Dealing with the Mexican drug cartels.


Gold Member
Sep 19, 2018
The cartels are murdering many thousands of American citizens with Fentanyl laced drugs. Mexico won't do anything, their government is owned by the cartels.
Our military drones are currently able to fly long distances and hit targets with pinpoint accuracy with Hellfire missles. Like the cartel's production facilities and even the cartel boss's residences.
Boom. C'ya.
Without risking American troops. Some innocents may die. Collateral damage. It would seriously eff up the cartels business, though.

Should we do it?

What do you think?
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The cartels are murdering many thousands of American citizens with Fentanyl laced drugs. Mexico won't do anything, their government is owned by the cartels.
Our military drones are currently able to fly long distances and hit targets with pinpoint accuracy with Hellfire missles. Like the cartel's production facilities and even the cartel boss's residences.
Boom. C'ya.
Without risking American troops. Some innocents may die. Collateral damage. It would seriously eff up the cartels business, though.

Should we do it?

What do you think?
Why does the USA always project it's own internal issues and problems onto other countries?? - right down to making war onto them or using covert military means??
The Cartels are not forcing any American to take drugs. Get your own laws and it's enforcement into place.

To define the mission parameters and to overview/control such a "mission" also seems to be impossible.

See e.g. the Philippines - despite the Philippine government and it's military being trained and equipped by the USA and even allowing for US troops to operate within the Philippines - the US Superpower hasn't managed to eradicate piracy, hostage and and terrorist organizations operating in the Philippines since 1945. !!
The cartels are murdering many thousands of American citizens with Fentanyl laced drugs. Mexico won't do anything, their government is owned by the cartels.
Our military drones are currently able to fly long distances and hit targets with pinpoint accuracy with Hellfire missles. Like the cartel's production facilities and even the cartel boss's residences.
Boom. C'ya.
Without risking American troops. Some innocents may die. Collateral damage. It would seriously eff up the cartels business, though.

Should we do it?

What do you think?
Nope. You are talking about military attacks on Mexico, across the Mexican border. NO-GO.
I have heard MAGA types, making this kind of argument.
I guess they want to Make America Great At doing drugs safely again. Sorry. Not the way it works. It never was safe, nor regulated to be safe. Doing dope has always been a risky pass time, and often a self-destructive one. I do not see this Fentanyl thing as any different. Safest and most assured way to not become a Fentanyl statistic is not to starting a war with Mexico, but not doing the drug in this country. People live and die by the quality of the choices they make. If you make shitty drug choices, it will bite you in the ass, or kill you outright, but it is your fault. So, we should do what we legally can to cut down the amount coming into the country. We should prosecute importers, wholesalers, pushers, dealers to the fullest extent, ensuring very long sentences with little hope of parole, as where you find drug sales, other crimes are also being committed connected to the crime, many violent or even deadly.
The cartels are murdering many thousands of American citizens with Fentanyl laced drugs. Mexico won't do anything, their government is owned by the cartels.
Our military drones are currently able to fly long distances and hit targets with pinpoint accuracy with Hellfire missles. Like the cartel's production facilities and even the cartel boss's residences.
Boom. C'ya.
Without risking American troops. Some innocents may die. Collateral damage. It would seriously eff up the cartels business, though.

Should we do it?

What do you think?

No Americans need to put their lives on the line, just an army of armed drones would do the job.

Instead, the US government uses its drones to watch law abiding citizens instead and any foreigners they don't like they kill.

You also assume that the US government is not bought off by the cartels just like the Mexican government is.

The solution to dealing with drug cartels is not hard at all, but overcoming corruption within government is.

And if Mexico does not like it, they can pound sand as we send their citizens back to them.
Nope. You are talking about military attacks on Mexico, across the Mexican border. NO-GO.
I have heard MAGA types, making this kind of argument.
I guess they want to Make America Great At doing drugs safely again. Sorry. Not the way it works. It never was safe, nor regulated to be safe. Doing dope has always been a risky pass time, and often a self-destructive one. I do not see this Fentanyl thing as any different. Safest and most assured way to not become a Fentanyl statistic is not to starting a war with Mexico, but not doing the drug in this country. People live and die by the quality of the choices they make. If you make shitty drug choices, it will bite you in the ass, or kill you outright, but it is your fault. So, we should do what we legally can to cut down the amount coming into the country. We should prosecute importers, wholesalers, pushers, dealers to the fullest extent, ensuring very long sentences with little hope of parole, as where you find drug sales, other crimes are also being committed connected to the crime, many violent or even deadly.
Americans are dying at a rate of about 200 a day from what is coming across the border. This is the same number of Americans that died in Vietnam, and this is every year.

The drug cartels and those that enable them are at war with American citizens. The only question becomes, does that include the American government?

If you are really concerned about America crossing borders and killing people, why are you Ok with Obama and Biden doing it with drones in other countries?
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The cartels are murdering many thousands of American citizens with Fentanyl laced drugs. Mexico won't do anything, their government is owned by the cartels.
Our military drones are currently able to fly long distances and hit targets with pinpoint accuracy with Hellfire missles. Like the cartel's production facilities and even the cartel boss's residences.
Boom. C'ya.
Without risking American troops. Some innocents may die. Collateral damage. It would seriously eff up the cartels business, though.

Should we do it?

What do you think?

A Marshall Plan for Mexico. The richer the country is, the more resources they have, the less people need to deal in drugs etc etc.

Potentially even legalize drugs in some form. Have drug places where people go, they do drugs and they're under the watch of people so they can do the drugs more safely.
Liberals are some silly clowns. They'll whine day and night how terrible it would be to bomb Mexican drug cartels, who are killing thousands of our citizens. At the same time they gleefully cheerlead the march to nuclear Armageddon with Russia because Putin hurt their feelings, even though he isn't killing our citizens. Just whose side are they on? Certainly not America's.
The Biden Administration and 98% of Congress are making money by allowing the cartels to continue their drug, sex and child trafficking.

This probably includes all the Southern Governors, and many Sheriffs and Border Patrol Agents as well

The Cartels worked hard to get Hobbs “elected” in AZ
The Biden Administration and 98% of Congress are making money by allowing the cartels to continue their drug, sex and child trafficking.

This probably includes all the Southern Governors, and many Sheriffs and Border Patrol Agents as well

The Cartels worked hard to get Hobbs “elected” in AZ
Its the best government money can buy, and these days, only the cartels have money
Liberals are some silly clowns. They'll whine day and night how terrible it would be to bomb Mexican drug cartels, who are killing thousands of our citizens. At the same time they gleefully cheerlead the march to nuclear Armageddon with Russia because Putin hurt their feelings, even though he isn't killing our citizens. Just whose side are they on? Certainly not America's.

It seems our citizens are killing themselves. Easy way to avoid being killed by the cartel not use illegal drugs.
Why does the USA always project it's own internal issues and problems onto other countries??
Because we can and we should. Boo-motherfucking-hoo for the psycho cartels that you seem to instinctually defend. What the fuck is wrong with you? :cuckoo:
It seems our citizens are killing themselves. Easy way to avoid being killed by the cartel not use illegal drugs.
Certainly the drug abusers are mostly at fault. Although, it is the cartels that are determining the toxicity of the doses. That depraved indifference needs to be addressed.
The cartels are murdering many thousands of American citizens with Fentanyl laced drugs. Mexico won't do anything, their government is owned by the cartels.
Our military drones are currently able to fly long distances and hit targets with pinpoint accuracy with Hellfire missles. Like the cartel's production facilities and even the cartel boss's residences.
Boom. C'ya.
Without risking American troops. Some innocents may die. Collateral damage. It would seriously eff up the cartels business, though.

Should we do it?

What do you think?
We need to secure our border, even if it means excursions and operations into Mexican territory. Coyotes, cartel members, etc., need to be neutralized.

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