Dead Sea Scrolls exhibits - fake

I think that they already are in a lot of ways. A few years ago, I went to a coworker's wedding celebration. He finally got to marry the person whom he wanted to spend his life with.

It is disgusting how negative heterosexuality has always been. Seriously, such power-tripping horseshit, "I'm better than you" shit. This is NOT love. Love, support, and praise your partner. Have your partner's back at all times, and rock your baby all night long! (Funny, the Blues Brothers' version of Gimme Some Lovin' just came up on the IPOD). I'm being dramatic, but how do we get heterosexuals to be solid and loyal partners?

I think the big difference is that our homosexual friends used to be willing to acknowledge the fact that they were engaged in an alternative lifestyle, and as one of the crooners of my generation used to sing were "taking a walk on the wild side" In the 70's, the homos, pimps, hoes, johns, voyeurs ,etc., loitered in downtown areas, meeting up with others of similar tastes to engage in alternative life styles.

Homos and pimps and that accepted the idea that most people just didn't accept their lifestyle, although some did and those who wanted to do it, knew where to go.

The new paradigm is that She-Males expect not just to be tolerated, but affirmed and approved of, even by those who have religious objections to perversity. The first time I went into a bar to drink I was just 17. Some Drag Queen walked into the joint, the barkeep immediately through him out, it wasn't that kind of joint.

What you seem to mean by LGBTs being "willing to acknowledge the fact that they were engaged in an alternative lifestyle" is that they should have continued to accept being kicked around, beaten up, and denied basic rights without complaint. These people have been stalked and attacked while just minding their own business. I had a gay friend who was beaten up.

I don't know what you mean by "affirmed and approved of." Just go about your own business. This is what we all have to do, regardless of what we think of another person. The whole world does not wait on your approval or mine. Moreover, the only people who care about someone's religious beliefs are those who hold them. I really don't care about someone else's beliefs. Why should anyone?

BTW: thanks for reminding me. I just pulled out my Lou Reed.

I'm all for treating people with respect. What I don't agree with is putting homos and hoes and pimps up on a pedestal as role models, particularly for the youths.

And that's what you are doing when you elevate folks openly engaged in the lifestyle to become school teachers or pastors or political leaders. Believe me, any cop can tell you about prominent people that have been seen getting involved in the alternative lifestyle that everyone thought were normative.

This makes no sense. LGBTs have a sexual orientation, no matter what their profession, just as heterosexuals do. What matters in being a role model is how good a job they do. "Hoes and pimps" have a profession, and the sex trade does not lead to a position as a teacher, a religious leader, or a political leader.

Actually, sometimes it does. Gov. Elliott Spitzer of New York was closeted as a "john" yet was a political leader. Ditto for the distinguished theologian Jimmy Swaggert. Oh. And how about Bill Clinton who actually fathered a child with a Little Rock Hoe.
I think that they already are in a lot of ways. A few years ago, I went to a coworker's wedding celebration. He finally got to marry the person whom he wanted to spend his life with.

It is disgusting how negative heterosexuality has always been. Seriously, such power-tripping horseshit, "I'm better than you" shit. This is NOT love. Love, support, and praise your partner. Have your partner's back at all times, and rock your baby all night long! (Funny, the Blues Brothers' version of Gimme Some Lovin' just came up on the IPOD). I'm being dramatic, but how do we get heterosexuals to be solid and loyal partners?

I think the big difference is that our homosexual friends used to be willing to acknowledge the fact that they were engaged in an alternative lifestyle, and as one of the crooners of my generation used to sing were "taking a walk on the wild side" In the 70's, the homos, pimps, hoes, johns, voyeurs ,etc., loitered in downtown areas, meeting up with others of similar tastes to engage in alternative life styles.

Homos and pimps and that accepted the idea that most people just didn't accept their lifestyle, although some did and those who wanted to do it, knew where to go.

The new paradigm is that She-Males expect not just to be tolerated, but affirmed and approved of, even by those who have religious objections to perversity. The first time I went into a bar to drink I was just 17. Some Drag Queen walked into the joint, the barkeep immediately through him out, it wasn't that kind of joint.
Soon you and your weird and dated world vision will be obsolete and the world will be better for it.
The Doctor who has been treating me these last few months will be amused to see himself classed with "hoes,pimps and johns". Its beyond parody.

Why do you have so much intolerance for Hoes and Pimps and Johns? Does the Homosexual community as a whole really think that they are better than these other folks, who are just doing what you all are doing- pursuing an alternative vision of sexuality?

BTW, at least one of the Democrat candidates during this past election cycle sought to normalize and legalize "sex workers"- the euphemism for these folks.
You seem to be saying that all gay people are engaged in prostitution. That is the same as saying that all heterosexuals are involved in prostitution. It is an incredibly silly assertion.

I'm saying nothing of the sort.

Not all homos are involved in prostitution, and not all hoes and pimps are involved in homosexualty. Although I would guess there are some in both groups.

But traditionally, the groups got along, but now the way you are talking, the homos think they are "better" or "more righteous" than their Pimp and John brother or Hoe sisters. Its one thing for homos and others to attack Straight Arrows as prudes or whatever, but what this sounds like is that you are attacking others who are also engaged in alternative sexuality.
Only in your head old fella.
I think that they already are in a lot of ways. A few years ago, I went to a coworker's wedding celebration. He finally got to marry the person whom he wanted to spend his life with.

It is disgusting how negative heterosexuality has always been. Seriously, such power-tripping horseshit, "I'm better than you" shit. This is NOT love. Love, support, and praise your partner. Have your partner's back at all times, and rock your baby all night long! (Funny, the Blues Brothers' version of Gimme Some Lovin' just came up on the IPOD). I'm being dramatic, but how do we get heterosexuals to be solid and loyal partners?

I think the big difference is that our homosexual friends used to be willing to acknowledge the fact that they were engaged in an alternative lifestyle, and as one of the crooners of my generation used to sing were "taking a walk on the wild side" In the 70's, the homos, pimps, hoes, johns, voyeurs ,etc., loitered in downtown areas, meeting up with others of similar tastes to engage in alternative life styles.

Homos and pimps and that accepted the idea that most people just didn't accept their lifestyle, although some did and those who wanted to do it, knew where to go.

The new paradigm is that She-Males expect not just to be tolerated, but affirmed and approved of, even by those who have religious objections to perversity. The first time I went into a bar to drink I was just 17. Some Drag Queen walked into the joint, the barkeep immediately through him out, it wasn't that kind of joint.

What you seem to mean by LGBTs being "willing to acknowledge the fact that they were engaged in an alternative lifestyle" is that they should have continued to accept being kicked around, beaten up, and denied basic rights without complaint. These people have been stalked and attacked while just minding their own business. I had a gay friend who was beaten up.

I don't know what you mean by "affirmed and approved of." Just go about your own business. This is what we all have to do, regardless of what we think of another person. The whole world does not wait on your approval or mine. Moreover, the only people who care about someone's religious beliefs are those who hold them. I really don't care about someone else's beliefs. Why should anyone?

BTW: thanks for reminding me. I just pulled out my Lou Reed.

I'm all for treating people with respect. What I don't agree with is putting homos and hoes and pimps up on a pedestal as role models, particularly for the youths.

And that's what you are doing when you elevate folks openly engaged in the lifestyle to become school teachers or pastors or political leaders. Believe me, any cop can tell you about prominent people that have been seen getting involved in the alternative lifestyle that everyone thought were normative.

This makes no sense. LGBTs have a sexual orientation, no matter what their profession, just as heterosexuals do. What matters in being a role model is how good a job they do. "Hoes and pimps" have a profession, and the sex trade does not lead to a position as a teacher, a religious leader, or a political leader.

Actually, sometimes it does. Gov. Elliott Spitzer of New York was closeted as a "john" yet was a political leader. Ditto for the distinguished theologian Jimmy Swaggert. Oh. And how about Bill Clinton who actually fathered a child with a Little Rock Hoe.

They were already in those positions when they started to play around. The claim that Clinton fathered another child was debunked after a DNA test. Swaggert was the funniest. Actors use something called a tear stick to irritate their eyes when they need to cry and can't muster the tears. I swear that Jimmy carries one in his back pocket.
They were already in those positions when they started to play around. The claim that Clinton fathered another child was debunked after a DNA test. Swaggert was the funniest. Actors use something called a tear stick to irritate their eyes when they need to cry and can't muster the tears. I swear that Jimmy carries one in his back pocket.

That's b.s. Do you really think that Rev. Swaggert just started hanging with hoes and pimps after he became one of the nation's premier theologians? Or that Spitzer wasn't involved long before the people of New York decided to anoint him as governor?

They could have easily been doing it all along.
They were already in those positions when they started to play around. The claim that Clinton fathered another child was debunked after a DNA test. Swaggert was the funniest. Actors use something called a tear stick to irritate their eyes when they need to cry and can't muster the tears. I swear that Jimmy carries one in his back pocket.

That's b.s. Do you really think that Rev. Swaggert just started hanging with hoes and pimps after he became one of the nation's premier theologians? Or that Spitzer wasn't involved long before the people of New York decided to anoint him as governor?

They could have easily been doing it all along.

Maybe. Who knows? Incidentally, the idea that Swagger is a "premier theologian" is a hoot. He's just a guy with a big mouth and a weird religion.
The irony is the Old Testament (the jewish thing worshipping multiple deities and then focusing on the War Deity Yahweh) and the New Testament (the Christian thing - hey White folks the racism of the Jews against you should make you feel good because their hatred of you includes you in Yahweh's plan for you!) are both FRAUDS. As is the RACIST Talmud and other SHIT like the the KORAN. How in the fuck anyone can revere middle east bullshit mythology is a form of mental illness in this day and age.

christianity is middle eastern bullshit.

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