Deceiver in Chief (BHO)


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Ron Ross
March 20, 2013

Barack Obama’s most dangerous talent is his ability to make people believe he’s something he’s not. He is not recognized for whom and what he is, especially the fact that he does not like the country he’s governing. He is effective because he has successfully hidden his true objectives. He has convinced his followers that he has their interests at heart, that he cares about them and wants to help them. The key ingredient in his power lies in his ability to deceive. People do not want to believe that he does not like the country. Our country is in collective state of denial.

Barack Obama is arrogant, intolerant, mean, dishonest, vengeful, and ruthless. He does not wish us well. He is considered by many of his supporters to be a savior. In fact, he’s a destroyer. Is that an unfair indictment? Consider the evidence.

The economy is operating far below its potential. Is he doing anything to discover why? Millions of people are unable to find jobs. Does he seem concerned? He has an abysmal ignorance of how a market economy actually works. He doesn’t show the slightest curiosity about the causes of our economic distress.

He doesn’t know what he’s doing and he doesn’t care that he doesn’t know. He’s so incredibility arrogant, he doesn’t think he even needs to know. The very fact that he thought he was qualified to fill the most important office in the world demonstrates his profound arrogance. Obama sees no difference between his opinions and the truth. He assumes whatever he says is true simply by the act of saying it. He claims to have proposed $3.9 trillion in budget cuts but no one can explain what he’s referring to.


Read more:
The American Spectator : Deceiver in Chief
Divider in Chief, Narcissist in Chief, Fraud in Chief, Barry Soetoro, Choom in Chief... They all work.
Yet another load of crap.

You folks have such bitter contempt for America and the Democratic process that you are constantly making shit up.
I respect the Democratic process.

America chose Obama and therefore America deserves the consequences. May those consequences merely be lackluster and not devastating.
Yet another load of crap.

You folks have such bitter contempt for America and the Democratic process that you are constantly making shit up.

Bitter contempt for an ideology which tries to remake America in its own image, is not contempt for America. It's quite the opposite.

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