Deceased Bahai girl denied burial in Tabriz


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I can't believe how cruel the Baha'is are treated in Iran. Those Iranian Muslims who fled the crazies were very lucky to be able to settle here in the U.S. where nobody bothers them because of their religion.

Deceased Bahai girl denied burial in Tabriz


Over a week has passed since twelve-year-old Mahna Samandari died from an illness, on October 21, but her parents have not been allowed to bury her.

Mohabat News _ According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Mahna's parents, who suffer from physical handicaps, are not only grieving the loss of their daughter but are devastated by "regulations" that deny them the right to bury their child in the local cemetery of Tabriz.

After her death in hospital, her parents wanted to take the body home for the ritual washing and Bahai prayers, but when the ambulance driver heard that she was a Bahai, he stopped the vehicle and insisted that she could only be taken to the Wadi Rahmat cemetery in Tabriz.

Eventually he relented and took the body to her parents' home. After the body had been washed and wrapped in a shroud, and the prayer for the dead read, in accordance with Bahai rites, it was taken to Wadi Rahmat cemetery and placed in the mortuary, where it remains.

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Deceased Bahai girl denied burial in Tabriz

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It would be a reasonable idea that in response----the USA close down all muslim cemetaries----at the very least---such moves could be made at state level
I can't blame the Iranians.......the Bahai's are a cult religion.

Catholics in the U.S. won't allow Satanists to be buried in their cemeteries.

Same difference. ...... :cool:

I can't blame the Iranians.......the Bahai's are a cult religion.

Catholics in the U.S. won't allow Satanists to be buried in their cemeteries.

Same difference. ...... :cool:


good point----islam is a shit religion and muslims in the USA should be subjected to
the same treatment Iran meets out to persons of the BAHAI ---religion----Muslims should be completely banned from Israel-----their presence pollutes
I can't blame the Iranians.......the Bahai's are a cult religion.

Catholics in the U.S. won't allow Satanists to be buried in their cemeteries.

Same difference. ...... :cool:


I think it's time we treat Muslims the same way they treat other faiths. If they don't denounce the violent intolerant cult of Islam, kick them out. that's gonna happen ..... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:

unfortunately it won't Every once in awhile-----I state on a messageboard----
at muslims-----who seem to regard shariah as something "good"-------"fine with me--
muslims can to shariah and render non muslims DHIMMIS so long as muslims agree
to be "DHIMMIS" in lands with non muslim majorities---subject to the same rules----dhimmis ENJOY under the "BEAUTY OF ISLAM" -------just about every time I
have so posted I have been called an "ISLAMOPHOBE"---------

For those who do not know-----muslims are taught--that DHIMMIA is a terrific idea and people so rendered are ECSTATIC with joy Sunni----I offer you---

Ya don't say? Sure it will. Give it some time and a few more terrorist events on US soil.
Naw.......there will be another pogrom against the Juden long before that will happen. ...... :cool:

not unlikely-----its the only way muzzies have for exciting their fat-assed sluts.

I was holding my breath during the New York running marathon----the good news is
that none of the MANY routes passed anywhere near the muzzi lairs and there were
lots of cops on the LOOK-OUT for the stink of niqabi sluts
Sunni animal seems very upset that the truth about Islam is being exposed.

Sunni animal seems very upset that the truth about Islam is being exposed.


muhummad was a very sensitive man------when a lady made fun of him-----the poor
hurt and insulted little MOMO---------had one of his good pals stick a knife into her---
a very sensitive man-------poor little momo
Sunni animal seems very upset that the truth about Islam is being exposed.


muhummad was a very sensitive man------when a lady made fun of him-----the poor
hurt and insulted little MOMO---------had one of his good pals stick a knife into her---
a very sensitive man-------poor little momo

Yeah, and when the ancient Jews of Mecca refused to call him a prophet, he beheaded all them, personally, one by one. He stopped of course to sharpen his blade, and then continued. Oh wait a minute! Isn't that what the Palestinian animals did the the ancient Jews of a Hebron in 1929?
Sunni animal seems very upset that the truth about Islam is being exposed.


muhummad was a very sensitive man------when a lady made fun of him-----the poor
hurt and insulted little MOMO---------had one of his good pals stick a knife into her---
a very sensitive man-------poor little momo

Yeah, and when the ancient Jews of Mecca refused to call him a prophet, he beheaded all them, personally, one by one. He stopped of course to sharpen his blade, and then continued. Oh wait a minute! Isn't that what the Palestinian animals did the the ancient Jews of a Hebron in 1929?

well? can you blame him-------he just wanted to be DA PROFFITT----is dat
too much to ask dose nasty jooooooos?
I can't blame the Iranians.......the Bahai's are a cult religion.

Catholics in the U.S. won't allow Satanists to be buried in their cemeteries.

Same difference. ...... :cool:


good point----islam is a shit religion and muslims in the USA should be subjected to
the same treatment Iran meets out to persons of the BAHAI ---religion----Muslims should be completely banned from Israel-----their presence pollutes

Can you imagine the gall of the Muslims demanding this? They are lucky to be out of their native countries and living in a civilized place like Germany. In the local Providence Hospital run by the Sisters of Charity, over each bed is a Crucifix and on each doorpost is a Mezuzah. There are many Muslims in the area who, no doubt, avail themselves of the services of that hospital. I don't think they would have the nerve to demand that the Crucifix and Mezuzah are to be taken down in their room. There is a Rabbi from the Middle East (I think Iraq or Iran) on the staff of chaplains, and when he goes from room to room asking the patients if they want him to say a pray for their health and if they want it said in English or Hebrew, he said that the Muslim patients tell him to say the prayer in Hebrew.

"Muslims in Germany were granted their own section of the cemetery. Now these same Islamic communities are demanding that, during Islamic funerals, Christian symbols and crosses in the cemetery be removed or covered up."
I can't blame the Iranians.......the Bahai's are a cult religion.

Catholics in the U.S. won't allow Satanists to be buried in their cemeteries.

Same difference. ...... :cool:


good point----islam is a shit religion and muslims in the USA should be subjected to
the same treatment Iran meets out to persons of the BAHAI ---religion----Muslims should be completely banned from Israel-----their presence pollutes

Can you imagine the gall of the Muslims demanding this? They are lucky to be out of their native countries and living in a civilized place like Germany. In the local Providence Hospital run by the Sisters of Charity, over each bed is a Crucifix and on each doorpost is a Mezuzah. There are many Muslims in the area who, no doubt, avail themselves of the services of that hospital. I don't think they would have the nerve to demand that the Crucifix and Mezuzah are to be taken down in their room. There is a Rabbi from the Middle East (I think Iraq or Iran) on the staff of chaplains, and when he goes from room to room asking the patients if they want him to say a pray for their health and if they want it said in English or Hebrew, he said that the Muslim patients tell him to say the prayer in Hebrew.

"Muslims in Germany were granted their own section of the cemetery. Now these same Islamic communities are demanding that, during Islamic funerals, Christian symbols and crosses in the cemetery be removed or covered up."

Its not the first outrage-----it has happened in hospital chapels-----in some cases
muslims demanded that crosses and pictures and statues of saints and jewish stars etc-----be REMOVED-----my all time fave is a demand that non muslims NOT EAT -----in public or office meetings during Ramadan-------I demand that
no one in the world eat chocolate ice cream -----I don't like it. I am not sure why
I do not like chocolate ice cream except that my OLDEST brother did not like it and
I idolized him as a child-----my brother only one year older than I am-----demands ONLY chocolate ice cream ........ ???

NO MORE CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM!!!!! death to chocolate ice cream.....

I don't like black licorice either-----------I despise it
The crucifix and mezuzah are objects of idol worship.

And should be rejected by all Christians and Jews. ...... :cool:

the name muhummad is the name of a thief, murderer and rapist----and should
never be uttered by anyone in the world-----speaking the name
"muhummad" should be a capital crime---unless it is accompanied by a curse---
such is "in hell forever"
The crucifix and mezuzah are objects of idol worship.

And should be rejected by all Christians and Jews. ...... :cool:

And what's that black meteorite in Mecca that you Moooslems do your circle jerk combined with bending over and sticking your asses out in unison? If the way Muslims pray on all fours isn't identical to idolworshippers of ancient days, I don't know what is:

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