DC Protests Draw 2 Million

Ame®icano;1516924 said:
How did that million man march work out anyways?
Not scaled but maybe it can help.


Looks Photo Shopped on top. The road is much narrower, ans the Trees up top are so close together. Those issues aside, unless there is an issue with density appear more even. Same Street?

A street vs the mall which is MUCH wider than any street.
So these protests are smaller than the protests in the lead-up to the Iraq War, yet the same people who argued that anti-war protesters represented a lunatic fringe are calling these marches a reflection of the mainstream.
"The question must be asked:

Is our teabaggers learning?"
Bush isn't president any longer. Get over it. Your guy won.

Could you inform the republicans of that because they are still trying to pretend that a majority of the country still agrees with them despite the last election. LOL
Talk to the ppl who regret voting for Obama and then say that with a straight face.

The majority are revolted by him, by his lies, and his obvious intention to "restructure" the US. Not health care, not speed limits...the US.

Which is of course what he intended all along. Anyone who listened to him blather knew it. But that is, after all, what libs want and desire.
Talk to the ppl who regret voting for Obama and then say that with a straight face.

The majority are revolted by him, by his lies, and his obvious intention to "restructure" the US. Not health care, not speed limits...the US.

Which is of course what he intended all along. Anyone who listened to him blather knew it. But that is, after all, what libs want and desire.

Revolted by him? What is revolting about him? Hmmmm?
lol, this is great, libs are frothing at the mouth over this march, gotta love it!
Where is all of the credible reporting? What do D.C. Park Police Say?
They are mysteriously silent...and until they give out a number, this is just a pissing match.

"The problem is that Park Police and Capitol Police do not release such estimates and have not for years. The reasoning is that those giving out those numbers became too political. Whether on the right or the left, organizers repeatedly accused officials of underestimating the crowds."
- Source - ABC News' Yunji de Nies reporting from Washington

Which makes Michelle Malkin a big fat liar.
In any event? There were more people at that event than there were at Obama's "Immacculation" in January this year.

Not to say that the numbers aren't important but to me the mere fact that is happened en masse is. And there were events going on around the country for those that couldn't be in DC on Saturday. So one could say that the event was far larger than just the numbers in DC.

The theme was overwhelmingly that ordinary Americans were telling Obama and the government...ENOUGH !

I really belive that Obama, and his big government followers are going to discount all that happened on Saturday, and during August during the townhall meetings and ram something through that gives the Government
the upper hand despite the people overwhelingly saying NO!

Even the Daily Mail in the UK Took note of the event:

A million march to US Capitol to protest against 'Obama the socialist'
In any event? There were more people at that event than there were at Obama's "Immacculation" in January this year.

Nope, not even possible.

The Obama inauguration brought a crowd of 1.8 million to DC.

It paralyzed the city. Traffic could not move in or out, the Fire Department and the Police department had to call in re-inforcements to control the crowds and police the city.

Any gathering of over a million would have done the same.

However, NONE of this happened.
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In any event? There were more people at that event than there were at Obama's "Immacculation" in January this year.

Not to say that the numbers aren't important but to me the mere fact that is happened en masse is. And there were events going on around the country for those that couldn't be in DC on Saturday. So one could say that the event was far larger than just the numbers in DC.

The theme was overwhelmingly that ordinary Americans were telling Obama and the government...ENOUGH !

I really belive that Obama, and his big government followers are going to discount all that happened on Saturday, and during August during the townhall meetings and ram something through that gives the Government
the upper hand despite the people overwhelingly saying NO!

Even the Daily Mail in the UK Took note of the event:

A million march to US Capitol to protest against 'Obama the socialist'


No, no there wasn't as many as at Obama's Inauguration. :cuckoo:
I do find it interesting how people like you have flooded the internet with false numbers, with threads like this one, creating a Google Bomb.

An interesting method of spreading false propaganda.
In any event? There were more people at that event than there were at Obama's "Immacculation" in January this year.

Not to say that the numbers aren't important but to me the mere fact that is happened en masse is. And there were events going on around the country for those that couldn't be in DC on Saturday. So one could say that the event was far larger than just the numbers in DC.

The theme was overwhelmingly that ordinary Americans were telling Obama and the government...ENOUGH !

I really belive that Obama, and his big government followers are going to discount all that happened on Saturday, and during August during the townhall meetings and ram something through that gives the Government
the upper hand despite the people overwhelingly saying NO!

Even the Daily Mail in the UK Took note of the event:

A million march to US Capitol to protest against 'Obama the socialist'


No, no there wasn't as many as at Obama's Inauguration. :cuckoo:

The Inauguration was only hype, many people went just so they could try to have their names in the history books, they advertised it as such.
In any event? There were more people at that event than there were at Obama's "Immacculation" in January this year.

Not to say that the numbers aren't important but to me the mere fact that is happened en masse is. And there were events going on around the country for those that couldn't be in DC on Saturday. So one could say that the event was far larger than just the numbers in DC.

The theme was overwhelmingly that ordinary Americans were telling Obama and the government...ENOUGH !

I really belive that Obama, and his big government followers are going to discount all that happened on Saturday, and during August during the townhall meetings and ram something through that gives the Government
the upper hand despite the people overwhelingly saying NO!

Even the Daily Mail in the UK Took note of the event:

A million march to US Capitol to protest against 'Obama the socialist'


No, no there wasn't as many as at Obama's Inauguration. :cuckoo:

The Inauguration was only hype, many people went just so they could try to have their names in the history books, they advertised it as such.

Yes, I'm sure that's it...since no one usually comes to them.
I do find it interesting how people like you have flooded the internet with false numbers, with threads like this one, creating a Google Bomb.

An interesting method of spreading false propaganda.

The only one who's insisting on numbers is YOU.

I don't care was there 70,000 or a 1,000,000 people. Either number is more then expected.

Now drink some kool-aid and calm down.

Ame®icano;1517153 said:
I do find it interesting how people like you have flooded the internet with false numbers, with threads like this one, creating a Google Bomb.

An interesting method of spreading false propaganda.

The only one who's insisting on numbers is YOU.

I don't care was there 70,000 or a 1,000,000 people. Either number is more then expected.

Now drink some kool-aid and calm down.


Here's something fun to watch...

'Time Lapse' Footage of the streets between 800am until 1130 am on Saturday...


I thought it was interesting, and telling...
Ame®icano;1517153 said:
I do find it interesting how people like you have flooded the internet with false numbers, with threads like this one, creating a Google Bomb.

An interesting method of spreading false propaganda.

The only one who's insisting on numbers is YOU.

I don't care was there 70,000 or a 1,000,000 people. Either number is more then expected.

Now drink some kool-aid and calm down.


Now go pop some oxycontin, I heard it heightens reading comprehension, at least that's what Rush said.

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