DC Protests Draw 2 Million

The irony of a bunch of douchebags that would never get off their own fat asses, arguing over how many people did get off theirs, is pretty damn comedic.

Carry on
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Bottom Line, Anti Second Amendment is Intelectually Dishonest, in relation to Original Intent. From the Magna Carta, to the Articles Of Confederation, to the Federalist Papers, to The Constitution Gun Ownership Rights were Unquestioned. We live in a Society where a 5/4 split of our supposed finest minds wreaks havoc on Common Law. This is not how it was intended on both points.
it figures a fucking moron like autozona couldn't understand what that sign is saying

Can you link me to what my thoughts were on this sign, dive con? Can you? :lol: I simply posted the pic WITH NO WORDS...on purpose. You bit. LOL

In your own words, can you explain your understanding of what this sign means?

(By the way, you wont, you will call me a 1. Moron 2. Idiot 3. some other name because you have no comeback at all, as usual)
it figures a fucking moron like autozona couldn't understand what that sign is saying

Can you link me to what my thoughts were on this sign, dive con? Can you? :lol: I simply posted the pic WITH NO WORDS...on purpose. You bit. LOL

In your own words, can you explain your understanding of what this sign means?

(By the way, you wont, you will call me a 1. Moron 2. Idiot 3. some other name because you have no comeback at all, as usual)

If you didn't act like a moron in almost every post, perhaps he'd have more names to call you instead. :eusa_whistle:
it figures a fucking moron like autozona couldn't understand what that sign is saying

Can you link me to what my thoughts were on this sign, dive con? Can you? :lol: I simply posted the pic WITH NO WORDS...on purpose. You bit. LOL

In your own words, can you explain your understanding of what this sign means?

(By the way, you wont, you will call me a 1. Moron 2. Idiot 3. some other name because you have no comeback at all, as usual)

If you didn't act like a moron in almost every post, perhaps he'd have more names to call you instead. :eusa_whistle:
you said it well enough that i dont have to
Wow! Great to see so many Americans standing up to Hopey Changey and the Obama-run Mainstream Media Machine. Good for you America! :)
And it looks like these are real numbers unlike the bogus numbers given by Leftist Loons when their "Protests" flop. WTG America! :)
He could end up with the Power to do that. Especially if He Totally Crashes the Economy.

And gains control of the banks, the auto industry, big oil, our money and our guns.

Oh wait..he's already done that! Well not the guns yet, but he'll give it a good try.

I still have no idea why everyone is convinced Obama is going to take their guns. Has he done anything to suggest that? Ever said one single thing about taking away people's guns? Or is this just another Right Wing Boogeyman?

There's this:

""It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or anti-pathy to people who aren't like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Clinton plays up Obama's 'bitter' quote as 'elitist' - USATODAY.com

Combined with the appointment of Sunstein:

""Sen. Cornyn finds numerous aspects of Mr. Sunstein's record troubling, specifically the fact that he wants to establish legal 'rights' for livestock, wildlife and pets, which would enable animals to file lawsuits in American courts," the Republican's spokesman, Kevin McLaughlin, said in a statement to FOXNews.com."
Obama Regulatory Czar's Confirmation Held Up by Hunting Rights Proponent - Political News - FOXNews.com

"Washington, D.C. – President Obama has appointed his old friend and colleague, University of Chicago Professor Cass Sunstein, to run the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Sunstein is a rabid enemy of Americans’ Second Amendment freedom, and harbors radical ideas about animal rights that only the most ardent PeTA activist would love. Now he will run the federal office that oversees all government regulations. "
President Obama Taps Anti-Hunting, Animal Rights Extremist for Regulatory Czar
And gains control of the banks, the auto industry, big oil, our money and our guns.

Oh wait..he's already done that! Well not the guns yet, but he'll give it a good try.

I still have no idea why everyone is convinced Obama is going to take their guns. Has he done anything to suggest that? Ever said one single thing about taking away people's guns? Or is this just another Right Wing Boogeyman?

There's this:

""It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or anti-pathy to people who aren't like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Clinton plays up Obama's 'bitter' quote as 'elitist' - USATODAY.com

Combined with the appointment of Sunstein:

""Sen. Cornyn finds numerous aspects of Mr. Sunstein's record troubling, specifically the fact that he wants to establish legal 'rights' for livestock, wildlife and pets, which would enable animals to file lawsuits in American courts," the Republican's spokesman, Kevin McLaughlin, said in a statement to FOXNews.com."
Obama Regulatory Czar's Confirmation Held Up by Hunting Rights Proponent - Political News - FOXNews.com

"Washington, D.C. – President Obama has appointed his old friend and colleague, University of Chicago Professor Cass Sunstein, to run the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Sunstein is a rabid enemy of Americans’ Second Amendment freedom, and harbors radical ideas about animal rights that only the most ardent PeTA activist would love. Now he will run the federal office that oversees all government regulations. "
President Obama Taps Anti-Hunting, Animal Rights Extremist for Regulatory Czar

Sunstein, as regulatory "czar" - is the head of OIRA (Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs) - the office that makes governmental regulations. He has no power to take your guns.

So this is just another boogeyman of the Right.
The British news paper Daily mail is Christian? Hell they aren't even vaguely conservative. Average people have to work for a living, so even 250k of them is a hell of a lot. And of course the left always wildly exagerates the numbers of their paid rioters, and usually grossly underestimates anything the other side shows up with.

Oh and it only takes 10 hundred thousand to equal a million

You know it's funny how righties didn't feel the same for "the million man march" and "the march for women's lives" when they tried to minimize the fact that hundreds of thousands showed up for both of these events.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
DC Police: 9/12 Protest Crowd Estimated at 1.2 Million and Growing
The New York Times reports on today's 9-12 events in Washington, with the title, "Thousands Rally in Capital to Protest Big Government." But check Doug Powers, "9/12 March on Washington Live Video Link. As he notes at the post, "Unconfirmed reports are that the DC Police are estimating the crowd at 1.2 million and growing." It turns out, naturally, that crowd size is a political football. See, "Managing Expectations: Crowd Size for D.C. Rally Sparks Fight."
American Power: DC Police: 9/12 Protest Crowd Estimated at 1.2 Million and Growing

Do you know the definition of "unconfirmed"? LOL
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UULBKgxRGk]YouTube - march on washington dc 9/12/2009 taxpayer tea party protest[/ame]

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