Dear Babyboomers and Generation X

Dec 30, 2012
Your college graduate can't find a job and is still living in your basement? Not giving you grandchildren fast enough (because having kids while unemployed is just pure genius); or perhaps your college educated daughter has gone into the adult industry because she is not welcome elsewhere employment wise; and you don't like it? Because its sinful, immoral, or trashy?

With all due respect, generation Y are not the ones who took out loans and mortgages we could not afford and thus destroying the economy. You had the luxury of graduating under more normal circumstances and when you got laid off you could simply move down to the entry level jobs that were once meant for college graduates, and now there are none left for us. We are suffering for YOUR mistakes. You have alot of nerve judging us for doing what we have to do to survive. Yes I work in the adult industry, I have a Master's degree; I had good grades worked during college and had many internships. The only full time job I could find on the straight n' narrow path is overnight awake and pays $12, who is supposed to survive on that?! Not to mention I've got student loans to pay. I continue to search everyday for a job; but in the mean time escorting is the only way I can pay my student loans and make ends meet; and how DARE you judge me for doing what I have to do to survive while I'm paying the price for YOUR FINANCIAL SCREWUPS! "It's immoral, its sinful" STFU! Morality won't pay my student loans anymore thanks to you.

I did everything right, went to school, stayed out of trouble, didn't do drugs, and got a masters degree. I did everything your generation told me to and now look where I am. You know what? I'm no longer going to listen to the same people who screwed my generation over; I'm going to go the non traditional route because its how I pay my student debt, eat, and make a living.

And for the love of god stop complaining that our generation is waiting too long to get married and have kids, ITS BECAUSE WE CAN'T FIND JOBS!!!!!!! Again, thanks to your generation. Not getting grandkids fast enough? Shouldn't have out that mortgage that you had no business taking out. You can all sit in your moral high horses during your cozy 9-5 jobs that are no longer available to my generation and stuff it!

You were very fortunate to graduate in the times that you did. In the mean time, either do something to clean up the mess you made or STFU!


Pissed off Generation Y
Just out of curiosity, for which disciplines are your undergrad and graduate degrees?
I'd like to smash you but you have a point. Your generation is getting a raw deal and has to put your life on hold

All I can advise is be patient and be persistent. It only takes one job to put yourself into the fast track

Good Luck
I have a masters degree in social work, mind you I wasn't expecting to get rich off of that but I was expecting to be able to support myself in a modest apartment, have food to eat, and be able to pay my utilities and my school debt, but even thats too much to ask for in this economy.

In social work all jobs want you to be licensed (which is 3000 hrs post masters experience and 100 under the supervision of an lcsw) but no one wants to provide this for people who are unlicensed.
How much in loans do you have - and did you ever do a cost benefit analysis based on your expected income and the amount of your loans?

Just curious.
I have a masters degree in social work, mind you I wasn't expecting to get rich off of that but I was expecting to be able to support myself in a modest apartment, have food to eat, and be able to pay my utilities and my school debt, but even thats too much to ask for in this economy.

In social work all jobs want you to be licensed (which is 3000 hrs post masters experience and 100 under the supervision of an lcsw) but no one wants to provide this for people who are unlicensed.

In terms of employability, Social Work is the kiss of death. You pay $120,000 for a degree that pays you $30,000 a year

Take some business courses and make yourself more employable
I have a masters degree in social work, mind you I wasn't expecting to get rich off of that but I was expecting to be able to support myself in a modest apartment, have food to eat, and be able to pay my utilities and my school debt, but even thats too much to ask for in this economy.

In social work all jobs want you to be licensed (which is 3000 hrs post masters experience and 100 under the supervision of an lcsw) but no one wants to provide this for people who are unlicensed.

In terms of employability, Social Work is the kiss of death. You pay $120,000 for a degree that pays you $30,000 a year

Take some business courses and make yourself more employable

No offense but I think thats a total copout answer, if people with MBA'S can't find work then how would I by taking a few business courses? I'm even hearing that nurses are having a hard time finding work.

As for 30k a year thats for bachelors of social work, masters in social work (once upon a time) make 40-60k a year on average, and from what I was told back then it was a lucrative field, big fat lie.

And FYI I payed 40k or the degree (got some grants)

I'm not surprised that your generation doesn't understand just how bad it is for us, let me spell it out for you: The overnight job that I work (the $12 per hr one) is at a group home for developmentally disabled adults, its a part of a local agency. I applied to one group home before this one (I have a masters, I have an autistic sister, and worked with disabled adults and children for many years during high school and college) yet I got rejected from the first house b/c there were so many people applying (10 total), though I got into the second one because I was only up against 2.

I'm not trying to be unkind I'm trying to educate you on how bad it really is for us.
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As for 30k a year thats for bachelors of social work, masters in social work (once upon a time) make 40-60k a year on average, and from what I was told back then it was a lucrative field, big fat lie.

And FYI I payed 40k or the degree (got some grants)

I feel bad for you - you were sold a bill of goods, just like millions of your generation. If I were you, I'd go to a trade school in order to have a marketable skillset.

My advice to anyone who cannot afford to go to an elite university with full freight paid for by scholarships or parents is: work your way through a local school, and major in a practical degree or trade.

I had enough scholarship money to pay for my first year at Cal. For my second year, I met with a financial aid counselor to see for which financial aid programs I would qualify. After reviewing my parents' tax returns, I was informed that my folks made $1,000 too much for me to qualify, and also had saved too much money. The counselor's advice: my parents should use their life savings (which weren't that much) to pay for my education so that my four younger siblings could receive financial aid in the future.

I stood up, told the counselor to go to hell, and found a job. It took me an extra year to complete my degree and I had no debt to pay off when I graduated.

It's more expensive now - but imo, it's better to take longer to get one's degree than to face a lifetime of massive debt.
I have a masters degree in social work, mind you I wasn't expecting to get rich off of that but I was expecting to be able to support myself in a modest apartment, have food to eat, and be able to pay my utilities and my school debt, but even thats too much to ask for in this economy.

In social work all jobs want you to be licensed (which is 3000 hrs post masters experience and 100 under the supervision of an lcsw) but no one wants to provide this for people who are unlicensed.

In terms of employability, Social Work is the kiss of death. You pay $120,000 for a degree that pays you $30,000 a year

Take some business courses and make yourself more employable

No offense but I think thats a total copout answer, if people with MBA'S can't find work then how would I by taking a few business courses? I'm even hearing that nurses are having a hard time finding work.

As for 30k a year thats for bachelors of social work, masters in social work (once upon a time) make 40-60k a year on average, and from what I was told back then it was a lucrative field, big fat lie.

And FYI I payed 40k or the degree (got some grants)

I'm not surprised that your generation doesn't understand just how bad it is for us, let me spell it out for you: The overnight job that I work (the $12 per hr one) is at a group home for developmentally disabled adults, its a part of a local agency. I applied to one group home before this one (I have a masters, I have an autistic sister, and worked with disabled adults and children for many years during high school and college) yet I got rejected from the first house b/c there were so many people applying (10 total), though I got into the second one because I was only up against 2.

I'm not trying to be unkind I'm trying to educate you on how bad it really is for us.

I have two kids in the same boat as you. Neither is fully employed

Get a degree in social work, better find a government job. Otherwise, you end up working for a church for pennies. Business courses make you more employable.

You were sold a bill of goods and it hasn't worked out. Doubling down on a bad career choice won't help matters. Most college grads end up in a different career field. You have to change, don't expect the world to change
So we oldsters get laid off because our jobs offshore so we take a much lower paying job to exist and it is our fault?
Kinda hard for someone over 50 to find a job you know. And one with insurance coverage?
We oldsters kinda need the healthcare.

We took your job? Waah!
blame it on the mexicans or Blacks that hs long been the American way.

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Your college graduate can't find a job and is still living in your basement? Not giving you grandchildren fast enough (because having kids while unemployed is just pure genius); or perhaps your college educated daughter has gone into the adult industry because she is not welcome elsewhere employment wise; and you don't like it? Because its sinful, immoral, or trashy?

With all due respect, generation Y are not the ones who took out loans and mortgages we could not afford and thus destroying the economy. You had the luxury of graduating under more normal circumstances and when you got laid off you could simply move down to the entry level jobs that were once meant for college graduates, and now there are none left for us. We are suffering for YOUR mistakes. You have alot of nerve judging us for doing what we have to do to survive. Yes I work in the adult industry, I have a Master's degree; I had good grades worked during college and had many internships. The only full time job I could find on the straight n' narrow path is overnight awake and pays $12, who is supposed to survive on that?! Not to mention I've got student loans to pay. I continue to search everyday for a job; but in the mean time escorting is the only way I can pay my student loans and make ends meet; and how DARE you judge me for doing what I have to do to survive while I'm paying the price for YOUR FINANCIAL SCREWUPS! "It's immoral, its sinful" STFU! Morality won't pay my student loans anymore thanks to you.

I did everything right, went to school, stayed out of trouble, didn't do drugs, and got a masters degree. I did everything your generation told me to and now look where I am. You know what? I'm no longer going to listen to the same people who screwed my generation over; I'm going to go the non traditional route because its how I pay my student debt, eat, and make a living.

And for the love of god stop complaining that our generation is waiting too long to get married and have kids, ITS BECAUSE WE CAN'T FIND JOBS!!!!!!! Again, thanks to your generation. Not getting grandkids fast enough? Shouldn't have out that mortgage that you had no business taking out. You can all sit in your moral high horses during your cozy 9-5 jobs that are no longer available to my generation and stuff it!

You were very fortunate to graduate in the times that you did. In the mean time, either do something to clean up the mess you made or STFU!


Pissed off Generation Y

How much is a blowjob?

Seriously though, I'm pretty sure my mortgage (that is paid as per the agreement of the loan) has nothing to do with inability to find a job.

Oh wait, I'm sitting on a moral high horse, I don't pay for sex.
Life suks in this awful Obama economy.
But he was voted in for a second term so ....

Ha Ha Ha ........ :razz:
Did you do any internships? Have you looked in other states, or overseas? Have you looked in fields your degree isn't in? I have a friend who works for a drug company, she has an art degree, all they cared about was the BA not what field it was in.
Also, you're OP is awfully whiny. Seriously, it's not everyone else's fault your having issues.
Universities are just legal ways the academic elite can rob you and feel better then you....
Universities are just legal ways the academic elite can rob you and feel better then you....

And they have colluded with the federal government so that once a graduate realizes his degree is worthless when he can't find a job, he is unable to get rid of his massive student debt burden via bankruptcy.
If you could get rid of student loans via bankruptcy, a huge amount of people would use it to escape their promise to pay.
If you could get rid of student loans via bankruptcy, a huge amount of people would use it to escape their promise to pay.

In order to do so, they'd have to prove they don't have the income to service the loan - and perhaps Big Education would no longer be able to commit legal fraud.

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