More proof the "leftist media" isn't.

Indeed, I do understand that statement. I was pointing out the bias of Journalists over the years and those propagandists of old that helped create the weaponization of journalism by Leftist politics today.
No you aren’t getting it. Its not leftism causing this. There is no leftist movement in America, no matter what you’ve been told.

MSM journalists aren’t leftists. They support the establishment that pays them. Whatever the establishment wants is what they support. The people mean nothing to them n
There is very little leftist opinions in the MSM, when it comes to politics. I do think there are plenty of objective and leftist opinions in independent media.

Big corporations and billionaires control both government and media. This is why income inequality is so high. It’s why our borders are open, so as to depress wages and further enrich the rich. It’s why big pharma gets away with billions pushing a phony vax.
if the build up to iraq was not the big reveal of the establishment press, i do not know what could be. "weapons of mass destruction "

even the vaccine, phony or not, is a trump public relations stunt. picked up by the media as an optimistic "feel good" feature.
if the build up to iraq was not the big reveal of the establishment press, i do not know what could be. "weapons of mass destruction "

even the vaccine, phony or not, is a trump public relations stunt. picked up by the media as an optimistic "feel good" feature.
The MSM has supported every war, no matter which of the two crime families starts it. They were all in for W’s dumb war. Lying repeatedly to the American in support of yet another dumb war. They’ve done this with every war, including Ukraine and Palestine.

They also massively misinformed Americans about Covid and the vax, for the benefit of the elite.

Somehow it seems few Americans understand the scam being perpetrated on them.
The MSM has supported every war, no matter which of the two crime families starts it. They were all in for W’s dumb war. Lying repeatedly to the American in support of yet another dumb war. They’ve done this with every war, including Ukraine and Palestine.

They also massively misinformed Americans about Covid and the vax, for the benefit of the elite.

Somehow it seems few Americans understand the scam being perpetrated on them.
nothing new

"remember the maine?"

"send me the pictures and i'll send you the wae" w r hurst
The MSM has supported every war, no matter which of the two crime families starts it. They were all in for W’s dumb war. Lying repeatedly to the American in support of yet another dumb war. They’ve done this with every war, including Ukraine and Palestine.

They also massively misinformed Americans about Covid and the vax, for the benefit of the elite.

Somehow it seems few Americans understand the scam being perpetrated on them.
So have 'Democrats' supported every war from the 1860's to the present day and propagandized by the media of the day.
nothing new

"remember the maine?"

"send me the pictures and i'll send you the wae" w r hurst

The USA has a long history of false flags to deceive the people into supporting war, for the benefit of the wealthy.

A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small “inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes. In the World War a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War.” – General Smedley Butler

It seems many more millionaires and billionaires have been created since World War I, the war Wilson promised not to enter. What a coincidence the Federal Reserve was created in shadowy back rooms on a secretive island in 1913 by men constituting the invisible government (bankers, corporate executives, corrupt politicians), just before the outbreak of the Great War. Of course, it was only great for the bankers, arms dealers, and corporations getting rich off the blood of the 20 million innocent soldiers and civilians who died to fill up their war chests with gold. Once the politicians, bankers, and connected corporations had the ability to use a central bank to print fiat and fund their wars for eternity, we’ve had over a century of total war.

“It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking.”Ron Paul

“War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it.”George Orwell
Every war, when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self defense against a homicidal maniac. - George Orwell
Rich Man’s War, Poor Man’s Blood - LewRockwell
So have 'Democrats' supported every war from the 1860's to the present day and propagandized by the media of the day.
yet it was we who stopped viet nam and unquestionably republicans who started the oil wars. of the bush eras. when we marched for peace in iraq there were no republicans in line.

democratic leadership is cowardly at best and complicit in most, but to blame recent wars on "the left" may not be a supportable position.
yet it was we who stopped viet nam and unquestionably republicans who started the oil wars. of the bush eras. when we marched for peace in iraq there were no republicans in line.

democratic leadership is cowardly at best and complicit in most, but to blame recent wars on "the left" may not be a supportable position.
Most of the left were silent on W’s dumb war. I do recall Phil Donahue on MSNBC opposing the war. So naturally, they fired him. I think a few more msm talking heads were purged. And of course, the elite imprisoned Assange for exposing their crimes.

However over time the left did oppose the Iraq War and became very vocal. They have been silent since O took over and started five new wars.
Here's a brief history of modern day Leftist media
At the turn of the 20th Century, it was called "Yellow Journalism." Then along came Edward Bernays whose propaganda began the weaponizing of the news, then further weaponized by Joseph Goebbels. Today in America you can't tell the difference from dispatches from government or the Quisling Media.
Today there are just a few real independent news and media agencies.
All pressure groups, particularly the right like the Nazis, have done that. MAGA is doing it today
So have 'Democrats' supported every war from the 1860's to the present day and propagandized by the media of the day.
Republicans began the American involvement in Vietnam, and started wars in Iraq twice, and repeatedly with Afghanistan.

Doc, you are not only a poor propagandist, you are a stupid one.
Republicans began the American involvement in Vietnam, and started wars in Iraq twice, and repeatedly with Afghanistan.

Doc, you are not only a poor propagandist, you are a stupid one.
Wrong and wrong again. The problem with Vietnam (Formerly French Indochina) began with President Truman (Dem) allowing France to reassert itself in the then Indochina. Then by supplying France with military aid to fight the Communist Vietminh.
With the surrender of France in 1954 and establishment of North and South Vietnam, the then President Eisenhower (GOP) then offered military aid to Southern Vietnam.
It was JFK and your KKK buddy LBJ Democrats all, that was responsible for the escalation of the war.

Wrong and wrong again. The problem with Vietnam (Formerly French Indochina) began with President Truman (Dem) allowing France to reassert itself in the then Indochina. Then by supplying France with military aid to fight the Communist Vietminh.
With the surrender of France in 1954 and establishment of North and South Vietnam, the then President Eisenhower (GOP) then offered military aid to Southern Vietnam.
It was JFK and your KKK buddy LBJ Democrats all, that was responsible for the escalation of the war.

President Eisenhower picked up the slack for SVN when France left. But you know that. Kennedy and Johnson, with E's blessing, continued into madness
Here's another way to look at it:

Only A tiny fraction of registered voters turn out and the supposedly "left wing" MSM is getting their daily hard-on for this “race” between a career politician who has been Federal politic’s face of humanity for decades versus a serial rapist, liar, seditious, traitorous, stinking individual who is guilty of every crime under the Sun, and in this race the psychopath is deemed as the favorite because…he’s four years younger than the human being.

There are no words to describe this dichotomy but the MSM has created a “level playing field” for them.

This country is done…see you all at the Camps.
Here's another way to look at it:

Only A tiny fraction of registered voters turn out and the supposedly "left wing" MSM is getting their daily hard-on for this “race” between a career politician who has been Federal politic’s face of humanity for decades versus a serial rapist, liar, seditious, traitorous, stinking individual who is guilty of every crime under the Sun, and in this race the psychopath is deemed as the favorite because…he’s four years younger than the human being.

There are no words to describe this dichotomy but the MSM has created a “level playing field” for them.

This country is done…see you all at the Camps.


President Eisenhower picked up the slack for SVN when France left. But you know that. Kennedy and Johnson, with E's blessing, continued into madness
We never had more than 900 advisors in country at any one time until JFK in 1961 upped the number of advisor cadres in SVN.
No you aren’t getting it. Its not leftism causing this. There is no leftist movement in America, no matter what you’ve been told.

MSM journalists aren’t leftists. They support the establishment that pays them. Whatever the establishment wants is what they support. The people mean nothing to them n
The fact that the media represents the interests of the world Economic Forum does not mean their narrative isn't leftist.

That is just their means to an end as leftist authoritarianism is easier to achieve in this day and age.
We never had more than 900 advisors in country at any one time until JFK in 1961 upped the number of advisor cadres in SVN.
Does not matter. And you keep ignoring Bush, why?
Republicans began the American involvement in Vietnam, and started wars in Iraq twice, and repeatedly with Afghanistan.

Doc, you are not only a poor propagandist, you are a stupid one.
Lyndon Johnson turned our role as advisory into a disaster costing over 50,000 American lives plus thousands wounded. You're a dishonest propaganda parrot.

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