Debunked claims about January-6 in Biden's SOTU speech

The Trumpsters gave the Dems a weapon to use for years when they attempted to overthrow the government.
You people look foolish everytime you perpetuate the myth that January 6 was a serious threat to overthrow the Government while your side lauds people like Susan Rosenberg and Bill Ayers who attempted to overthrow the government with bombs.
You people look foolish everytime you perpetuate the myth that January 6 was a serious threat to overthrow the Government while your side lauds people like Susan Rosenberg and Bill Ayers who attempted to overthrow the government with bombs.
You look stupid every time you deny, did you catch the video. I am sure you didn't or you say stuff like that. I know you can find worse people in US history, but does not make the Trumpsters any less guilty.
Joe Biden invoked the Capitol riot during his State of the Union address on Tuesday: “And two years ago, our democracy faced its greatest threat since the Civil War.” He’s made this analogy between the Civil War and the Capitol riot before. The two events are vastly different in terms of their cause, scale, and consequence. Even suggesting the two are comparable is absurd, especially considering that over 600,000 Americans died in the war. Only one person died as a direct result of the violence from the Capital riot.

The Democrat Party's relentless Jan 6 fear mongering is disgusting.
There was no insurrection or a secret plot by President Trump for an insurrection.
No one was charged with insurrection.
Biden's Jan 6 Insurrection comment in his SOTU speech is another crazy left wing conspiracy theory, like their crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy theory.
It was a protest.
Pelosi's Capital Police open the doors and then they waved people in, and then these people were later charged with trespassing.
This was entrapment.
The 1983 bombing of the Capital Senate chamber by far-left extremist Susan Rosenberg was a real assault on our 'democracy'.
The 1954 United States Capitol attack in which 5 congressmen were shot by four Puerto Rican nationalists was a real assault on our 'democracy'.
The 2017 mass shooting at a Congressional Baseball Game in Alexandria, Virginia, where U.S. House Majority Whip, Steve Scalise, U.S. Capitol Police officer Crystal Griner, congressional aide Zack Barth, and lobbyist Matt Mika were shot by far left extremist 66-year-old James Hodgkinson was a real assault on our 'democracy'.

You are a flippin idiot. At least half a dozen Oath Keepers were convicted of seditious conspiracy and dozens of people were convicted of obstruction of an official proceeding.

What was the goal of those "protestors" that day? It was to stop Mike Pence from certifying the electoral college results, and if he had to hang to make that happen, then so be it. What was it, 60 plus court cases, in several states and federal jurisdictions, all FAILED. And what about this "alternative electors" bullshit? The founders created a system, what the hell do you want, Republican legislatures picking the president? Hell, they couldn't even effectively pick senators, it is why we had the 17th amendment.

You people are amazingly ignorant. And to top it off, look at who you were willing to throw out the Constitution, override the will of the people, and riot in the Capital for--a fatass, self-absorbed, germaphobe freak with the intelligence of a dimwitted middle school bully. No pets in the White House, because Trump is skeered of cats and dogs and damn near anything else that doesn't walk on two legs. His idea of fine eating is a Big Mac, and most telling of all, he eats his steak well done with ketchup. OMFG.

He is a pathological liar, cheats on his wife with a porn star, nasty ass shit. Cheats at golf, has no empathy whatsoever, to the point that it is a Bonafide mental illness. His gracing the White House was the darkest moment this country has ever seen, at least since the War of 1812. And it will be a generation, a FULL GENERATION, before we recover. Trump was the last gasp of the parasites that are the boomers. The devil spawn of the greatest generation. Spoiled ass brats that definitely related to Trump narcissism. But the party is over, and fat ass cow Huckabee Sanders sealed the fate of you losers. 2024 is looking really good for Democrats. You guys keep wallowing in your "woke" bullshit.
There was no attempted overthrow of the government. How can you overthrow the government with unarmed people? No, Trump supporters wanted to protest the election results which was clearly through fraud. They wanted Pence to temporary halt the certification until voting irregularities could be sorted out with alternate electors which he had an obligation to do.

it was a violent attempt to stop the electoral votes count.
There was no attempted overthrow of the government. How can you overthrow the government with unarmed people? No, Trump supporters wanted to protest the election results which was clearly through fraud. They wanted Pence to temporary halt the certification until voting irregularities could be sorted out with alternate electors which he had an obligation to do.
Demofks still haven’t answered
The Trumpsters gave the Dems a weapon to use for years when they attempted to overthrow the government.

The government was overthrown on 11/3/20. J6 was about trying to get it back. But I love that Joe is comparing it to a civil war! It has already been proven that J6 happened because the police were utterly unprepared because of a major failure to regard intelligence as a result of Nancy Pelosi wanting to have a private party that day!

Joe Biden just laid the grounds for one hell of a lawsuit against Nancy! :21:

But thanks for announcing that all it took to overthrow the Biden government was a couple hundred middle aged protesters carrying flags and selfie sticks! Probably is what gave Xi the idea he could spy on us with nothing more than a big white balloon! Biden probably thought it was a party balloon for his surprise birthday party! :21:
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There was no attempted overthrow of the government. How can you overthrow the government with unarmed people? No, Trump supporters wanted to protest the election results which was clearly through fraud. They wanted Pence to temporary halt the certification until voting irregularities could be sorted out with alternate electors which he had an obligation to do.

With an angry mob intent on preventing Congress from certifying the election
it was a violent attempt to stop the electoral votes count.

It was an attempt to get the government to redress all of the looming doubts over an illegal election before they rubber stamped it blindly sticking us with the worst failed presidency now in the history of our nation.

All of the violence was provoked by the rogue capital keystone cops who murdered defenseless unarmed people.
No, no no, I was talking about Jan 6. Why do you think this makes the Trumpster insurrectionist any less guilty? Did you ever go to kindergarten?
Triggered? I just posted numerous cases of you democrats actually promoting insurrection--not just lies that keep getting repeated in the hope that someone might believe them. You know, exposing your hypocrisy. Only you and a pre-schooler would fail to see that.
Yep, we let a black man be in charge for 8 years and the damage he did is still visible today.

Blacks are good for taking your orders at McDonalds, not GIVING them.

That's hilarious. What damage did Obama do? He cleaned up W's mess. And remember back in the 2000's you probably defended Bush as he damaged America so bad we are still feeling it today.

Think about it. Bush caused the Great Recession. Obama didn't have a great recession. He handed Trump a great economy. Then Trump handled the pandemic so badly that he ruined that great economy Obama handed him.

Trump didn't want the pandemic to affect his re election bid so he lied to us about it. Trump killed roughly 1 million Americans. Luckily most of them were Republican voters who didn't get vaccinated. Or they went to Trump rallies. Herman Cain is a perfect example. And 7 right wing radio hosts who spread misinformation about covid died of covid.

I know you want to blame Gretchen Whitmer for locking down too long and praise DiSantis for opening up sooner so strippers could go back to work but bottom line is Trump was a horrible leader unless it was an already great economy and no crisis' were happening. Then Trump was great. Toss one crisis at him and he did not know what to do or how to lead. And he didn't put the right people in place.

You can't even deny he put the wrong people in place because of how many people he fired or quit on him. You may call them RINO's or globalists but the fact is Trump hired them and when he ran he said he would surround himself with the best and brightest. Yet each time someone quit or got fired he called them losers and attacked them. So he lied in the beginning that they were great? OR, maybe they were great and they wouldn't go along with his bullshit.
Whatever Nazi. Your attempt to downplay the coup is noted.
I thought that was Nancy's job, who when Trump told her to amp up the security for that day, told him to PISS OFF, she was too busy giving a party for her daughter!

Also, since the Civil War, what has been a greater threat to our Democracy?
Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and Barry Obumma, all traitors.

Joe isn't comparing the two. You're confused.
That's right. Joe can't even match up the socks in his drawer.

He's saying the insurrection was the closest thing we've come to losing our Democracy since the Civil War.
If you believe that then Jinping has another balloon for you! Besides, no one takes one word Joe stutters out reading off cue cards seriously.
It was an attempt to get the government to redress all of the looming doubts over an illegal election before they rubber stamped it blindly sticking us with the worst failed presidency now in the history of our nation.

All of the violence was provoked by the rogue capital keystone cops who murdered defenseless unarmed people.
What the fawk were all those court cases? Look, don't you get it. The majority of Americans are not AS STUPID AS YOU ARE. They did not vote for a fat ass self-absorbed DICK. He had ZERO SUCCESS as president. Hell, the ACA did more for GDP growth than a single thing Trump did while he was in office. And he totally miffed the response to Covid. That is what happens when you don't have a leader as president. The only thing he managed to accomplish was gift a huge tax cuts to the wealthy and to corporations, and he hammered the deficit in the process. He SUCKED ASS. He is a complete failure, as president, as a businessman, and sadly, as a father and husband.
You people look foolish everytime you perpetuate the myth that January 6 was a serious threat to overthrow the Government while your side lauds people like Susan Rosenberg and Bill Ayers who attempted to overthrow the government with bombs.
There are some people like you and many others in this topic who have been gaslighted to such an extent by your propagandists that you have become completely detached from reality. You are beyond reach.


They were just trespassing.
There was no attempted overthrow of the government. How can you overthrow the government with unarmed people?

When your government is made up of people looking like THIS:


Apparently you could be overthrown by an 11-year-old with a pinata stick or one chinese man with a big balloon.
That's hilarious. What damage did Obama do? He cleaned up W's mess. And remember back in the 2000's you probably defended Bush as he damaged America so bad we are still feeling it today.

Think about it. Bush caused the Great Recession. Obama didn't have a great recession. He handed Trump a great economy. Then Trump handled the pandemic so badly that he ruined that great economy Obama handed him.

Trump didn't want the pandemic to affect his re election bid so he lied to us about it. Trump killed roughly 1 million Americans. Luckily most of them were Republican voters who didn't get vaccinated. Or they went to Trump rallies. Herman Cain is a perfect example. And 7 right wing radio hosts who spread misinformation about covid died of covid.

I know you want to blame Gretchen Whitmer for locking down too long and praise DiSantis for opening up sooner so strippers could go back to work but bottom line is Trump was a horrible leader unless it was an already great economy and no crisis' were happening. Then Trump was great. Toss one crisis at him and he did not know what to do or how to lead. And he didn't put the right people in place.

You can't even deny he put the wrong people in place because of how many people he fired or quit on him. You may call them RINO's or globalists but the fact is Trump hired them and when he ran he said he would surround himself with the best and brightest. Yet each time someone quit or got fired he called them losers and attacked them. So he lied in the beginning that they were great? OR, maybe they were great and they wouldn't go along with his bullshit.
You got one thing right. Trump is no leader, far from it. And to be honest, just watching an episode of the Apprentice should tell you all you need to know. Leadership requires two things, empathy and service, Trump doesn't know the meaning of either. He shows no empathy and who, or what, has he served, other than himself. He needs to be locked in a rubber room somewhere.

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