Dealing wh Iran and Cuba is bad . But dealing with NK is good?


Cons crap all over obama for opening up with Cuba and joining 6 other countries with the Iran deal.

But cheers all around now that trump is making out with Kim Jun posterboy of dictators?!?

EXPLAIN? SURE! we didn't "deal" with North Korea, we told them of the consequences. WE DIDN'T GIVE THEM BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN CASH... DID WE!.

Cons crap all over obama for opening up with Cuba and joining 6 other countries with the Iran deal.

But cheers all around now that trump is making out with Kim Jun posterboy of dictators?!?
This is what is known as hypocrisy, and it's a core conservative trait.
those 6 OTHER COUNTRIES are whores who will do anything for Money and they MAY be on their way out . It looks like they :afro: have already been shown the door by President Trump Crep !!

Cons crap all over obama for opening up with Cuba and joining 6 other countries with the Iran deal.

But cheers all around now that trump is making out with Kim Jun posterboy of dictators?!?
I think opening up dialogue with Cuba was the only thing Obama did right.
Sanctions only work if you blockade the island or everyone agrees to not do business with them.
And they hurt the citizens more than they hurt the Government.
The ideology is the citizens will raise up and take down their own government to get the sanctions lifted. That has been proven to be faulty.
My theory is you set up with trade with everyone, even the ones who murder their own people. The citizens lives improve and then they start demanding the rights their governments withhold from them. Only those who have the luxury to spend time on non-survival needs, get into the politics of their government. The more luxury of time they have, like college students, the more likely they'll demand better service. When your out in the woods in a log cabin, bamboo hut, etc. spending all your time scrounging up plants, rats, or whatnot to live on while your wife tries to keep your kids alive who is sanctioning whom is rather immaterial.
North Korea, Iran and Cuba are not our friends, but we should deal with them. Obviously we should deal with countries which are not our friends differently from those which are.
personally , All countries or Nations are simply Political Entities with different and sometimes competing interests and agendas . Most all the countries that are emotionally called Friends by many in the USA have been at War with the USA at one time or the other in its short existence T-Horn .
North Korea, Iran and Cuba are not our friends, but we should deal with them. Obviously we should deal with countries which are not our friends differently from those which are.

I agree. But now we are going backward wh Cuba , a third world country off our coast , and getting chummy with NK , the worlds biggest trouble maker .

Cons crap all over obama for opening up with Cuba and joining 6 other countries with the Iran deal.

But cheers all around now that trump is making out with Kim Jun posterboy of dictators?!?

Just because he's meeting him doesn't mean any deals are struck just yet. If he gets a crummy offer like with Iran, Trump will likely tell Dung to go pound a salt bag.

What Trump is looking for is denuclearization of the country and the ability to monitor that effort. If he doesn't get the ability to verify what Dung says he's going to do, then there is no deal..
Trump has no chance of getting as good a deal as Obama negotiated

If you call that a good deal, I have a bridge I want to sell you.
i think that the 'democrat supporting' guy that is rooting for a recession is 'democrat' and 'mrobama' and 'hilary' supporter 'bill maher' . ----------------------- course 'mrobama' and 'hilary' are also rooting for the same recession or destruction of the USA same as many regular democrats on this here board Ray .

Even Limbaugh brought that up today. He said for years they haunted him when he said he hoped DumBama failed. He didn't say he wanted the country to fail like the left is today. He just didn't want to see any success with more government and socialism.

Cons crap all over obama for opening up with Cuba and joining 6 other countries with the Iran deal.

But cheers all around now that trump is making out with Kim Jun posterboy of dictators?!?
You think Russia is going to loan Trump half a billion smackaroos for peace with Iran? :21::21::21::21: They don't even have a border with Iran.

Cons crap all over obama for opening up with Cuba and joining 6 other countries with the Iran deal.

But cheers all around now that trump is making out with Kim Jun posterboy of dictators?!?
You think Russia is going to loan Trump half a billion smackaroos for peace with Iran? :21::21::21::21: They don't even have a border with Iran.

Yeah , I think Russia has an interest in a stableized Mid East .

The only reason cons hated the Iran deal is because obama was part of it .

Cons crap all over obama for opening up with Cuba and joining 6 other countries with the Iran deal.

But cheers all around now that trump is making out with Kim Jun posterboy of dictators?!?
You think Russia is going to loan Trump half a billion smackaroos for peace with Iran? :21::21::21::21: They don't even have a border with Iran.

Yeah , I think Russia has an interest in a stableized Mid East .

The only reason cons hated the Iran deal is because obama was part of it .

Actually it was because DumBama was only helping himself, not the country. What it said is they would delay making nukes until after DumBama was gone and he didn't have to deal with it. It was kicking the can down the road only in writing, and we had no way to know if they were still working on nukes anyhow.

Cons crap all over obama for opening up with Cuba and joining 6 other countries with the Iran deal.

But cheers all around now that trump is making out with Kim Jun posterboy of dictators?!?

Listening to tyroneweaver is good and listening to you is bad

All of you keep avoiding the question !

I've long advocated lifting the Cuba travel ban. As for Iran, we didn't deal with them. We caved.

Cons crap all over obama for opening up with Cuba and joining 6 other countries with the Iran deal.

But cheers all around now that trump is making out with Kim Jun posterboy of dictators?!?

Oh that's easy.

The right wants Iran to get those nukes they want and they want the US to be Communist. After all, they did vote to put four Commies in Mar A Lago North.

Cuba doesn't really count unless you smoke cigars but trump got in some early experience sucking up to Communist dictators there.

Added points for shitting on democracy and torturing children.

All in all, a good week for vicious, hypocritical, RWNJ fundie christians.

Cons crap all over obama for opening up with Cuba and joining 6 other countries with the Iran deal.

But cheers all around now that trump is making out with Kim Jun posterboy of dictators?!?

Listening to tyroneweaver is good and listening to you is bad

All of you keep avoiding the question !

I've long advocated lifting the Cuba travel ban. As for Iran, we didn't deal with them. We caved.


We were bought and paid for. We know that Netanyahu paid $1MILLION bribe to Tom Cotton to push other traitorous Re;pubs to sabotage the peace process. How much did the others get?

And why oh why don't RWNJs wonder what Netanyahu gained from that?

International wheeling and dealing is incredibly incestuous. The one thing I credit Putin's Puppy for knowing is that. Cotton and the others who acted to give Iran nukes are kicking themselves for not holding out for more. After all, Jared got $30Mil.

Cons crap all over obama for opening up with Cuba and joining 6 other countries with the Iran deal.

But cheers all around now that trump is making out with Kim Jun posterboy of dictators?!?

Listening to tyroneweaver is good and listening to you is bad

All of you keep avoiding the question !

I've long advocated lifting the Cuba travel ban. As for Iran, we didn't deal with them. We caved.

Caved on what ? 6 countries were in this, not just the US.

Cons crap all over obama for opening up with Cuba and joining 6 other countries with the Iran deal.

But cheers all around now that trump is making out with Kim Jun posterboy of dictators?!?
You think Russia is going to loan Trump half a billion smackaroos for peace with Iran? :21::21::21::21: They don't even have a border with Iran.

Yeah , I think Russia has an interest in a stableized Mid East .

The only reason cons hated the Iran deal is because obama was part of it .
Ya and you hated Romney cuz he said Russia was the geo political bully in the Mid East
Nothing more hypocritical than your post
But I consider the source

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