Death of the neocons?


Gold Member
Sep 9, 2010
Listening to a podcast today on ISIS, I pondered if this current crisis will be the death of the neo-con agenda since it is an absolute failure when it comes to foreign policy. ( yeah i know you hate obama yawn)

Odds are Iraq will turn into 3 new states ( like it was suggested a long time ago that you do with that region). The kurds own the north and thats basically a done deal. The other two will become one Sunni, and the other shites.

hopefully in the end we will see the end of any real neo-con influence, and for the most part we will leave the region alone. The neo-cons agenda was for us to be there for a long, long time. Like our lifetime long.
Listening to a podcast today on ISIS, I pondered if this current crisis will be the death of the neo-con agenda since it is an absolute failure when it comes to foreign policy. ( yeah i know you hate obama yawn)

Odds are Iraq will turn into 3 new states ( like it was suggested a long time ago that you do with that region). The kurds own the north and thats basically a done deal. The other two will become one Sunni, and the other shites.

hopefully in the end we will see the end of any real neo-con influence, and for the most part we will leave the region alone. The neo-cons agenda was for us to be there for a long, long time. Like our lifetime long.

It should be. Trying to propel the US military fingerprint beyond the Cold War was not within our constitutional and cultural tradition. Hey...where are YOU Europe? Why do kids in the US give up 4 years of their life to get a GI Bill college degree, but your kids suck on a free ride? Step up Europe and defend yourselves. Guess you will have to give-up all that free socialist shit.
Listening to a podcast today on ISIS, I pondered if this current crisis will be the death of the neo-con agenda since it is an absolute failure when it comes to foreign policy. ( yeah i know you hate obama yawn)

Odds are Iraq will turn into 3 new states ( like it was suggested a long time ago that you do with that region). The kurds own the north and thats basically a done deal. The other two will become one Sunni, and the other shites.

hopefully in the end we will see the end of any real neo-con influence, and for the most part we will leave the region alone. The neo-cons agenda was for us to be there for a long, long time. Like our lifetime long.


We never would have been there if we had never had progs (D) send us there to die.

but it's the (R) fault


fucking learn some history
Listening to a podcast today on ISIS, I pondered if this current crisis will be the death of the neo-con agenda since it is an absolute failure when it comes to foreign policy. ( yeah i know you hate obama yawn)

Odds are Iraq will turn into 3 new states ( like it was suggested a long time ago that you do with that region). The kurds own the north and thats basically a done deal. The other two will become one Sunni, and the other shites.

hopefully in the end we will see the end of any real neo-con influence, and for the most part we will leave the region alone. The neo-cons agenda was for us to be there for a long, long time. Like our lifetime long.

If you think Iran and the Shiites will be OK with that, you're nuts. ISIS want's it all and Iran won't hear of that. Plus all the oil is in the North and South, nothing in the middle, they may be religious zealots but their not fools.
How many types of dumbass do you have to be the assume Tyrannical terrorists will be happy with just a piece?

Oh yea the same idiots who Vote Obama or Worship Ron and Rand Paul.
Listening to a podcast today on ISIS, I pondered if this current crisis will be the death of the neo-con agenda since it is an absolute failure when it comes to foreign policy. ( yeah i know you hate obama yawn)

Odds are Iraq will turn into 3 new states ( like it was suggested a long time ago that you do with that region). The kurds own the north and thats basically a done deal. The other two will become one Sunni, and the other shites.

hopefully in the end we will see the end of any real neo-con influence, and for the most part we will leave the region alone. The neo-cons agenda was for us to be there for a long, long time. Like our lifetime long.


We never would have been there if we had never had progs (D) send us there to die.

but it's the (R) fault


fucking learn some history

Oh your talking about how the Dems folded and pussied out. They are at fault as well for not standing up to Bush and saying No.

But that doesnt excuse the fact it was the neo-cons agenda to get us in there, and get us in there for a long, long time. This outcome we have now was always going to happen regardless. ( unless we had done the three state idea then i dont think you would have.)

The moral of the story is neo-cons should be ignored for being dangerous. Wasting lives and money over stupidity.

The history is The British put in the minority group for power and one you removed that you had this. What Bush did was a bandaid unless you kept 50K troops there for 50+ years. Hence why we have such large bases over there now. This was the next Germany or Japan.

reap what you sow
Listening to a podcast today on ISIS, I pondered if this current crisis will be the death of the neo-con agenda since it is an absolute failure when it comes to foreign policy. ( yeah i know you hate obama yawn)

Odds are Iraq will turn into 3 new states ( like it was suggested a long time ago that you do with that region). The kurds own the north and thats basically a done deal. The other two will become one Sunni, and the other shites.

hopefully in the end we will see the end of any real neo-con influence, and for the most part we will leave the region alone. The neo-cons agenda was for us to be there for a long, long time. Like our lifetime long.


We never would have been there if we had never had progs (D) send us there to die.

but it's the (R) fault


fucking learn some history

Oh your talking about how the Dems folded and pussied out. They are at fault as well for not standing up to Bush and saying No.

But that doesnt excuse the fact it was the neo-cons agenda to get us in there, and get us in there for a long, long time. This outcome we have now was always going to happen regardless. ( unless we had done the three state idea then i dont think you would have.)

The moral of the story is neo-cons should be ignored for being dangerous. Wasting lives and money over stupidity.

The history is The British put in the minority group for power and one you removed that you had this. What Bush did was a bandaid unless you kept 50K troops there for 50+ years. Hence why we have such large bases over there now. This was the next Germany or Japan.

reap what you sow
You are so stupid it is amazing....Iraq is falling not because of Bush you sycophant but because Obama was a giant pussy and bent over like a fag for a tyrant.
Listening to a podcast today on ISIS, I pondered if this current crisis will be the death of the neo-con agenda since it is an absolute failure when it comes to foreign policy. ( yeah i know you hate obama yawn)

Odds are Iraq will turn into 3 new states ( like it was suggested a long time ago that you do with that region). The kurds own the north and thats basically a done deal. The other two will become one Sunni, and the other shites.

hopefully in the end we will see the end of any real neo-con influence, and for the most part we will leave the region alone. The neo-cons agenda was for us to be there for a long, long time. Like our lifetime long.

If you think Iran and the Shiites will be OK with that, you're nuts. ISIS want's it all and Iran won't hear of that. Plus all the oil is in the North and South, nothing in the middle, they may be religious zealots but their not fools.
ISIS is made up of a lot of factions. Some of it is Iraqi insurgents and national guard, who the moment they can, will turn around and fight other members of isis in order to get their own state or land.

Furthermore Isis will run into the Shiites militias in the south and if they cant defeat them, they will have to stop and go no further. Which will draw a border there.

We never would have been there if we had never had progs (D) send us there to die.

but it's the (R) fault


fucking learn some history

Oh your talking about how the Dems folded and pussied out. They are at fault as well for not standing up to Bush and saying No.

But that doesnt excuse the fact it was the neo-cons agenda to get us in there, and get us in there for a long, long time. This outcome we have now was always going to happen regardless. ( unless we had done the three state idea then i dont think you would have.)

The moral of the story is neo-cons should be ignored for being dangerous. Wasting lives and money over stupidity.

The history is The British put in the minority group for power and one you removed that you had this. What Bush did was a bandaid unless you kept 50K troops there for 50+ years. Hence why we have such large bases over there now. This was the next Germany or Japan.

reap what you sow
You are so stupid it is amazing....Iraq is falling not because of Bush you sycophant but because Obama was a giant pussy and bent over like a fag for a tyrant.

uh literally just toss words together in the hope something comes of it huh?

Go away, adults are talking
How many types of dumbass do you have to be the assume Tyrannical terrorists will be happy with just a piece?

Oh yea the same idiots who Vote Obama or Worship Ron and Rand Paul.

look a neo-con flailing ^^
Iraq will not become three states.

uh huh...the kurds already have one...They took one major city that has oil.

Wait why am i taking you seriously?

Possibly because you had a moment of clarity that quickly passed. If the Kurds get formal ratification of a state, they will be immediately at war with Turkey. Turkey will take over the Kurdish state. Give the Shiites and Sunnies each a state and they will be at war within hours. Their differences aren't political. They are driven by ideologies that say one or other must be wiped out.

ISIS will either be successful in carving out an independent state from Iraq and Afghanistan or Iran will be successful in driving out the Sunnis and absorbing Iraq into Iran.

There won't be an Iraq at all. There won't be three states separated out from what is now Iraq.

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