Dear Dems


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Who would it pain you least to vote for, should worse come to worse next year.

It's Romney for me.
I wish we had a conservative Dem to vote for.
It's painful for me no matter which one of the two. Whether it be Romney or Perry.
But it is still better than Obama.
Obama's policies are going to bankrupt us if he gets 4 more years.
Not shocking, Considering some of the things he has said, and supported in the past. Look an awful lot like Democrat Polices.

that said, I believe hands down, he has the best chance of beating Obama, Therefore I will support him. He has Business sense, and at least talks the fiscal Responsible talk I want to hear. When your main goal is to remove the Left wing Ideologue that is in the WH, IMO one should be happy to vote for a Moderate Republican. Even with the Flaws he is bound to be a shit load more Fiscally Conservative, and Savvy about the Economy that Obama is.

Now, I can not relate to how a Democrat who is fed up with Obama, Could make themselves Vote for Romney. He may have a few things in common with Obama, but other than that he is, as all the Republicans are, a 180 Degrees change from Obama.

We need more, Viable, Competitive Parties. It's that simple. How can we even call it a democracy when were forced to choose between 2 parties, and when we do not like either, have to choose the lesser of 2 Evils. More Choice is what we need.

That is why I will never understand the people that say, The Republican Party, or the Dems for that matter. Need to run more to the Center to attract a big Tent of supporters. It is exactly that, that leads us to where were at. Where you have only 2 choices, and neither one of them is really what you want.
I wish we had a conservative Dem to vote for.
It's painful for me no matter which one of the two. Whether it be Romney or Perry.
But it is still better than Obama.
Obama's policies are going to bankrupt us if he gets 4 more years.

My god I could not agree more. I think, with how shitty the GOP's Numbers are. That if the Dems went with a Fiscally conservative Mainstream Democrat instead of Obama. They would win in a land slide.

Many Many Many Americans like the Idea of Fiscal Conservatism, and even keeping the Fed governments power in check, But a far far far smaller number of them would even consider Voting for a Republican in order to get one.
Well, I think we will have a better chance at third parties after the next 4 more years.
Independents are becoming stronger and I think from them is where 3 parties are going to become viable and recognized.

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