Deep State ... What Be It ?

"Deep State ... What Be It ?"

It's Washington, D.C.!!

It's the status quo. It's both Parties and all of their Bureaucratic Affiliates. It's the American Pravda (state controlled mainstream media). It's the well-entrenched benefactors of insider trading; under-the-table-deals with foreign interests and/or special interests; and them who get filthy rich at taxpayer expense. And it's their Wall Street, Fortune 500 cohorts and co-conspirators.
Rightly so.Unless you don't like the fact that Israel is far and
away THE Best and Biggest ALLY we have in the Middle East.
With israel as an an American ally, who needs enemies?
How many israeli troops were in Iraq?
How many israeli troops were in Afghanistan?
How many israeli troops were in Vietnam?
Trump pardoned most of his cult, and wants to, if elected pardon the traitors who tried to take over the US government.

Jack Smith is doing exactly that.

Of course they $27 a pop Trump REALLY loves his gullible cult.
Jack Smith is roundly understood to be The Poster Boy of
Failed Prosecutors.The reason he quit as U.S. Attorney from Nashville.
Because he threw a tissy fit that President Trump would not name him
lead U.S. Attorney.So Jack the Smith hightailed it back to the
Netherlands.More to his Likin'. Maybe he managed to have lunch with
Little Globalist Greta Thunberg to discuss how to Unamericanize
the U.S. from abroad first.I mean,until Pops Biden was desperate to
get Trump and needed a verifiably gifted shady Snidely Whiplash
Prosecutor to nail the *unnailably popular Former Potus.

* A word needed I made up. Like " Pinkie Pie nailed it.Oh you didn't
burn the cake,this time. "
Trump pardoned most of his cult, and wants to, if elected pardon the traitors who tried to take over the US government.

Jack Smith is doing exactly that.

Of course they $27 a pop Trump REALLY loves his gullible cult.
So explain how Trump manages to fill any venue with massive
overflow crowds.No matter if raining for days.
Where Pops Biden has a hard time filling small parking lots
with fans seated in their cars honking out approval.
I mean,if only Rod Serling were around today.He'd have a real hoot.
Donald Trump needed authority to Fire FBI " holdovers ".
Not an Attorney general because those are Presidential
Surely you must understand that dilemna.
Unlike the world he was used to……Trump could not just fire people at will for doing their job.

Trump tried to bring in Attorney Generals who would act on his behalf and do his bidding. Both Sessions and Barr ended up following the law and were fired for it.
So explain how Trump manages to fill any venue with massive
overflow crowds.No matter if raining for days.
Where Pops Biden has a hard time filling small parking lots
with fans seated in their cars honking out approval.
I mean,if only Rod Serling were around today.He'd have a real hoot.

He couldn’t fill his inauguration…….Obama did

Thanks to technology, they know where you sleep and for how long

Pleasant dreams.
But as of Yet,not How one sleeps.Trump supporters can sleep
better knowing that their Guy { Trump } will work dilligently to
keep Americanism alive, well and fun.
Biden's america is anything But Americanism.It's dirty,
violent,full of Protestors and silly dopiness like teaching kids
to be whatever sex they prefer.Teaching Adults how to Lie,
Vote w/o Voter ID and Cheat.Push around other americans like BLM
Antifa or Maxine Waters.And that's merely the first chapter of
of Biden's New Version of - The True Believer - a great example by
San Fransico longshoreman Eric Hoffer explaining the Nature of
Mass Movements.
There was time not yore ago where even the N.Y.Times felt
compelled to say of Hoffer's book { thoughts } :
" THE TRUE BELIEVER glitters with icy wit ... bristles
with deadly parallels ... It is a harsh and potent mental
tonic. "
So explain how Trump manages to fill any venue with massive
overflow crowds.
No shortage, of massive STUPIDITY in Trump's cult.
No matter if raining for days.
Even dumber.
Just to hear reruns of the past 3 years?
Where Pops Biden has a hard time filling small parking lots
with fans seated in their cars honking out approval.
Yeah, if that parking lot was across the street from my house, I wouldn't go over there to hear Biden speak.
SEE how cults work?
I mean,if only Rod Serling were around today.He'd have a real hoot. got ONE thing right.
He couldn’t fill his inauguration…….Obama did

View attachment 796622
Enough so that more than 200 people were arrested for stuff like
punching cops and jumping on Cop cruisers.Plus wasn't Madonna
given free reign { a platform } to foment her belief that the new
Trump White House needs to be Bombed.
Last edited:
No shortage, of massive STUPIDITY in Trump's cult.

Even dumber.
Just to hear reruns of the past 3 years?

Yeah, if that parking lot was across the street from my house, I wouldn't go over there to hear Biden speak.
SEE how cults work? got ONE thing right.
Ya gotta prove { back up } what you claim ... Junior league
Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.
This is a message board not some Recreation lot at
Sing Sing.
Ya gotta prove { back up } what you claim ... Junior league
Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.
YOU just did.
This is a message board not some Recreation lot at
Sing Sing.
If Bragg gets his man, that's where Trump will get lots of "recreation".
Or not?

Trump thinks exercise is bad for you, depletes limited energy​

Yahoo › news › trump-thinks-exercis...

May 15, 2017 — President Trump has a peculiar theory about exercise which does not match the medical community's conclusion that it's healthful and ...
One problem may never be resolved.That Hollywood is
dug-in.Incapable of being real { as in BE FOR REAL }
I coulda jazzed it up as :
Be for real ... Girl.
Like Stuck on Stupid Rob Reiner or Chicago actor
and lifelong diehard Democrat John Cusack.
Who is a very good actor but incapable of being Real.
Especially given his Politics.He just refuses to comprehend
how nasty and unreal his vaunted Democrat Party is.
And since his last roles have been really nasty snarky
and inhumane ,maybe he's been drinkin' too much the
Leftist Kool-aid.
Like in :
- Blood Money - { 2017 }
Frozen Ground - { 2013 } as Serial Killer
Definately no unconventional Hero.
Yet quick as a hungry beaver to chew up the Political
YOU just did.

If Bragg gets his man, that's where Trump will get lots of "recreation".
Or not?

Trump thinks exercise is bad for you, depletes limited energy

View attachment 796628
Yahoo › news › trump-thinks-exercis...
May 15, 2017 — President Trump has a peculiar theory about exercise which does not match the medical community's conclusion that it's healthful and ...
Because we all knowed how fit and healthy the chunky slob
Alvin Bragg insists he be,.
What do you rely upon as brain food.?
One problem may never be resolved.That Hollywood is
dug-in.Incapable of being real { as in BE FOR REAL }
I coulda jazzed it up as :
Be for real ... Girl.
Like Stuck on Stupid Rob Reiner or Chicago actor
and lifelong diehard Democrat John Cusack.
Who is a very good actor but incapable of being Real.
Especially given his Politics.He just refuses to comprehend
how nasty and unreal his vaunted Democrat Party is.
And since his last roles have been really nasty snarky
and inhumane ,maybe he's been drinkin' too much the
Leftist Kool-aid.
Like in :
- Blood Money - { 2017 }
Frozen Ground - { 2013 } as Serial Killer
Definately no unconventional Hero.
Yet quick as a hungry beaver to chew up the Political

The Apprentice (TV Series 2004–2017)​

IMDb › title

With Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, George Ross, Robin Himmler. Contestants compete for a job as an apprentice to billionaire American Donald Trump.

The Apprentice (TV Series 2004–2017)

View attachment 796633
IMDb › title
With Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, George Ross, Robin Himmler. Contestants compete for a job as an apprentice to billionaire American Donald Trump.
I niver watched the Series.Nor - Dancing With the Stars -.
I gave up on Network TV a long time ago.
Plus most today's Movies.I used to go to early afternoon
Matinees { less than half price } but gave up on that also.
I have an extensive Movie collection and am a Film Buff.
Plus I cut me teeth on Movie reviewing at Imdb back in the
90's.Wal*Mart and Barnes & Noble have fairly good selection of
DVD's.But that is quickly being shut down.Due to streaming and
The problem isn't the Deep State.

The problem is that our system encountered someone who was completely unfit for the Presidency (Trump) and we really didn't have a way to get rid of him other than voting him out.

The mechanisms are there, of course, either impeachment or the 25th Amendment. But that would require a Republican Party that isn't full of cowards.
That’s the problem…people like you who refuse to recognize the problem, because you’ve been duped by state run media.

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