Dear LEFT Please TELL us (again) how bad was European-"US" imperialism in 19c. Putin's ally - Eritrea: 2nd country in the world in terms of prevalence


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Dear LEFT Please TELL us (again) how bad was European-"US" imperialism in 19c. Putin's ally - Eritrea: 2nd country in the world in terms of prevalence of modern forms of slavery. Only 8% of the population has access to the Internet; No elections since 1991; Ranked 174th (out of 191) in the UN Human Development Index;174th (out of 180) in press freedom;
putin´s imperial ideologist DUGIN :


Unlike many African liberation movements in the 20th century, such as the African National Congress which fought apartheid in South Africa, the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF) was not supported by the Soviet Union. But Issaias Afewerki, the EPLF’s former leader and Eritrea’s dictator since independence, sees himself as part of an axis of anti-Western powers led by Russia. The EPLF always considered the Soviet Union as a strategic ally against imperialism, and saw America as its number one enemy.


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Unlike many African liberation movements in the 20th century, such as the African National Congress which fought apartheid in South Africa, the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF) was not supported by the Soviet Union. But Issaias Afewerki, the EPLF’s former leader and Eritrea’s dictator since independence, sees himself as part of an axis of anti-Western powers led by Russia. The EPLF always considered the Soviet Union as a strategic ally against imperialism, and saw America as its number one enemy.


President Zelensky visits Ukrainian warship construction site during visit to Turkey​

Dear LEFT Please TELL us (again) how bad was European-"US" imperialism in 19c. Putin's ally - Eritrea: 2nd country in the world in terms of prevalence of modern forms of slavery. Only 8% of the population has access to the Internet; No elections since 1991; Ranked 174th (out of 191) in the UN Human Development Index;174th (out of 180) in press freedom;
putin´s imperial ideologist DUGIN :
View attachment 914051

Nice try.

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