Dear cisgender people, I'm not transgender because it's popular

I always get this image of Steve picking up a really tall woman at a bar and finding a little something extra during a grope...

Steve, we are totally convinced you have a case of the 'not-gays", you don't need to keep proving it to us.
Society handles this ALL wrong. The PC bullshit has gone on so far, that we have HIGH RANKING MILITARY OFFICIALS that are mentally ill.
I mean, FOR REAL?
I always get this image of Steve picking up a really tall woman at a bar and finding a little something extra during a grope...

Steve, we are totally convinced you have a case of the 'not-gays", you don't need to keep proving it to us.

I always get this image that the tall woman is you.
I love that Steve has to find articles from New Zealand so he can whine about trannies. :lol:

Tha fuck is a "cisgender"? Fucking liberals making up new words to sound smart.

You're either a male or female. Period. You either have a dick and balls or you dont.

You might have a mental illness and identify as the other. That's fine. You shouldn't be harmed or disrespected for it. But it is what it is.
So much for the I was born that way argument bullshit you guys claim.

It's funny that the LGBpbWTF bunch use the “I was born that way” in defense of homosexuality, but then they have to go against it to support “transgenderism”. But then, I guess that's inherent in the nature of such pure madness and evil, that consistency is not something that can be expected of those who embrace it. It certainly reminds one of Orwell's concept of “doublethink”, doesn't it?
I hope not because normal people really aren't looking for yet another lecture on the horrors of transgenderation.

I think, by now, most normal people are simply fed up with having this insane and perverted solid digestive waste shoved at us, and being told that we have to embrace it or else be condemned as “bigots”.
So much for the I was born that way argument bullshit you guys claim.

It's funny that the LGBpbWTF bunch use the “I was born that way” in defense of homosexuality, but then they have to go against it to support “transgenderism”. But then, I guess that's inherent in the nature of such pure madness and evil, that consistency is not something that can be expected of those who embrace it. It certainly reminds one of Orwell's concept of “doublethink”, doesn't it?

Their arguments for many things center around science and more science until something they support goes against science. Biology, a science, says XX and XY chromosomes mean certain things. When how a person feels goes against that science, suddenly science no longer matters.

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