Deceased Bahai girl denied burial in Tabriz

The crucifix and mezuzah are objects of idol worship.

And should be rejected by all Christians and Jews. ...... :cool:

And what's that black meteorite in Mecca that you Moooslems do your circle jerk combined with bending over and sticking your asses out in unison? If the way Muslims pray on all fours isn't identical to idolworshippers of ancient days, I don't know what is:

Roudy FOR SHAME-----you have insulted the black turd in the sand---the very
turd that muhummad himself <spit> actually kissed------the poor turd recoiled
in disgust
How is Muslim prayer any different than ancient idolatry?

Ancient idolatry:


Muslim idolatry:


How is Muslim prayer any different than ancient idolatry?

Ancient idolatry:


Muslim idolatry:



how is it different? it's even stupider. --------kinda like mindless------
like a football rally-----up down --shish boom bah---rah rah akbarrrr.----
I prefer that OLD TIME MOON god-------I do not recall him
demanding suicide slut activity

oh---the moon is a girl? ok that does make sense------the sun is a boy and the
moon is a girl La la la la --give me that old time religion,,,,,,~~~ la la

the Koran actually does not deny the use of the black turd as a ----
kinda idol-------poor mo mo is not sure what to do with it----the people
are used to it so he just makes up another story
I wonder where Sunni went to? Maybe he went to get on all fours like an idol worshipper.


Ramadan has Pagan Roots in India and the
Middle East

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and the rigid observance ofthirty days of fasting during the daylight hours, has pagan roots developed inIndia and the Middle East. The observance of fasting to honor the moon, and ending the fast when themoon’s crescent appears, was practiced with the rituals of the Eastern worshippersof the moon. Both Ibn al-Nadim and the Shahrastani tell us about al-Jandrikinieh, an Indian sect which began to fast when the moon disappeared andended the fast with a great feast when the crescent reappeared[1].

The Sabians, who were pagans in the Middle East, were identified with twogroups, the Mandaeans and the Harranians. The Mandaeans lived in Iraq during the2nd century A.D. As they continue to do today, they worshipped multiple gods,or “light personalities.” Their gods were classified under four categories: “first life,” “second life,”“third life”and “fourth life.” Old gods belongto the “first life” category. They summoned deities who, in turn, created “second life”deities, and so forth.

The other group, considered as Sabians, were the Harranians. They worshippedSin, the moon, as their main deity, but they also worshipped planets and other deities. The Sabians were in contact with Ahnaf, an Arabian group which Mohammed joinedbefore claiming to be a prophet. Ahnaf sought knowledge by going to NorthernIraq, where there were many communities of Mandaeans. They also went to thecity of Harran in the al-Jazirah district in northern Syria on the borderbetween Syria, Iraq and Asia Minor.

Ramadan was a pagan ceremony practiced by the Sabians, whether they wereHarranians or Sabians. From the writings of Abu Zanad, an Arabic writer from Iraqwho lived around 747 A.D., we conclude that at least one Mandaean communitylocated in northern Iraq observed Ramadan[ii][2].

Ramadan was Originally an Annual Ritual Performed at the City of Harran. Similarities Between the Ramadan of Harran and the Islamic Ramadan.

Although the fasting of Ramadan was practiced in pre-Islamic times by the pagansof Jahiliyah, it was introduced to Arabia by the Harranians. Harran was a cityon the border between Syria and Iraq, very close to Asia Minor which, today, isTurkey. Their main deity was the moon, and in the worship of the moon, theyconducted a major fast which lasted thirty days. It began the eighth of March andusually finished the eighth of April. Arabic historians, such as Ibn Hazm, identifythis fast with Ramadan.[iii][3]
I kinda like the moon--------we have but one moon-----cute little moon-------

Mohammad took a peaceful pagan moon god religion and turned it into a violent and intolerant one. Perhaps it was a reflection of himself.
The crucifix and mezuzah are objects of idol worship.

And should be rejected by all Christians and Jews. ...... :cool:
Sunni, ever wonder why you Muslims do circles around that black rock Mohammad left in that idol worshipping temple in Mecca? That's exactly what the idol worshippers in Mecca did around that same temple!

Even what Muslims do in Mecca has pagan roots.

Circumambulation 7 Times
Circumambulation is to go in circles around a particular object. In Islam, worshippers and pilgrims do this around the Ka'aba at Mecca. Pre-Islamic pagans used do it to please the moon god Hubal, the 360 deities and Allah (who was merely one among the many deities worshipped there). Muhammad himself used to do it, even before the 360 idols inside the Ka'aba were removed.

Judaism and Christianity (the religions of those who are considered People of the Book) do not practice ritual circumambulation to please God.
I can't blame the Iranians.......the Bahai's are a cult religion.

Catholics in the U.S. won't allow Satanists to be buried in their cemeteries.

Same difference. ...... :cool:


Nope if you want the same difference it is Shi'ite and Sunni. The girl was a member of an Islamic sect, the same as you are. The difference being the Bahai's are pacifists and do not believe in violence. that's gonna happen ..... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:

It has already happened in parts of Italy and parts of Africa. Very soon it will spread to other parts of the world and there wont be anywhere they will be allowed to bury their dead and will be forced to burn them or dispose of them in quick lime pits
Ya don't say? Sure it will. Give it some time and a few more terrorist events on US soil.
Naw.......there will be another pogrom against the Juden long before that will happen. ...... :cool:

Look to what is happening in Europe and you will see the future for islam

Sunni like all devout Muslims has these fantasies of slaughtering Jews and Christians, and establishing an Islamic Khalifate where Shariah law rules the land. It's not his fault, it's his shitty religion, he's just being a good Mooooslem.
Ya don't say? Sure it will. Give it some time and a few more terrorist events on US soil.
Naw.......there will be another pogrom against the Juden long before that will happen. ...... :cool:

Look to what is happening in Europe and you will see the future for islam

Sunni like all devout Muslims has these fantasies of slaughtering Jews and Christians, and establishing an Islamic Khalifate where Shariah law rules the land. It's not his fault, it's his shitty religion, he's just being a good Mooooslem.

not entirely true, roudy------"ISLAM HAS THE MOST TOLERATION"-----
jews and Christians do not have to ALL die----they can agree to
be enslaved to muslims. I learned all about the MOST TOLERATION---
from muslims educated in muslim schools-------keep in mind-----
Christians and jews are the MOST HAPPY being enslaved to muslims
Ya don't say? Sure it will. Give it some time and a few more terrorist events on US soil.
Naw.......there will be another pogrom against the Juden long before that will happen. ...... :cool:

Look to what is happening in Europe and you will see the future for islam

Sunni like all devout Muslims has these fantasies of slaughtering Jews and Christians, and establishing an Islamic Khalifate where Shariah law rules the land. It's not his fault, it's his shitty religion, he's just being a good Mooooslem.

not entirely true, roudy------"ISLAM HAS THE MOST TOLERATION"-----
jews and Christians do not have to ALL die----they can agree to
be enslaved to muslims. I learned all about the MOST TOLERATION---
from muslims educated in muslim schools-------keep in mind-----
Christians and jews are the MOST HAPPY being enslaved to muslims

I stand corrected, first comes the mass slaughter, and those that survive get the deluxe Islamic enslavement package. It's all part of becoming a member of Club Islam.

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