DDR 2.0 Big Sister's Statement coming probably today.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Probably today BIg Sister Merkel will proclaim she will became German chancellor again. It is absolutely unimportant that most of Germans are against her. Lying Press, Soros, Antifa and professional 'politicians' will manage all processes and celebrate her in 2017 as 'winner' of 'elections'.
In German 'political system' is anything predictable.Like in Orwell's 1984.
Even in North Korea and Russia folks enjoy more political freedom and can elect somebody else as Putin or Dumb Fat Boy.

DDR 2.0 is a good example of living socialist dream country.
In 2020 Germany will perish as a Muslim Shariah State.


It wasn't always that way. The US put her up as their puppet. Washington got really pissed off when Jaschka Fischer and Gerhard Schröde told Donald Rumsfeldt to stick America's plans to illegally invade Irak up his ass.

Hillary got her ass handed to her, so ..........
Probably today BIg Sister Merkel will proclaim she will became German chancellor again.
..... maybe not! Maybe the tide has turned. Let's fucking hope so!
Probably today BIg Sister Merkel will proclaim she will became German chancellor again. It is absolutely unimportant that most of Germans are against her. Lying Press, Soros, Antifa and professional 'politicians' will manage all processes and celebrate her in 2017 as 'winner' of 'elections'.
In German 'political system' is anything predictable.Like in Orwell's 1984.
Even in North Korea and Russia folks enjoy more political freedom and can elect somebody else as Putin or Dumb Fat Boy.

DDR 2.0 is a good example of living socialist dream country.
In 2020 Germany will perish as a Muslim Shariah State.



Oh come on, the same was said about Hillary. And it didn't happen. I've lived in Germany and know that Germans see things slightly differently than Americans. They're looking for good governance. She's made mistakes but she's a good leader, and has led Germany very well for a long time.
[She's made mistakes but she's a good leader, and has led Germany very well for a long time.[/QUOTE]


Tens of Millions new Muslims from Somalia, Eritrea, Pakistan,from the poorest and dirtiest African assholes until 2020?
The opening post is incoherent. Let us hope that hate-filled politics such as we see in the USA never infects Germany.
The opening post is incoherent. Let us hope that hate-filled politics such as we see in the USA never infects Germany.

If you have other opinion as Merkel & Co you can be beaten, tortured or killed by Merkel's Commandos ANTIFA.
Germany today is like Salvador or Columbia where leftist thugs kill any opposition to Big Sister.

The opening post is incoherent. Let us hope that hate-filled politics such as we see in the USA never infects Germany.

If you have other opinion as Merkel & Co you can be beaten, tortured or killed by Merkel's Commandos ANTIFA.
Germany today is like Salvador or Columbia where leftist thugs kill any opposition to Big Sister.
Forgive me for saying so but your ranting makes no sense. Unlike the USA, torture (such as waterboarding in Guantánamo) and the execution of prisoners, are both forbidden in the European Union.
If you have other opinion as Merkel & Co you can be beaten, tortured or killed by Merkel's Commandos ANTIFA. Germany today is like Salvador or Columbia where leftist thugs kill any opposition to Big Sister.
Can you spot Merkel in this photo? I'll give you a hint. She's the one with the biggest tits.
Germans are slaves of totally corrupted political system where professional socialist politicians of CDU-CSU-SPD-GREENS-FDP-LEFTS lead the country to totally annihilation. The best Germans can still do is to flee very quickly from their Socialist Paradise DDR 2.0
Merkel targeted import at least twenty millions Muslims until 2020, Germans will work to food Merkel's 'guests' only who will later kill them.

Merkel has created new Germans who will inherit Germany and its welfare.


Families like below are too white, too Nazi, too racist for Merkel, must be eliminated and give way to Merkel's New Germans.

I saw one of these today at about 11:00. Seriously.

He was coming out of railway station, surrounded by 6 policemen and his hands were handcuffed behind his back. Following behind them was a woman (white) with one of those suitcases on wheels. One of the cops was helping her. They all walked over to a police van and stuffed the guy into the back seat of it. It doesn't take too much imagination to figure out what that was all about.
Germans are slaves of totally corrupted political system where professional socialist politicians of CDU-CSU-SPD-GREENS-FDP-LEFTS lead the country to totally annihilation. The best Germans can still do is to flee very quickly from their Socialist Paradise DDR 2.0
Merkel targeted import at least twenty millions Muslims until 2020, Germans will work to food Merkel's 'guests' only who will later kill them.

Merkel has created new Germans who will inherit Germany and its welfare.

Families like below are too white, too Nazi, too racist for Merkel, must be eliminated and give way to Merkel's New Germans.
You are misinformed about German politics. In fact, Angela Merkel leads a conservative party, the Christian Democratic Union. Her party has a close relationship with the strongly Catholic conservatives from Bavaria, the Christian Social Union. Her announcement that she will consent to run in the next general election has brought pleasure to right-of-center supporters and others who appreciate her solid statesmanship in the European Union.


A typical German family on a Sunday afternoon
In fact, Angela Merkel leads a conservative party, the Christian Democratic Union. Her party has a close relationship with the strongly Catholic conservatives from Bavaria, the Christian Social Union. Her announcement that she will consent to run in the next general election has brought pleasure to right-of-center supporters and others who appreciate her solid statesmanship in the European Union.

Are you joking?
A 'conservative' party which admired Merkel's far- left policy.

And here is a little bit 'pleasure' of folks!


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