Debt Apocalypse, our economy will collapse within a decade.What’s your specific solution? Numbers.

We are roughly $22 trillion in debt and adding about $1 trillion per year.

My solution is to cut SPENDING BY 20% across the board immediately.

2020 budget is $4.7 trillion. For 2021, it should be $3.8 trillion. Then 10% reduction for 2 years. 2022: $3.4 trillion, 2023: $3 trillion. Then hold, it at $3 trillion until the debt is paid off.

Also, 20% flat tax on every dime earned over $20,000 in America, period. No deductions.

If we don’t get this shit handled, it’s going to crash and these wussy millennials and Igens will be eating out of garbage cans.


This is much more dangerous to our economy than cow farts.

So, what is your solution?

If you are an NPC leftist that is just going to post, “Orange Man Bad!”, don’t waste your time.

Give specific number or get lost.

Yes, I am mad at Trump ford signing the past 2 budgets. He should have fired ALL NON ESSENTIAL GOVERNMENT WORKERS.

#1) Increase the retirement age

#2) Cut Medicaid

#3) Eliminate as best you can the fraud in the system

#4) Eliminate pensions for Gov't employees.
I agree with increasing the Social Security and Medicare ages. They should be raised to 70. We are living longer, we should be working longer. Common sense.

By eliminating tax expenditures and raising the retirement age to 70 (indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward), we would have a massive surplus with which to pay down debt and lower tax rates.

No other cuts would be necessary.

I agree with increasing the Social Security and Medicare ages. They should be raised to 70.

Not that easy Jake. Been over and over this. Case by case basis when someone could need to go on SS. You don't want some 70 year old driving 18 wheelers or roofing. Get the social eng out of GOVT. you can't tell some 63 year old when his hips hurt too bad from sitting 50 years, commuting-working. It was his money taken from him.

Eliminate SS for the young may be better? Others will die off.
The 65 year old of today is in better health than the 55 year old of 1935, when SS was created.

As a matter of fact, we have 80 year olds driving 18-wheelers.

The Social Security eligibility age has always been tilted against blue collar workers. When Social Security was enacted, the average life expectancy was 60. Social Security was for those who were the exception, not the norm.

Only 5.4% of our population lived beyond 65 back then. Today, it is 15%. This is an unsustainable trend.

Again, it is plain common sense that if we are living longer, we should be working longer.

Wrong! Productivity & GDP growth should have everyone retiring earlier. Government slashed taxes & increased spending stealing all the value from savers, currency & SS trust fund. Their annual 2.2+% inflation target stole 99% of the money we put away for retirement when we started working 40+ years ago. The value of our SS trust & savings account should have grown 8% a year instead of declining 2,5%. Government has been stealing that 10.5% a year so workers could not afford to retire, Therefore the Government will have to support them!
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It’s so odd that lefties don’t care about the debt.

You guys are really misguided and really stupid.

It’s simple math. Our economy will crash at this pace within a decade. We won’t make our debt payments and interest rates will skyrocket because we will have to pay higher interest rates on T bills because we will be riskyz.

Keep worrying about transgendered rights.
Deficits were decreasing until we had 2 years of repubs in full control. Who doesn’t care?

Deficits may have been decreasing, but the debt was still growing.

Why are we spending more than we take it period?

Why did the Dems take over the house and then increase the deficit?

What is your specific solution?

Simple as this... GOP say that cutting the deficit is to cut taxes and spending... They do the first and actually increase the second...

They then bitch and complain to Democrats....

Obama reduced spending, He also increased taxes...

Trump and GOP cut taxes, now admit they will not pay for themselves but have no suggested putting them back to where they were...


Look Trump increasing spending considerably... Obama had it under check a lot more...

Look at Revenue

U.S. Tax Revenues Fall, Deficit Widens in Wake of New Tax Law
We are roughly $22 trillion in debt and adding about $1 trillion per year.

My solution is to cut SPENDING BY 20% across the board immediately.

2020 budget is $4.7 trillion. For 2021, it should be $3.8 trillion. Then 10% reduction for 2 years. 2022: $3.4 trillion, 2023: $3 trillion. Then hold, it at $3 trillion until the debt is paid off.

Also, 20% flat tax on every dime earned over $20,000 in America, period. No deductions.

If we don’t get this shit handled, it’s going to crash and these wussy millennials and Igens will be eating out of garbage cans.


This is much more dangerous to our economy than cow farts.

So, what is your solution?

If you are an NPC leftist that is just going to post, “Orange Man Bad!”, don’t waste your time.

Give specific number or get lost.

Yes, I am mad at Trump ford signing the past 2 budgets. He should have fired ALL NON ESSENTIAL GOVERNMENT WORKERS.

#1) Increase the retirement age

#2) Cut Medicaid

#3) Eliminate as best you can the fraud in the system

#4) Eliminate pensions for Gov't employees.
I agree with increasing the Social Security and Medicare ages. They should be raised to 70. We are living longer, we should be working longer. Common sense.

By eliminating tax expenditures and raising the retirement age to 70 (indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward), we would have a massive surplus with which to pay down debt and lower tax rates.

No other cuts would be necessary.

I agree with increasing the Social Security and Medicare ages. They should be raised to 70.

Not that easy Jake. Been over and over this. Case by case basis when someone could need to go on SS. You don't want some 70 year old driving 18 wheelers or roofing. Get the social eng out of GOVT. you can't tell some 63 year old when his hips hurt too bad from sitting 50 years, commuting-working. It was his money taken from him.

Eliminate SS for the young may be better? Others will die off.
The 65 year old of today is in better health than the 55 year old of 1935, when SS was created.

As a matter of fact, we have 80 year olds driving 18-wheelers.

The Social Security eligibility age has always been tilted against blue collar workers. When Social Security was enacted, the average life expectancy was 60. Social Security was for those who were the exception, not the norm.

Only 5.4% of our population lived beyond 65 back then. Today, it is 15%. This is an unsustainable trend.

Again, it is plain common sense that if we are living longer, we should be working longer.

If you have a physical job then save accordingly when you’re young.

Get rid of the Trump tax cuts for the rich and get Republicans out of government
Common Sense: We. Are. Living. Longer. We. Should. Be. Working. Longer.

All well and good if you work from home...and kinda works if you're an office worker (although physical ailments can make commuting and sitting at a desk for long periods very painful) but if you make your living doing manual labor (plumbers/fitters/welders/electricians etc., pretending that those jobs can be done (after a lifetime of having them beat your body to a pulp) is asking a bit much of a 67 year old worker.
If you have a physical job then save accordingly when you’re young.

Because physical jobs pay well enough to do that?

No...they don't dumfuk.

Ever do a hard days work in your life?

Herr Lesh, I had multiple while in college. Save money, learn a trade and do something less physical. My dad is 70 and he can do any plumbing or electrical work and he is not a laborer. He is an engineer with two PhDs.

You sir are an imbecile.
We are roughly $22 trillion in debt and adding about $1 trillion per year.

My solution is to cut SPENDING BY 20% across the board immediately.

2020 budget is $4.7 trillion. For 2021, it should be $3.8 trillion. Then 10% reduction for 2 years. 2022: $3.4 trillion, 2023: $3 trillion. Then hold, it at $3 trillion until the debt is paid off.

Also, 20% flat tax on every dime earned over $20,000 in America, period. No deductions.

If we don’t get this shit handled, it’s going to crash and these wussy millennials and Igens will be eating out of garbage cans.


This is much more dangerous to our economy than cow farts.

So, what is your solution?

If you are an NPC leftist that is just going to post, “Orange Man Bad!”, don’t waste your time.

Give specific number or get lost.

Yes, I am mad at Trump ford signing the past 2 budgets. He should have fired ALL NON ESSENTIAL GOVERNMENT WORKERS.

Wow….look who called it 3 years ago.
Gee, who saw this coming 3 years ago?

It was so fucking obvious the course we were on was not sustainable…..then Biden went to LUDICROUS SPEED.

Was I wrong 3 years ago? Lots of you were.
Because physical jobs pay well enough to do that?

No...they don't dumfuk.

Ever do a hard days work in your life?
are you suggesting you have? hahaahhahahahahahahahahaa poo flinger ☝️
What makes the evidence the demofks think they have on all subjects?

How many media outlets say the same thing. Their talking points memos. In other words, if ten media outlets say the same thing, it is therefore proven evidence to what was shared on the ten outlets. That's their evidence in everything in here.!!!!!!!
I am still saying exactly what I said 2 1/2 years ago and challenge anyone to read this thread and tell me I was wrong.

Lots of cult members in this thread. Why were you so wrong?

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