Indiana Boy, 10, kills himself over school bullying

I put my son into BJJ early. I got called into the office when he was in the 5th grade due to their zero tolerance fighting policy. It seems the two school bullies (in his class) that were throwing basketballs into the faces of other kids decided to have a go with him and his best friend who also trains and competes with my son. You'd think the bullies were smart enough to leave the two kids with BJJ hoodies alone? Nope.

Apparently, that zero tolerance fighting policy is just a suggestion as the Principal gave our kids a pass for taking down and demoralizing and embarrassing the two bullies at the same time. I think all kids should learn some self defense and that fighting should not be the auto expel that some try to make it. Bullies need their asses kicked. If a kid is a bully and attacking other kids, that's a different event.
What would you do if I came up to and started calling you names, and made fun of the way you dressed, your hair and teeth? Are you going to just crack me in the face with your lunchbox and fracture my skull?

Whatever happened to sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me?

My kids were bullied in school, but they were taught to respond in kind. When one girl threated to hit my daughter, she took the initiative and laid her out. The assistant principal called to tell me he had to suspend her, and he was not even shocked when I said, "OK, that's fine with me", because he knew I was teacher. The ironic part of this story is two years later, he was the principal at another school and hired me to work for him!
I think it has gone beyond sticks and stones and schools have even less tolerance for retaliation. The result is either suicide or the bullied student plans for an even bigger retaliation down the road.
I think it has gone beyond sticks and stones and schools have even less tolerance for retaliation. The result is either suicide or the bullied student plans for an even bigger retaliation down the road.
Well, that only seems to happen in rare cases. If it didn't this type of story would occur daily instead of every few months. That is sad to say that it occurs at all.
Kids have no recourse, teachers, and administrators don't want to listen, and kids can't fight back. If teachers do listen and reprimand the bully it gets worse for the bullied, let them take care of themselves like it used to be, bring back paddling, also we have tried the social activist way of no tolerance, and I have no tolerance for it. My boys were instructed to leave it alone at school and take care of it after school!
Why cant they fight back?

Its easy for us to talk since it didnt happen to our child

But for the benefit of other parents how about enrolling the boy in a martial arts class?

Tell him its ok to punch a bully in the nose or kick him in the nuts

He may not win the fight, but chances are the bullies will stop picking on him
Why cant they fight back?

Its easy for us to talk since it didnt happen to our child

But for the benefit of other parents how about enrolling the boy in a martial arts class?

Tell him its ok to punch a bully in the nose or kick him in the nuts

He may not win the fight, but chances are the bullies will stop picking on him

Why cant they fight back?

Its easy for us to talk since it didnt happen to our child

But for the benefit of other parents how about enrolling the boy in a martial arts class?

Tell him its ok to punch a bully in the nose or kick him in the nuts

He may not win the fight, but chances are the bullies will stop picking on him
Well for one he would be expelled and it would go on his permanent record, remember I am all for taking care of bullies the way they should be. As I said my sons were instructed to take care of it after school
Btw RIP Sammy as you're hopefully now in a place where you can't be hurt anymore.
Why cant they fight back?

Its easy for us to talk since it didnt happen to our child

But for the benefit of other parents how about enrolling the boy in a martial arts class?

Tell him its ok to punch a bully in the nose or kick him in the nuts

He may not win the fight, but chances are the bullies will stop picking on him
If there aren't ten of them.
Well for one he would be expelled and it would go on his permanent record, remember I am all for taking care of bullies the way they should be. As I said my sons were instructed to take care of it after school
And hope he doesn't get jumped by half a dozen. Or knifed.
You know I've been thinking about this since I watched the video that I posted. I don't think that we know whether or not the "bullies" started the fight that ultimately wound up having the one kid commit suicide or finished it as it does make a humongous difference.

I know, I know... A lot of people will tell me that both parties would be equally guilty then as I know that sometimes I even feel guilty or regret when I bully back. However, you also can't let people walk all over you either.

Now I'm not saying that the kid who committed suicide is guilty of anything himself, I'm just saying that since we don't know the full story that it's difficult to say.
I agree with teaching kids self defense, but that takes time to develop skills, and depends on the child to have the determination to fight back and take the damage….this is on the parents to fight for the kid…..

at this point we don’t know what steps the parents took…or how far along the bullying was…..

Again…if your kid is being bullied…you need to hire a lawyer immediately and put in legal papers against the idiots in charge…….

also…call the police…report it as an assault, and they will have to at least show up………try that angle…..
Most children are not born with character

It has to be instilled in them over time

They learn it from the culture they grow up in

Even the most timid child can be taught to stand up for themselves

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