DDR 2.0 Merkel takes kids of Corona 'criminals' away


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Once Corona, always Corona, once kids took away, it's for ever.
Like Merkel gang German CPS is one of the most corrupted organizations in the world. DDR 2.0 is a Paradise for pedophiles and sexual psychos of any kind, 99% of German 'politicians' are good for nothing trash of humanity. Faggots and pedophiles love Merkel and are waiting for children of Corona dissents.

Bielefeld (ots) Madness is a masterpiece from Germany: health authorities in several German states are calling on parents in the corona crisis to isolate their children in domestic quarantine separately from the family in one room if corona is suspected. According to information from nw.de, the online edition of the daily newspaper "Neue Westfälische" published in Bielefeld, the health authorities of the districts of Offenbach and Karlsruhe have issued an order demanding that there should be no shared meals. In addition, they threatened parents that if they did not comply, the child would be placed in a closed facility for the duration of the quarantine. The recipients of the orders are parents of children between the ages of three and eleven.


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