Dead Israeli babies pic was generated by AI

Leave it to a snarky lib to argue about the technology that produced the photo while ignoring the atrocity it represents.
Whether the news is false doesnot matter at all, Israel goal is to divert the attention of the public from discussing their terrorist activities and they have succeeded very well. For days everyone has abandoned the main topic and is talking about this.
Tell that to the Women raped, tell that to the mothers who's children were taken or killed in front of them, tell that to the people who went to a concert, and wound up being slaughtered....Your support sickens me.
We're financially involved.

I'm not sure why we just added tons more aid to Israel. Did HAMAS decimate the military supplies? Israel is quite capable of defending herself from a terrorist... oh wait! never mind.

HAMAS has won a goal. Break a few myths surrounding Israel's strength and security.

Now Israel will break another myth -- Israel having any moral high-ground. Atrocities will be perpetrated by Israeli military. It happens. It's historical truth.
Eye for an eye....Hamas set the tone....
Whoever created it needs to be destroyed. Shapiro should check his sources before posting such things; that is just irresponsible.
Anyone who is a Prog bears responsibility for what we see today. Actually promoting agendas that may eventually end with their own demise. And with it dragging whole populations into the whirlpool of mindless anarchy.
Tell that to the Women raped, tell that to the mothers who's children were taken or killed in front of them, tell that to the people who went to a concert, and wound up being slaughtered....Your support sickens me.

Go to the nearest clinic and get treatment sir.
No he got it from the Israeli government.

But now people are saying it isn’t AI generated, the website “tool” used to identify AI created images gives false positives.
Lies always gets exposed eventually. We do KNOW that many were murdered. Many were taken captive. People were burned alive. One was beheaded with a garden hoe. Israel has an obligation to her citizens to eliminate the threat.
Eye for an eye....Hamas set the tone....

And they demand it. You are no better than they are. You may think you are, but reality is you're full of monstrous hatred. You lack the high-ground and will never kill an idea. Palestinians want a homeland. Fuck HAMAS. With a homeland HAMAS would not be in GAZA. Unless of course Israel has to make a deal with them - again.

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Do “Israelis” just have a natural inclination to lie?

Both sides of this war are sons of Satan.

Why do all sides hide behind images of dead babies?


Defenders of Israeli actions are no better than the defenders of Terrorists like HAMAS. Proof? Want proof?

Go search how many time people attacked the defenders of terrorist groups by posting images of dead babies. Now they post their own.

Americans are dead and probably mutilated. Americans are being held hostage and someone named Jackson Hinkle high fives over the technology that generated an image of a dead baby? WTF?
And they demand it. You are no better than they are. You may think you are, but reality is you're full of monstrous hatred. You lack the high-ground and will never kill an idea. Palestinians want a homeland. Fuck HAMAS. With a homeland HAMAS would not be in GAZA. Unless of course Israel has to make a deal with them - again.
They did not want a homeland until the 1960's when Israel cleaned everyone's clock.
Ben Shapiro?

The Intersection Of Evil: Hamas, Antifa, BLM, Harvard And Barack Obama​

Obama eventually arrived, tweeting on Monday evening about “the brazen terrorist attacks on Israel and the slaughter of innocent civilians.” The semi-former president said we must “stand squarely alongside our ally, Israel,” and support that nation’s “right to defend itself against terror.”

It’s meaningless boilerplate language that only true Barack Believers will accept as the sincere expression of his feelings. The rest of us know, as the New York Post editorialized, that this newest war “is the future of the Middle East that Obama, in effect, wanted, fought for and now has achieved: Iran ascendant; nascent normalization between Israel and Arab states in jeopardy; the terrorist group Hamas emboldened and abetted by Tehran to strike viciously against soft targets within Israel.”

But like the Harvard administrators, Obama has to engage in a charade to cover a vile bigotry while waiting for the pro-Hamas, pro-Palestinian propaganda campaigns to finally poison at least half of the American electorate, at which point animosity toward Israel is no longer a political liability.

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