Dead Israelis

And yet there are a MILLION legal Arab Israeli citizens.

Artificially capped at 20% of the population

I wonder where THEY came from?

They lived there when Zionist terrorists kicked their families and neighbors out.

All with the same rights and protections as any Jew in Israel.

Besides being discouraged from enlisting in the military, being prevented from buying land in 15% of the country by a Knesset exemption of non-discrimination policies in housing, not being issued building permits and huge funding differences for education in Arab areas compared to Jewish areas...

Able to work at any job,

Pretty hard to compete for jobs when your village has no education funding.

be part of any Military unit or job,

You think Arabs are welcomed with open arms in the military? What do you think a conversation between an Israeli Arab who is Muslim and an IDF recruiter would be like?

able to be elected to office and even if they could manage it to be Prime Minister.

With only 20% of the population Arab and Arab immigration not allowed, its gonna take a lot of babies and a few decades.

Ohh wait they do have one special condition, every Israeli is required to serve in the military EXCEPT any Arab that choses NOT too.

The country has no interest in Arabs in the military, which is fine.
You are not even worth the waste of breath to type this. Are you so stupid you do not know that EVERY terror organization that is Palastinian has that in their goals? It is PUBLIC, COMMON knowledge to anyone that has a 3rd grade reading level.

What they didn't publish in your last issue of talking points for the braindead is how many Israeli political parties are on the "Greater Israel" train.

Reality my ass you are as stupid as they come.


Ohh ya, wanna provide some "terror" attacks by the Israelis? All that shit in 47 and 48 was before Israel even existed.

The juxtaposition apparently escapes you. How is being retarded going for you? See how we have been before a Palestinian state. State via terror. It works. See Pakistan. See Israel. See a future Palestinian state. This is what happens in a world ruled by death and force.

Learn a little history, the Arab Countries through the Mufta of Jeruslam ordered all Arabs OUT of Israel, any found there when the Invasion started would be considered traitors to the Arab cause and shot for it.

From Egypt. He was in fucking Egypt, exiled by the Brits. Menachem Begin was ordering bombings of Arabs and your gonna complain about a guy in fucking Egypt who said words. I mean Husayni was a complete waste of skin, but being thrown out of your homeland pisses people off. See EVERY FUCKING PALESTINIAN.
You moron, they did not invade because two soldiers were kidnapped, they invaded because of mortars, missiles and rockets raining down on Israel , fired from UN observer points, towns and villages. You really are amazingly STUPID.

Shouldn't you move this thread to the flame zone if you are going to froth at the mouth and call me names.

"In his testimony, Olmert claimed he had held more meetings on the situation in Lebanon than any of his recent predecessors. The first meeting was held on January 8, 2006, four days after Olmert was called to take the place of Ariel Sharon, who had fallen into a coma."

Report: Interim findings of war won't deal with personal failures - Haaretz - Israel News

Looking for an excuse...
My only bias is against those who think real life is a movie set with good guys and bad guys. I am biased against talking points repeaters who don't believe nuance exists in the world.

If you'd read my post, I didn't claim anyone was a good guy or bad guy. I stated a fact that according to this western nation, Hezbollah is a terrorist organization and Israel is not. There "frickin" fore, Hezbollah had been lying to Israel (in this specific incident) claiming that the soldiers were alive and that they would return them in exchange for other islamic militants that Israel was holding prisoner. Your problem, is that you take past events and justify the events of present events. Regardless of whatever Israel has done in the past, and whether or not you agree with it, does not change the FACT that I posted...Hezbollah lied to Israel about their soldiers being alive...Like I said, it was dirty trick played on Hezbollah's part. I'm not justifying or not justifying any past actions of either country. I'm stating fact.
If you'd read my post, I didn't claim anyone was a good guy or bad guy. I stated a fact that according to this western nation, Hezbollah is a terrorist organization and Israel is not. There "frickin" fore, Hezbollah had been lying to Israel (in this specific incident) claiming that the soldiers were alive and that they would return them in exchange for other islamic militants that Israel was holding prisoner. Your problem, is that you take past events and justify the events of present events. Regardless of whatever Israel has done in the past, and whether or not you agree with it, does not change the FACT that I posted...Hezbollah lied to Israel about their soldiers being alive...Like I said, it was dirty trick played on Hezbollah's part. I'm not justifying or not justifying any past actions of either country. I'm stating fact.

That is a common and repeating problem on this board, and in the world in general. If you dare to speak out to support Israel in anyway, you are said to be condoning everything Israel has ever done. In my case this could not be more untrue, however it will not stop some from calling me a racist Zionist, who blindly supports Israel.
Ummmm... the Six Day War was AFTER Israel attacked Egypt as part of the tripartite attack and the subsequent Suez Crisis.

Umm, was I talking about the 6 day war? No I was talking about the brief war of 2006 between Israel and hezbollah. A war that was started by cross border raids carried out by Hezbollah into Israel, when Israel was not occupying Lebanon, and was not in any way attacking Lebanon. Yet some would have us believe hezbollah was Defending Lebanon when they sent raids into Israel, and invited invasion. IMO it is just more proof that Hezbollah could care less about what happens to Lebanon.
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It is what it is today, demographically, overwhelmingly because of displaced Palestinians who lost their homes in the 1948 war who are stateless people, still. Thats the root of the problem, not stuff blowing up.

Yes, and I was only pointing out that those Arabs who live in Israel do so, because believe it or not, they are treated better by Jews than their fellow Arabs, who would just as soon kill them as accept their Christian Faith.
That is a common and repeating problem on this board, and in the world in general. If you dare to speak out to support Israel in anyway, you are said to be condoning everything Israel has ever done. In my case this could not be more untrue, however it will not stop some from calling me a racist Zionist, who blindly supports Israel.

yet you dont flinch in calling someone and antisemite for supporting a single state solution that puts equality above ethnicity....

yet you dont flinch in calling someone and antisemite for supporting a single state solution that puts equality above ethnicity....


No I called you that after reading tons of your responses on the issue not because you support a 1 state solution. you really do seem to be going for a post count record or something. However feel free to keep telling everyone what I think.
No I called you that after reading tons of your responses on the issue not because you support a 1 state solution. you really do seem to be going for a post count record or something. However feel free to keep telling everyone what I think.

and, as iv'e stated numerous times, I've called you a zionist due to your posts as well. Judge not lest ye be judged, sucker.

and, did you ever find a quote where I suggested that I think, or that you do, represent all jews or was that just another trough of posted bullshit that calling you out on proves my hatred of jooooos?
and, as iv'e stated numerous times, I've called you a zionist due to your posts as well. Judge not lest ye be judged, sucker.

and, did you ever find a quote where I suggested that I think, or that you do, represent all jews or was that just another trough of posted bullshit that calling you out on proves my hatred of jooooos?

Once again, I never claimed you said I speak for all the Jews, I said you claimed I think I do, and yes I did post a quote where you in fact said I think all Jews share my beliefs, only now it is like 2 pages up in this thread.

But just for you here it is again. This is not the only time you implied I think all Jews share my opinions, it is just one time.

Originally Posted by Shogun

So, I guess you are stupid enough to assume that EVERY jew on the planet holds your same racist agenda for isreal, eh? hey, I bet calling me an antisemite will remove the irony of that belief!
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Once again, I never claimed you said I speak for all the Jews, I said you claimed I think I do, and yes I did post a quote where you in fact said I think all Jews share my beliefs, only now it is like 2 pages up in this thread.

But just for you here it is again. This is not the only time you implied I think all Jews share my opinions, it is just one time.


you dumb bastard. If you can't interpret that quote then it makes a lot of sense how far you'll go to feel like the victim. Im specifically making fun of you for assuming that your opinion is a universally jewish belief. Read it a few more times before you dig a deeper hole, yo.

So, I guess you are stupid enough to assume that EVERY jew on the planet holds your same racist agenda for isreal, eh? hey, I bet calling me an antisemite will remove the irony of that belief!

English, motherfucker, do you speak it?

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I asked you a question. Do you see the QUESTION mark? Ground control to major tom! Is there anybody IN there? <------ (this is what the fabled question mark looks like. A tad bit more common than the North American Grey Snipe but not by much. )


like I said, dude. you are going to bore me with the martyr complex despite acting the same way you accuse others. If THIS was your ace in the hole it's no wonder you run screaming to the Big Bad A.
I asked you a question. Do you see the QUESTION mark? Ground control to major tom! Is there anybody IN there? <------ (this is what the fabled question mark looks like. A tad bit more common than the North American Grey Snipe but not by much. )


You do realize by asking the same question even after it has been answered, you are implying you do not believe the answer, and there for you were implying you think I think I speak for all Jews right. No biggie though, You can think you somehow won a victory here, I don't care.

Im glad to see you finally admit that. Hell, im even going to pos rep you for for positive reinforcment.

ROFLMAO I love how I state an opinion I have always had, and stated before, and you act like I just came to the realization, or maybe you think you made me see the light or some shit.

I have Never made a single comment to the effect that All Muslims are Evil or Terrorist. Never not once ever. However I do believe most of their leaders are indeed out to destroy Israel and Kill Jews.

I did say that wanting Israelis and Palestinians to live together is peace is IMO hopeless folly. Not because all Jews Hate Palestinians or because all Palestinians hate Jews, but because enough on each side do, to mean that forcing them to all live under one roof so to speak would IMO lead to more violence not less.

And yes I am aware Israeli Leadership has at times been just as bad, however I do not see that as the case today.
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You do realize by asking the same question even after it has been answered, you are implying you do not believe the answer, and there for you were implying you think I think I speak for all Jews right. No biggie though, You can think you somehow won a victory here, I don't care.

no, it implies that Im paying attention to your scheisty responses.

Indeed, im sure you dont care.

now, if you take a pair of sticks and clack them together while holding the paper sack out in the woods....
no, it implies that Im paying attention to your scheisty responses.

Indeed, im sure you dont care.

now, if you take a pair of sticks and clack them together while holding the paper sack out in the woods....

Man your childish BS is not even worth responding to. Grow up.

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