"Death Panel"- "Alive and Well"


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. As more Americans delve into the disturbing details of the nationalized health care plan that the current administration is rushing through Congress, our collective jaw is dropping, and we're saying not just no, but hell no! The Democrats promise that a government health care system will reduce the cost of health care, but as the economist Thomas Sowell has pointed out, government health care will not reduce the cost; it will simply refuse to pay the cost. And who will suffer the most when they ration care? The sick, the elderly, and the disabled, of course. Palin: Obama's "Death Panel" Could Kill My Down Syndrome Baby

2. Fifteen-month-old Joseph Maraachli, known to the world as “Baby Joseph,” is being transported from SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center in St. Louis, where he received a tracheotomy last month, the Windsor Star reports. He will arrive in Windsor, Ontario, on Thursday.

His parents, Moe Maraachli and Sana Nader, wanted the boy to undergo the tracheotomy so that he could spend his remaining days at home. London Health Sciences Center refused to perform the procedure, saying it had too many complication risks and would be too invasive, the Windsor Star reports.

Joseph’s parents appealed to the Canadian courts, but the courts sided with the hospital. The boy was then taken by Fr. Frank Pavone and other Priests of Life staff to Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital, where doctors agreed to treat him and eventually performed his tracheotomy.

Priests of Life has covered all of the family’s medical bills while Joseph underwent treatment in the U.S. and will also cover the costs of Joseph’s flight home, the Windsor Star reports.

'Baby Joseph' Flying Home to Canada - FoxNews.com
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Humana and other HMO's and insurance companies have been rationing health care for decades.
Fifteen-month-old Joseph Maraachli, known to the world as “Baby Joseph,” is being transported from SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center in St. Louis, where he received a tracheotomy last month, the Windsor Star reports. He will arrive in Windsor, Ontario, on Thursday.

His parents, Moe Maraachli and Sana Nader, wanted the boy to undergo the tracheotomy so that he could spend his remaining days at home. London Health Sciences Center refused to perform the procedure, saying it had too many complication risks and would be too invasive, the Windsor Star reports.

Joseph’s parents appealed to the Canadian courts, but the courts sided with the hospital. The boy was then taken by Fr. Frank Pavone and other Priests of Life staff to Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital, where doctors agreed to treat him and eventually performed his tracheotomy.

Priests of Life has covered all of the family’s medical bills while Joseph underwent treatment in the U.S. and will also cover the costs of Joseph’s flight home, the Windsor Star reports.

I certainly question Cardinal Glennon Children Hospital's ethics. The procedure did not save the child's life and the hospital had to know it wouldn't before they agreed to do it. They also had to know it was dangerous and would endanger the child's life. I suspect the hospital did it for the money. That's troubling. What else would they do just for the money?
Death panels exist now, and will exist in any solution to HC that anybody comes up with.

Get over it.
Fifteen-month-old Joseph Maraachli, known to the world as “Baby Joseph,” is being transported from SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center in St. Louis, where he received a tracheotomy last month, the Windsor Star reports. He will arrive in Windsor, Ontario, on Thursday.

His parents, Moe Maraachli and Sana Nader, wanted the boy to undergo the tracheotomy so that he could spend his remaining days at home. London Health Sciences Center refused to perform the procedure, saying it had too many complication risks and would be too invasive, the Windsor Star reports.

Joseph’s parents appealed to the Canadian courts, but the courts sided with the hospital. The boy was then taken by Fr. Frank Pavone and other Priests of Life staff to Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital, where doctors agreed to treat him and eventually performed his tracheotomy.

Priests of Life has covered all of the family’s medical bills while Joseph underwent treatment in the U.S. and will also cover the costs of Joseph’s flight home, the Windsor Star reports.

I certainly question Cardinal Glennon Children Hospital's ethics. The procedure did not save the child's life and the hospital had to know it wouldn't before they agreed to do it. They also had to know it was dangerous and would endanger the child's life. I suspect the hospital did it for the money. That's troubling. What else would they do just for the money?

"I suspect the hospital did it for the money."

There's an old, but true, saying,

"We can only judge others by ourselves."
Humana and other HMO's and insurance companies have been rationing health care for decades.

Glad to see that you understand that this is the rationing of healthcare.

What you don't understand is that one or several private companies rationing same, as one can change companies or move to a different state,is
hardly the same as the entire nation on that 'page.'

The OP illustrates exactly that.
What's this anecdote supposed to prove? Whatever you call it, "death panel" or as it's usually called in medicine, triage, it's a fact of life. Aren't the poeple who deny coverage at insurance companies also "death panels"?
What's this anecdote supposed to prove? Whatever you call it, "death panel" or as it's usually called in medicine, triage, it's a fact of life. Aren't the poeple who deny coverage at insurance companies also "death panels"?


had the parents been in the us there wouldn't have been an insurance company anywhere that would have approved such an operation. too many risks and no medical benefits.
Humana and other HMO's and insurance companies have been rationing health care for decades.

Glad to see that you understand that this is the rationing of healthcare.

What you don't understand is that one or several private companies rationing same, as one can change companies or move to a different state,is
hardly the same as the entire nation on that 'page.'

The OP illustrates exactly that.

Sure you could move or change companies, but the damage would already have been done and no move is likely to make much of a difference. The only thing I get out of the OP is that you're opposed to single-payer on principle and will find any way to bash it. In this case I feel, it's all the same and you're just playing with words. If it's an insurance company, it's "good business". If it's the government, it's a "death panel". :doubt:
Humana and other HMO's and insurance companies have been rationing health care for decades.

Glad to see that you understand that this is the rationing of healthcare.

What you don't understand is that one or several private companies rationing same, as one can change companies or move to a different state,is
hardly the same as the entire nation on that 'page.'

The OP illustrates exactly that.

no, you really can't change companies or move states.

once an insurance company begins denying your claims you can be damn sure another isn't going to welcome you with open arms and start approving them.
Humana and other HMO's and insurance companies have been rationing health care for decades.

Glad to see that you understand that this is the rationing of healthcare.

What you don't understand is that one or several private companies rationing same, as one can change companies or move to a different state,is
hardly the same as the entire nation on that 'page.'

The OP illustrates exactly that.

Sure you could move or change companies, but the damage would already have been done and no move is likely to make much of a difference. The only thing I get out of the OP is that you're opposed to single-payer on principle and will find any way to bash it. In this case I feel, it's all the same and you're just playing with words. If it's an insurance company, it's "good business". If it's the government, it's a "death panel". :doubt:

1. Did you note who paid for the healthcare?

2. Do you know this about Americans:

"We usually hear about charity in the media when there is a terrible disaster. For example, after Hurricane Katrina, we heard about the incredible outpouring of private generosity that amounted to $6 billion. What gets less attention is that Americans routinely give that much to charity every week. Last year Americans gave $300 billion to charity. To put this into perspective, that is almost twice what we spent on consumer electronics equipment—equipment including cell phones, iPods and DVD players. Americans gave three times as much to charity last year as we spent on gambling and ten times as much as we spent on professional sports. America is by far the most charitable country in the world. There is no other country that comes close."

Especially religious Americans.

3. Illustratitive of the Left's view of charity is the miniscule charitable donations of the Bidens and Obamas prior to running for election.
I can provide same if you feel the need to see it.
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Humana and other HMO's and insurance companies have been rationing health care for decades.

Glad to see that you understand that this is the rationing of healthcare.

What you don't understand is that one or several private companies rationing same, as one can change companies or move to a different state,is
hardly the same as the entire nation on that 'page.'

The OP illustrates exactly that.

no, you really can't change companies or move states.

once an insurance company begins denying your claims you can be damn sure another isn't going to welcome you with open arms and start approving them.

"...you can be damn sure another isn't going to ...start approving them."

Did you find this in that black 'crystal ball' we used as kids?
Glad to see that you understand that this is the rationing of healthcare.

What you don't understand is that one or several private companies rationing same, as one can change companies or move to a different state,is
hardly the same as the entire nation on that 'page.'

The OP illustrates exactly that.

no, you really can't change companies or move states.

once an insurance company begins denying your claims you can be damn sure another isn't going to welcome you with open arms and start approving them.

"...you can be damn sure another isn't going to ...start approving them."

Did you find this in that black 'crystal ball' we used as kids?

i'd like to enhance your vocabulary. there's a nice little phrase insurance companies like to use, you may have heard of it before. it's "pre-existing condition." Look into it.
Death panels have been around since the incorporation of the first health insurance company.
Just yesterday my sister with lung cancer at age 61 was pushed on Medicare by the death panel at United Health Care Health Insurance Co. She is a retiree from AT&T.
Peggy had ovarian cancer in 2004, had to takd chemo for a long time and took off a year per doctor's instructions. AT&T forced her to file for disability and she drew it for 6 months. She then went back to work for 5 years and retired from there with full benefits in 2009.
Now at the time of the cancer she had BC/BS and then Aetna in 2006-2008 at AT&T. They changed to UHC after she retired. UHC is taking the position that she retired because of a disability which was the result of the ovarian cancer. There is a provision under the law where they can do this if Medicare accepts her. Problem is she DOES NOT WANT MEDICARE. She wants UHC to pay all of the radiation therapy-23 days-chemo-once a week for 5 weeks and followup operation on the right lung after the tumor is shrunk by the radiation.
After setting up this entire scenario the last 3 weeks every day, I do it as I am the only sibling with the time and resources to do it, now we have to change EVERYTHING because the pulmonologist, the oncologist, the surgeon and the radiation doctor ALL don't accept Medicare. They are all within 5 miles of where she lives. Now we have to redo all of this and spend another 3 weeks going to Medicare accepting doctors 40 miles away, do all of the preliminary visits, the consultations, the information to fill out, etc. Good news is UHC will be the secondary policy.
This is the real world and I am seeing this hard ball game being played now as an employee of mine is having extreme problems with my health insurance provider on a claim filed on behalf of one of his children.
You can't fault the doctors as they want to get paid. Bottom line: The current system is no better or no worse than government. In fact, my broker that sells a ton of senior supplement insurance says that Medicare is easier to deal with than most insurance companies.
Anyone that is self employed, has small businesses like I do or has a family member seriously ill lives in the real world when it comes to insurance. I pay over 35K on health insurance just for one of my corporations and have seen the coverage disintegrate to nothing over the last 10 years with 10K deductible on each employee. I match them dollar for dollar if they want lower deductibles and one does that.
Fact is every day insurance companies make a life and death decision like they did with my sister. Some call them death panels and some call them decision makers. Who knows but fact is this is no different than government doing it. She has a 6 cm tumor in the airway of her right lung and needs radiation and chemo immediately. I am meeting with all of the doctors today and tomorrow to beg. We do not want charity but want what is right.
Something the insurance companies, or death panels as many would call them, do not care about.
The reason it's like this is BECAUSE of Medicare, i.e., government insurance.

And it will get worse. Much, much worse.

I'm a little floored that the attitude has changed from "THERE ARE NO DEATH PANELS YOU STUPID RETARDS" to "ahem...there have always been death panels, so they're okay!"
The reason it's like this is BECAUSE of Medicare, i.e., government insurance.

And it will get worse. Much, much worse.

I'm a little floored that the attitude has changed from "THERE ARE NO DEATH PANELS YOU STUPID RETARDS" to "ahem...there have always been death panels, so they're okay!"

So Medicare forced United Health Care to step off the coverage as primary provider?
United Health Care, and many other insurers and businesses, are doing this to push THEIR responsibilities on THE TAXPAYERS.
This is old news and has been going on for years. I am all for stopping insurance companies from doing this. Are you?

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