Dear Hugo,


Active Member
Sep 1, 2005
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your enlightening words about our president today and to let you know what an asshole you are.

You have never seen the devil sir like you will see if you keep up this disrespectful means of propaganda that you have indulged in.

The sulphur smell that you thought you caught a whiff of was merely the smell of your rhetoric spewing from your nasty mouth as you stood on our podium allowed to say anything constructive you choose but instead chose to insult your host. What a bastard!

Your ploy to mobilize all the small shit nations of our world who may think you are something because you give them discounts on your oil you were lucky enough to be born on top of, is a feeble attempt sir at diplomacy. Let me say again, you are an asshole, just an asshole, plain and simple.

Frankly you could not be hired at the average American company. Your skills are that of a con man and you are a terrible dresser. Where did you get that tie?

In closing, FUCK OFF!
Outrageous, isn't it?

I haven't read any of the reaction yet. I wonder how many liberals will be outraged by it.

My guess? None. Sad.
Outrageous, isn't it?

I haven't read any of the reaction yet. I wonder how many liberals will be outraged by it.

My guess? None. Sad.

Well, they were laughing that Bush got "pwned" at this one liberal psychotic board I was on, but most Americans are far more in touch with reality than they are, elsewhere, I've seen only outrage.

Here's a video of Chavez at the UN:

Yes, it's as bad as it sounds. His fellow dictator friend from Iran was restrained with comparison to Chavez. Most of the UN applauded this tirade, Bolton referrred to it as "the comic book approach to American foreign policy".

Cliche time : Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US. Chavez, at least, please.
Well, they were laughing that Bush got "pwned" at this one liberal psychotic board I was on, but most Americans are far more in touch with reality than they are, elsewhere, I've seen only outrage.

Here's a video of Chavez at the UN:

Yes, it's as bad as it sounds. His fellow dictator friend from Iran was restrained with comparison to Chavez. Most of the UN applauded this tirade, Bolton referrred to it as "the comic book approach to American foreign policy".

Cliche time : Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US. Chavez, at least, please.

A. BORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRING..... I've heard better speeches given at bowling banquets.

B. Did you get a load of that audience? Yeah, that's what I mean ... what audience? And half of them look like they're either falling asleep or thinking of ducking out to the bathroom.

C. Should we be surprised that he uses Noam Chomsky's book for his rant? I'm sure Noam is beaming and high fiving his leftist buddies. He'll be autographing his book at some Upper East Side bookstore sometime soon and probably get invited to more Hollywood parties now. I'm sure it will become required reading in every Political Science, Women's Studies and Afro-American Studies class around the nation.

D. Hey, did anyone pick up that Bush is the Devil? He was pretty subtle about that point.

Is it me, or does Hugo Chavez look like a beady eyed chimp in a cheap suit?

Here's another video, where he compares Bush to a donkey, a drunk, a coward... then he gets creative and calls him "Mr Danger"... then he insults Bush some more... I'm surprised he didn't get around to calling Bush a "poo poo head"

I swear, this guy needs a needs a new speech writer, his speeches amount to nothing more than insulting Bush.

Maybe someone ought to shoot him, it may be the only way to get the guy to shut up and stop boring the rest of us.
A. BORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRING..... I've heard better speeches given at bowling banquets.

B. Did you get a load of that audience? Yeah, that's what I mean ... what audience? And half of them look like they're either falling asleep or thinking of ducking out to the bathroom.

C. Should we be surprised that he uses Noam Chomsky's book for his rant? I'm sure Noam is beaming and high fiving his leftist buddies. He'll be autographing his book at some Upper East Side bookstore sometime soon and probably get invited to more Hollywood parties now. I'm sure it will become required reading in every Political Science, Women's Studies and Afro-American Studies class around the nation.

D. Hey, did anyone pick up that Bush is the Devil? He was pretty subtle about that point.

Is it me, or does Hugo Chavez look like a beady eyed chimp in a cheap suit?

Here's another video, where he compares Bush to a donkey, a drunk, a coward... then he gets creative and calls him "Mr Danger"... then he insults Bush some more... I'm surprised he didn't get around to calling Bush a "poo poo head"

I swear, this guy needs a needs a new speech writer, his speeches amount to nothing more than insulting Bush.

Maybe someone ought to shoot him, it may be the only way to get the guy to shut up and stop boring the rest of us.

Well, if Chavez keeps it up, he just might become the head of the DNC. He sure acts and talks like them!
Well, if Chavez keeps it up, he just might become the head of the DNC. He sure acts and talks like them!

If he keeps it up, he'll be this season's next hurricane! That man is the biggest bag of wind since the Hindenburg.
If he keeps it up, he'll be this season's next hurricane! That man is the biggest bag of wind since the Hindenburg.

Not possible. Everyone knows that the current administration controls hurricanes and directs them at black populations. The current administration has NO control of Chavez (yet).
Not possible. Everyone knows that the current administration controls hurricanes and directs them at black populations. The current administration has NO control of Chavez (yet).
I look forward to the day when the EPA places dictators like Chavez, Kim Jong Il and Castro on their endangered species list... until then, we'll have to make do.
Not possible. Everyone knows that the current administration controls hurricanes and directs them at black populations. The current administration has NO control of Chavez (yet).

The scary part is that the same members of the Tin Foil Hat Brigade who think Bush planned 9/11 probably DO think he can control the weather.

He IS the Anti-Christ, you know. :clap1:

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