Dear Mr Sessions: Please stuff your foot deep in the ass of Jerry Brown.

View attachment 142690
Indeed. He is a criminal and a disgrace to the office of governor, just as he was the first time. He should be horse whipped and dragged by a horse through cactus.
Little Mikey lying again.
Brown/ Cali has the best economy in the country.
Lil Mikey needs a time out.

"Brown/ Cali has the best economy in the country."
This is so confusing to me...what exactly does this mean?
Does it mean that so long as Silicon Valley and Hollywood is kicking ass no one really cares that the rest of the state is living like filthy bottom feeders? I mean, I thought "you people" hated But, but, but....this is different...right?
Allow this to sink in:
CA=12% of the national population..33% of the nations welfare recipients
CA=8.9% of residents live in poverty, the highest rate in the nation
CA=Home to more illegals than any other state..coincidence?
CA=Home to more incarcerated than any other state
Any questions?

There are liars, damn liars and statistics. For decades under the leadership of Republican Governors and the ability of the minority in the legislature, CA spent and didn't tax. Beginning in 1978 with the passage of prop. 13, coupled with the need legal requirement to balance the budget, the State began to raid local government and special districts, creating gaps in social services, law enforcement, mental health and infrastructure agencies.

Gov. Brown was a change agent, and his pragmatic approach to governance is something rare and refreshing. Something other governors and the Federal Government ought to consider and toss ideology aside. The job of government is to serve and protect the people, instead it has become self serving and puts the special and moneyed interests first and The People at best a secondary concern.
Ole Jerry is presiding over a state with the highest deficit, the highest unemployment, the most amount of illegals, all getting assistance, The highest housing cost, the highest tax rates, several cities with huge crime rates, the highest number of middle class leaving the state, the highest amount of business leaving the state, the state where the infrastructure is collapsing and they spend money to regulate cow farts,lol, what's not to like?

Herein are the pros and cons on the state of the Economy in California:

Here's how big California's economy really is

It does cost a lot to live here, but the upside far out ways the costs for me and my family.

Post Script: Under the wise and wonderful POTUS (sarcasm) the horn of plenty that is CA's Agriculture will die on the vine / tree (fact) and cost the consumer a good deal more. With no one to pick the product, all will suffer from the most incompetent person to ever hold the office of President.
Obama is no longer president, so what are you talking about? California has screwed itself by electing liberal assholes that that have allowed more illegals in than any other state, just to name one massive failure. You can play pretend all you want, but if they secede, they'll turn into a ghetto, statewide within 5 years.
View attachment 142690 Little Mikey lying again.
Brown/ Cali has the best economy in the country.
Lil Mikey needs a time out.

"Brown/ Cali has the best economy in the country."
This is so confusing to me...what exactly does this mean?
Does it mean that so long as Silicon Valley and Hollywood is kicking ass no one really cares that the rest of the state is living like filthy bottom feeders? I mean, I thought "you people" hated But, but, but....this is different...right?
Allow this to sink in:
CA=12% of the national population..33% of the nations welfare recipients
CA=8.9% of residents live in poverty, the highest rate in the nation
CA=Home to more illegals than any other state..coincidence?
CA=Home to more incarcerated than any other state
Any questions?

There are liars, damn liars and statistics. For decades under the leadership of Republican Governors and the ability of the minority in the legislature, CA spent and didn't tax. Beginning in 1978 with the passage of prop. 13, coupled with the need legal requirement to balance the budget, the State began to raid local government and special districts, creating gaps in social services, law enforcement, mental health and infrastructure agencies.

Gov. Brown was a change agent, and his pragmatic approach to governance is something rare and refreshing. Something other governors and the Federal Government ought to consider and toss ideology aside. The job of government is to serve and protect the people, instead it has become self serving and puts the special and moneyed interests first and The People at best a secondary concern.
Ole Jerry is presiding over a state with the highest deficit, the highest unemployment, the most amount of illegals, all getting assistance, The highest housing cost, the highest tax rates, several cities with huge crime rates, the highest number of middle class leaving the state, the highest amount of business leaving the state, the state where the infrastructure is collapsing and they spend money to regulate cow farts,lol, what's not to like?

Herein are the pros and cons on the state of the Economy in California:

Here's how big California's economy really is

It does cost a lot to live here, but the upside far out ways the costs for me and my family.

Post Script: Under the wise and wonderful POTUS (sarcasm) the horn of plenty that is CA's Agriculture will die on the vine / tree (fact) and cost the consumer a good deal more. With no one to pick the product, all will suffer from the most incompetent person to ever hold the office of President.
Obama is no longer president, so what are you talking about? California has screwed itself by electing liberal assholes that that have allowed more illegals in than any other state, just to name one massive failure. You can play pretend all you want, but if they secede, they'll turn into a ghetto, statewide within 5 years.

Shit...the writing is on the wall and anyone sane sees it.
Legit humans are fleeing the shithole of North Mexico (California) at an alarming rate...As the populous "progressively" becomes less ambitious and of lower iQ the big biz of Silicon Valley and L.A. that has made the shithole look good on a spreadsheet will struggle to grow and prosper as potential employees will be low grade filth for the most part. A major cause for biz relocation is lack of quality employees in region X. WTF would North Mexico do without Silicon Valley and big biz?
Dear Mr Sessions: Please stuff your foot deep in the ass of Jerry Brown.

Dear BrokeLoser you are badly confused, this forum is not a mailbox for mr.Sessions and no one gives a crap aorund here what you want Sessions to do.
"Brown/ Cali has the best economy in the country."
This is so confusing to me...what exactly does this mean?
Does it mean that so long as Silicon Valley and Hollywood is kicking ass no one really cares that the rest of the state is living like filthy bottom feeders? I mean, I thought "you people" hated But, but, but....this is different...right?
Allow this to sink in:
CA=12% of the national population..33% of the nations welfare recipients
CA=8.9% of residents live in poverty, the highest rate in the nation
CA=Home to more illegals than any other state..coincidence?
CA=Home to more incarcerated than any other state
Any questions?

There are liars, damn liars and statistics. For decades under the leadership of Republican Governors and the ability of the minority in the legislature, CA spent and didn't tax. Beginning in 1978 with the passage of prop. 13, coupled with the need legal requirement to balance the budget, the State began to raid local government and special districts, creating gaps in social services, law enforcement, mental health and infrastructure agencies.

Gov. Brown was a change agent, and his pragmatic approach to governance is something rare and refreshing. Something other governors and the Federal Government ought to consider and toss ideology aside. The job of government is to serve and protect the people, instead it has become self serving and puts the special and moneyed interests first and The People at best a secondary concern.
Ole Jerry is presiding over a state with the highest deficit, the highest unemployment, the most amount of illegals, all getting assistance, The highest housing cost, the highest tax rates, several cities with huge crime rates, the highest number of middle class leaving the state, the highest amount of business leaving the state, the state where the infrastructure is collapsing and they spend money to regulate cow farts,lol, what's not to like?

Herein are the pros and cons on the state of the Economy in California:

Here's how big California's economy really is

It does cost a lot to live here, but the upside far out ways the costs for me and my family.

Post Script: Under the wise and wonderful POTUS (sarcasm) the horn of plenty that is CA's Agriculture will die on the vine / tree (fact) and cost the consumer a good deal more. With no one to pick the product, all will suffer from the most incompetent person to ever hold the office of President.
Obama is no longer president, so what are you talking about? California has screwed itself by electing liberal assholes that that have allowed more illegals in than any other state, just to name one massive failure. You can play pretend all you want, but if they secede, they'll turn into a ghetto, statewide within 5 years.

Shit...the writing is on the wall and anyone sane sees it.
Legit humans are fleeing the shithole of North Mexico (California) at an alarming rate...As the populous "progressively" becomes less ambitious and of lower iQ the big biz of Silicon Valley and L.A. that has made the shithole look good on a spreadsheet will struggle to grow and prosper as potential employees will be low grade filth for the most part. A major cause for biz relocation is lack of quality employees in region X. WTF would North Mexico do without Silicon Valley and big biz?
When you have companies like Google firing people for rational thoughts they won't last long either.
Dear Mr Sessions: Please stuff your foot deep in the ass of Jerry Brown.

Dear BrokeLoser you are badly confused, this forum is not a mailbox for mr.Sessions and no one gives a crap aorund here what you want Sessions to do.
I do. I think Sessions should indeed intervene i the crime scene known as California.

Yea, but he is too busy with Clinton case you guys want him to double down on :rolleyes:
Dear Mr Sessions: Please stuff your foot deep in the ass of Jerry Brown.

Dear BrokeLoser you are badly confused, this forum is not a mailbox for mr.Sessions and no one gives a crap aorund here what you want Sessions to do.
I do. I think Sessions should indeed intervene i the crime scene known as California.

Yea, but he is too busy with Clinton case you guys want him to double down on :rolleyes:
What Clinton case? Are they investigating her again? For what?
Dear Mr Sessions: Please stuff your foot deep in the ass of Jerry Brown.

Dear BrokeLoser you are badly confused, this forum is not a mailbox for mr.Sessions and no one gives a crap aorund here what you want Sessions to do.
I do. I think Sessions should indeed intervene i the crime scene known as California.

Yea, but he is too busy with Clinton case you guys want him to double down on :rolleyes:
What Clinton case? Are they investigating her again? For what?

LOL exactly


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