numbers range anywhere from 50-75,Kilopeeps to 2 Megapeeps.

(50-75,000 to 2,000,000)...I really think the Left is afraid to release the REAL number. It's been like this for Decades for any event of this magnitude.

But then I happen to side with 2Megapeeps. I am an optimist, and won't allow myself to be marginalized by ANY Liberal.
Whatever dude, we have proven on this thread conclusively that the 2 million person data is incorrect.

Even FreedomWorks, the event's organizer, has scaled down its still very optimistic number to "Hundreds of Thousands".

But you go on believing what you'd like. Keep on living in the bubble.

It's not like that's something new among your kind.
Amazing isn't it? The Statists will leave healthcare looking alot like those photos in the article...(And I don't mean the clean photo).

Good thing there wasn't enough people to overtax the city infrastructure, isn't it?

Bet they didn't pay in food stamps either.

Notice the marginalization going on in this thread? It's as I always say of our Liberal Brothers/Sisters?

Blame/Minimize/Deny/Obfuscate. It's how they operate to win any argument, even if they KNOW they're wrong.
What was accomplished by this march anything? I guess some businesses got a boost. The boost is a good thing for the economy.
And if that wasn't enough? Guess who cleaned up after themselves properly? HINT? It wasn't the Omama Immacculation participants...

HAVE A LOOK <PHOTO ESSAY By The Gateway Pundit...

Imagine that? Quite striking, don't you think?

the pic of the liberal skanks sitting in the filth smiling is sooo telling, a perfect example of what it truley means to be a liberal.
What was accomplished by this march anything? I guess some businesses got a boost. The boost is a good thing for the economy.

The Government was put on NOTICE by the people. That's what was accomplished...and yes your point is good too. Some people got some business boost...but guess where it came from? WE, The People...and isn't that what makes this economy soar in the first place?

It sure as Hell isn't Government intrusion.
Good thing there wasn't enough people to overtax the city infrastructure, isn't it?

Bet they didn't pay in food stamps either.

Notice the marginalization going on in this thread? It's as I always say of our Liberal Brothers/Sisters?

Blame/Minimize/Deny/Obfuscate. It's how they operate to win any argument, even if they KNOW they're wrong.

plus they never win the arguments because sooner or later their arguments always fail
Good thing there wasn't enough people to overtax the city infrastructure, isn't it?

Bet they didn't pay in food stamps either.

Notice the marginalization going on in this thread? It's as I always say of our Liberal Brothers/Sisters?

Blame/Minimize/Deny/Obfuscate. It's how they operate to win any argument, even if they KNOW they're wrong.

You forgot the newest strategy: Accuse anyone who challenges Obama as being a racist
Good thing there wasn't enough people to overtax the city infrastructure, isn't it?

Bet they didn't pay in food stamps either.

Notice the marginalization going on in this thread? It's as I always say of our Liberal Brothers/Sisters?

Blame/Minimize/Deny/Obfuscate. It's how they operate to win any argument, even if they KNOW they're wrong.

That was a right-winger marginalizing liberals with the food stamps comment you replied to...
Bet they didn't pay in food stamps either.

Notice the marginalization going on in this thread? It's as I always say of our Liberal Brothers/Sisters?

Blame/Minimize/Deny/Obfuscate. It's how they operate to win any argument, even if they KNOW they're wrong.

You forgot the newest strategy: Accuse anyone who challenges Obama as being a racist

So, I guess you can point out where someone is calling someone else a racist on this thread, that we are severely beating your asses on, based on facts alone?
And if that wasn't enough? Guess who cleaned up after themselves properly? HINT? It wasn't the Omama Immacculation participants...

HAVE A LOOK <PHOTO ESSAY By The Gateway Pundit...

Imagine that? Quite striking, don't you think?

the pic of the liberal skanks sitting in the filth smiling is sooo telling, a perfect example of what it truley means to be a liberal.

And that's the underlying point of that, isn't it? Those people at the immacculation waited for Government to clean up after them, and those that participated this past Saturday took charge and cleaned up after themselves...

Very stark contrast.

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