Indiana Boy, 10, kills himself over school bullying

This is gut wrenching. Much like school shootings, school bullying persists no matter how many deaths continue to rise. Principals, administrators, teachers, aids, staff, bus drivers - all need to be active listeners and report bullying as they see them. Students engaged in bullying as well as their parents need to be held accountable and their needs to be consequences;,for example, school suspension and mandatory sensitivity training plus a fine.

The best solution is school choice. In the current system no one is accountable. If we had school choice students and their parents could opt out of schools with poor discipline and unrestrained bullies.
Schools can deal with bullying. But it takes money to identify and train teachers and have specialists.
Money only goes so far. It also takes a shift in mindset hold bullies accountable. Stop trying to make the bullies victims themselves. If bullies are acting out because of a bad home life, help them out of that situation by engaging a social worker….. but don’t let them off the hook of being accountable.,
Money only goes so far. It also takes a shift in mindset hold bullies accountable. Stop trying to make the bullies victims themselves. If bullies are acting out because of a bad home life, help them out of that situation by engaging a social worker….. but don’t let them off the hook of being accountable.,

The UK is quite good at dealing with bullying. They have teachers who specialize in that kind of thing, and they can make it work. In the US I get the feeling the people in charge just winged a job for themselves and try and justify it, but the problems keep persisting.
Why didn't the kid's parents teach him self defense and to stick up for himself?

Why didn't the bullies' parents whip their asses?

Because they probably supported it. The worst bully I recall from school was CULTIVATED by his father-who was a SWAT cop. He WANTED his son to follow in his footsteps.

Of course, many bullies are themselves abused.

Some are just psychotic, and the only fix is to put them in the ground.

Money only goes so far. It also takes a shift in mindset hold bullies accountable. Stop trying to make the bullies victims themselves. If bullies are acting out because of a bad home life, help them out of that situation by engaging a social worker….. but don’t let them off the hook of being accountable.,

Every child should know how to make and use a garotte by age ten. The second-best way to handle a bully is to put him in the hospital.
If the little victim had been of a certain other race, then President Biden would be on TV making an impassioned speech against bullying, and leading Democrats would have attended his funeral.
If the little victim had been of a certain other race, then President Biden would be on TV making an impassioned speech against bullying, and leading Democrats would have attended his funeral.

And blaming Trump.....and maybe Jews......don't forget that.
Schools can deal with bullying. But it takes money to identify and train teachers and have specialists.

It doesn't take money to simply protect the kid.....they failed even that minimal action...
This is because our country has no morals, values and standards anymore.

Now schools only penalize or punish students when they say something bad about gays, blacks or trannies. They are heavily punished, but everything else is ignored.

Schools don't enforce rules to teach kids how to behave in groups anymore. Paddlings are gone, Christianity is gone, dress codes are gone, students run around with phones all day, violence of students against teachers and other students is fairly common, all the whole schools are pre occupied with propping up trannies and gay pride.

Grades are down, violence is up, and dumb kids are on the rise because schools are gutless cowards.

Bullying to some degree has to happen among kids though because if it doesn't those kids won't be prepared for bullies as adults. Bullies exist throughout all life. Even in your 40s you deal with politically correct bullies, bullies demanding you use their pronouns, bullies at work trying to push work on others, and so on. But it can be diminished if the school is fair but tough on students and teach them about morals and decency.
That is a great story. How can a school do nothing to the bully but can punish the victim when he fights back? This mirrors adulthood when a victim is continuously harmed and/or their life is threatened and the victim gets a gun and protects themselves by shooting the assaulter, then the system takes action by punishing the victim.
What would you do if I came up to and started calling you names, and made fun of the way you dressed, your hair and teeth? Are you going to just crack me in the face with your lunchbox and fracture my skull?

Whatever happened to sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me?

My kids were bullied in school, but they were taught to respond in kind. When one girl threated to hit my daughter, she took the initiative and laid her out. The assistant principal called to tell me he had to suspend her, and he was not even shocked when I said, "OK, that's fine with me", because he knew I was teacher. The ironic part of this story is two years later, he was the principal at another school and hired me to work for him!
I agree with teaching kids self defense, but that takes time to develop skills, and depends on the child to have the determination to fight back and take the damage….this is on the parents to fight for the kid…..

at this point we don’t know what steps the parents took…or how far along the bullying was…..

Again…if your kid is being bullied…you need to hire a lawyer immediately and put in legal papers against the idiots in charge…….

also…call the police…report it as an assault, and they will have to at least show up………try that angle…..
What if the kid never touched them? How do you charge assault for "bad words"?
The best solution is school choice. In the current system no one is accountable. If we had school choice students and their parents could opt out of schools with poor discipline and unrestrained bullies.
School discipline is set by the school district. School choice would do nothing if the child remained in the same district.
Yes, it is disgusting. Kids are cruel.

I've been on both ends, though not systemic per se from one person and whenever I bullied it was usually in a joking verbal manner and never violent when I bullied, though I was the victim of being jumped and other violence (outside of what my dad unleashed). Part of it was being poor and kids knowing you are poor. Other times it was just being raised in an area I never should have been raised in. Sadly you learn to adapt or suffer.

I was fortunate to survive based on either fighting back or using mechanisms to avoid the confrontation. Not all kids can do that, nor should they have to do this. If I were a teacher and saw bullying I definitely would not allow it and that kid and their parents would hear from me. If they didn't change their behaviour there would be consequences, especially if it lead to a kid killing themselves over it.


I've been on both ends myself and just remember this... Hurt people hurt people.


I think make the school poor or something.

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