Deaths from Police Shootings

Those other countries don't have to deal with so many Africans
Africans are treated better in other countries.
What countries?
Throughout Europe they are treated with more respect than Blacks are in America. And they are not native born citizens.
You're comparing Africans to blacks. Which is it? Africans aren't all black so you need to make up your mind what race card you're pulling.
If it has to be explained to you, you are too stupid to bother with.
9000 blacks murdered annually by black on black crimes. Overlooking this is why blacks kill each other. The problem lies in the ghetto culture and environment.
Oh look, an African....

Apples and oranges.

?? This info makes you hungry? :dunno:

A telling graphic from the OP link:

What's "telling" about it is that blacks commit a lot of crimes and go to prison a lot. I think everybody already knew that, stupid.


If it weren't for the huge problem of black crime, we could focus on getting white crime down to Canadian levels.

Think how much safer the cities would be, the thousands of people not killed or maimed or hurt or traumatized or robber of their wealth, or ect. ect. ect.

To bad that will never happen.
WaPo Report: White Cops Killing Unarmed Blacks Less Than 4% of Fatal Police Shootings
Race remains the most volatile flash point.
Mark Tapson


In a year-long study, The Washington Post reports that incidents in which white police officers shoot unarmed black men — incidents that have sparked nationwide anger and controversy and which launched the Black Lives Matter movement — actually represent less than 4 percent of fatal police shootings.

After the highly controversial shooting death of Michael Brown by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri in August 2014, The Post initiated a project to compile a record of every fatal police shooting in the nation this year, something no government agency had done, and concluded that "[r]ace remains the most volatile flash point in any accounting of police shootings."

The great majority of people who died at the hands of the police, says The Post, fit at least one of three categories: they were wielding weapons, they were suicidal or mentally troubled, or they ran when officers told them to halt.


WaPo Report: White Cops Killing Unarmed Blacks Less Than 4% of Fatal Police Shootings
I wonder how many of these deaths could have been avoided if any of the ones being shot weren't A) doing something criminal or B) being stupid.
Thanks for the numbers, but those numbers tell nothing about the shootings and thus tell nothing. How many of those shootings involved cases like Michael Brown
where the police had no choice but to shoot the individual? How many of those cases involved the individuals shooting at the police, injuring or killing a policeman? What's the number of policemen shot and killed in the line of duty? Why not post the number comparison for black-on-black crime in all of those countries? Because the details matter?

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