Deep State ... What Be It ?

I niver watched the Series.Nor - Dancing With the Stars -.
I gave up on Network TV a long time ago.
Plus most today's Movies.I used to go to early afternoon
Matinees { less than half price } but gave up on that also.
I have an extensive Movie collection and am a Film Buff.
Plus I cut me teeth on Movie reviewing at Imdb back in the
90's.Wal*Mart and Barnes & Noble have fairly good selection of
DVD's.But that is quickly being shut down.Due to streaming and
Doesn't MATTER what YOU watched.

"One problem may never be resolved.That Hollywood is
dug-in.Incapable of being real" { as in BE FOR REAL }
That’s the problem…people like you who refuse to recognize the problem, because you’ve been duped by state run media.

Or I just get on with my life and don't spend think that all failures in life can be blamed on the government like you do.

I have... actually, very little interaction with the federal government. I file my taxes every year and that's about it.
Or I just get on with my life and don't spend think that all failures in life can be blamed on the government like you do.

I have... actually, very little interaction with the federal government. I file my taxes every year and that's about it.

Your job is posting in favor of the communist/socialistic GOVT, could be paid. you work from home putting together resumes?
Can''t the Blacks up in Chicago type up their own BS? Thats' not a real job you dumb OX. You've never had any real job.
Ooooh boy. you're a big shot know it reality you don't have a clue but blind support for the collapse and rebuild of America.
Translation: Anarchist Communist BLM ANTIFA supporting POS
Yes there is a DEEP State. consisting of GOVT employees taking huge salaries and chasing pensions.
They do as they please and retire young at $10K/mo. They saw Trump as a threat to that way of life.

They worked with DNC on 2020 Election fraud to select their own boss. The criminal (now brain-dead) puppet Obiden 2.0.
They had to stop some other States in 2022 (AZ, GA) so they rigged the midterms. They could not have anyone looking into 2020.//
Or I just get on with my life and don't spend think that all failures in life can be blamed on the government like you do.

I have... actually, very little interaction with the federal government. I file my taxes every year and that's about it.
How could you not know of the deep state? That’s akin to not knowing the earth is a sphere. You are like a flat earther.

I bet you believe the war in Ukraine was unprovoked and the vax is safe and effective. Lol.
Your job is posting in favor of the communist/socialistic GOVT, could be paid. you work from home putting together resumes?
Trump did it from home.
He loves communist.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Then took it on the road.

September 4 2022
Donald Trump has praised the Chinese authoritarian leader Xi Jinping for running China with an "iron fist" in a bizarre campaign rally speech.

"These [leaders] are central casting and there's nobody that could play the role in Hollywood of President Xi of China. Nobody could play the role, because he is a fierce person.

"He [Xi] rules 1.5 billion people with an iron fist, yeah I'd say he's smart. Wouldn't you say he is smart?" He said to the crowd.

President Xi Jinping of China uses aggressive authoritarianism in the country and is criticised by many. He has created a shocking human rights record and is increasingly making the country an oppressive surveillance state.
Can''t the Blacks up in Chicago type up their own BS? Thats' not a real job you dumb OX. You've never had any real job.
Ooooh boy. you're a big shot know it reality you don't have a clue but blind support for the collapse and rebuild of America.
Translation: Anarchist Communist BLM ANTIFA supporting POS
Your job is posting in favor of the communist/socialistic GOVT, could be paid. you work from home putting together resumes?

Actually, that's more of a side job, but never mind. My day job is supply chain and procurement.

Can''t the Blacks up in Chicago type up their own BS? Thats' not a real job you dumb OX. You've never had any real job.

Actually, 90% of my customers are white people.

But over my long career, I've been a soldier, a warehouse manager, a Buyer, an inventory planner, and of course, running a resume writing business.

Ooooh boy. you're a big shot know it reality you don't have a clue but blind support for the collapse and rebuild of America.

Uh, America is fine. RIght Wingers are miserable. All is good.

Translation: Anarchist Communist BLM ANTIFA supporting POS
Yawn, guy, maybe I want an America that works for everyone and not just rich white people? Let's try that for a change.
How could you not know of the deep state? That’s akin to not knowing the earth is a sphere. You are like a flat earther.

It's been my experience that people who believe in vast conspiracies keeping them down usually are failures in their own lives.

I bet you believe the war in Ukraine was unprovoked and the vax is safe and effective. Lol.
Are you going to tell me about the Illuminati and the Lizard People next?
It's been my experience that people who believe in vast conspiracies keeping them down usually are failures in their own lives.

Are you going to tell me about the Illuminati and the Lizard People next?
Denigrating those who live in reality only makes you look ignorant.
Your delusions are not reality.

If there was a Deep State, Trump would have choked on a poison cheeseburger a long time ago.
Its funny how often those labeled conspiracy theorists turn out to be right. After all the lies with Covid and the vax, I’d have thought you’d catch on by now.
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How could you not know of the deep state? That’s akin to not knowing the earth is a sphere. You are like a flat earther.

I bet you believe the war in Ukraine was unprovoked and the vax is safe and effective. Lol.
How could you not know that it is not some “Deep State” that rules the world but rather … It is the dark forces of Satan that rule the world !

My point is simple. That would make almost as much sense … given that you cannot and haven’t even tried to DEFINE your “Deep State.”

One fool here thinks “the Deep State” consists of government bureaucrats … who retire on pensions of $10,000 a month!


In a powerful complex capitalist world filled with competing forces and powers, where money rules, or even just within the biggest and most powerful society which sits at the core of the capitalist world’s Wall Street financial empire, where and how do you define the “Deep State”?

How naive can you be to think it rules with one consciousness? All of American society is still capable of collapsing into civil war, or economic crisis, and U.S. hegemony is under constant challenge in new and different ways as our production has lessened dramatically as a percent of world production, and technology changes and ecological problems multiply.

Of course most U.S. elites do not want to see U.S. state power administered by an old megalomaniacal lunatic like Trump. That is just natural, but it certainly does not mean they are “Democrats” or love an old doddering politician like Biden.

At the core of U.S. state power — and all states’ power — is the military, the police and the courts. In the U.S., our Republican system subordinates & situates such arbitrary state power under law. Our government and its courts are federally decentralized, the legislatures and executive powers are representative, with a built-in divisions of power. Thus U.S. “state power” has developed in such a way that it allows for individual rights, economic diversity, private property, entrepreneurship, corporate economy and constant evolution of economic power, where there are many elites, billionaires, competing factions, organized groups, parties in and out of power periodically, etc. etc. The human and natural world are also much bigger and ultimately more powerful than the U.S.A., its armies, police, courts and economy.

Go ahead and simplify and demonize and DEFINE your “Deep State” any way you like. It won’t change the supremely complex reality we live in one bit.
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That’s the problem…people like you who refuse to recognize the problem, because you’ve been duped by state run media.
Duped will eventually be replaced by " Controlled " as if watching
a version of the John Hurt/Richard Burton:
- 1984 -
That’s the problem…people like you who refuse to recognize the problem, because you’ve been duped by state run media.
One problem may never be resolved.That Hollywood is
dug-in.Incapable of being real { as in BE FOR REAL }
I coulda jazzed it up as :
Be for real ... Girl.
Like Stuck on Stupid Rob Reiner or Chicago actor
and lifelong diehard Democrat John Cusack.
Who is a very good actor but incapable of being Real.
Especially given his Politics.He just refuses to comprehend
how nasty and unreal his vaunted Democrat Party is.
And since his last roles have been really nasty snarky
and inhumane ,maybe he's been drinkin' too much the
Leftist Kool-aid.
Like in :
- Blood Money - { 2017 }
Frozen Ground - { 2013 } as Serial Killer
Definately no unconventional Hero.
Yet quick as a hungry beaver to chew up the Political
Cusak has always been a model of mediocrity.
How could you not know that it is not some “Deep State” that rules the world but rather … It is the dark forces of Satan that rule the world !

My point is simple. That would make almost as much sense … given that you cannot and haven’t even tried to DEFINE your “Deep State.”

One fool here thinks “the Deep State” consists of government bureaucrats … who retire on pensions of $10,000 a month!


In a powerful complex capitalist world filled with competing forces and powers, where money rules, or even just within the biggest and most powerful society which sits at the core of the capitalist world’s Wall Street financial empire, where and how do you define the “Deep State”?

How naive can you be to think it rules with one consciousness? All of American society is still capable of collapsing into civil war, or economic crisis, and U.S. hegemony is under constant challenge in new and different ways as our production has lessened dramatically as a percent of world production, and technology changes and ecological problems multiply.

Of course most U.S. elites do not want to see U.S. state power administered by an old megalomaniacal lunatic like Trump. That is just natural, but it certainly does not mean they are “Democrats” or love an old doddering politician like Biden.

At the core of U.S. state power — and all states’ power — is the military, the police and the courts. In the U.S., our Republican system subordinates & situates such arbitrary state power under law. Our government and its courts are federally decentralized, the legislatures and executive powers are representative, with a built-in divisions of power. Thus U.S. “state power” has developed in such a way that it allows for individual rights, economic diversity, private property, entrepreneurship, corporate economy and constant evolution of economic power, where there are many elites, billionaires, competing factions, organized groups, parties in and out of power periodically, etc. etc. The human and natural world are also much bigger and ultimately more powerful than the U.S.A., its armies, police, courts and economy.

Go ahead and simplify and demonize and DEFINE your “Deep State” any way you like. It won’t change the supremely complex reality we live in one bit.
You moonbats are so cute when you're actually gaslighting yourselves. :auiqs.jpg:
ZIONIST FASCISM is what it is, and we were warned...

The Deep State follows established rules and regulations.
If they don’t they get fired.

There was no Deep State

There is no mafia!

I have... actually, very little interaction with the federal government.

Uh, America is fine. RIght Wingers are miserable. All is good.

It's been my experience that people who believe in vast conspiracies keeping them down usually are failures in their own lives.

Are you going to tell me about the Illuminati and the Lizard People next?

If there was a Deep State, Trump would have choked on a poison cheeseburger a long time ago.

None are so blind as those that refuse to see.......~S~
How could you not know that it is not some “Deep State” that rules the world but rather … It is the dark forces of Satan that rule the world !

My point is simple. That would make almost as much sense … given that you cannot and haven’t even tried to DEFINE your “Deep State.”

One fool here thinks “the Deep State” consists of government bureaucrats … who retire on pensions of $10,000 a month!


In a powerful complex capitalist world filled with competing forces and powers, where money rules, or even just within the biggest and most powerful society which sits at the core of the capitalist world’s Wall Street financial empire, where and how do you define the “Deep State”?

How naive can you be to think it rules with one consciousness? All of American society is still capable of collapsing into civil war, or economic crisis, and U.S. hegemony is under constant challenge in new and different ways as our production has lessened dramatically as a percent of world production, and technology changes and ecological problems multiply.

Of course most U.S. elites do not want to see U.S. state power administered by an old megalomaniacal lunatic like Trump. That is just natural, but it certainly does not mean they are “Democrats” or love an old doddering politician like Biden.

At the core of U.S. state power — and all states’ power — is the military, the police and the courts. In the U.S., our Republican system subordinates & situates such arbitrary state power under law. Our government and its courts are federally decentralized, the legislatures and executive powers are representative, with a built-in divisions of power. Thus U.S. “state power” has developed in such a way that it allows for individual rights, economic diversity, private property, entrepreneurship, corporate economy and constant evolution of economic power, where there are many elites, billionaires, competing factions, organized groups, parties in and out of power periodically, etc. etc. The human and natural world are also much bigger and ultimately more powerful than the U.S.A., its armies, police, courts and economy.

Go ahead and simplify and demonize and DEFINE your “Deep State” any way you like. It won’t change the supremely complex reality we live in one bit.
Who said it wasn’t complex? Why the Strawman attack?

There are forces within and outside government that control the government.

My problem is with those who refuse to believe there is a deep state. The msm has proclaimed there isn’t a deep state and dupes like Joe believe them.

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