Defecting Iranian Journalist: U.S. At Nuclear Talks ‘To Speak On Iran’s Behalf’ (Not Good At All)

Of course Obama is.......

He's already agreed to let them have underground nuclear facilities and centrifuges, and he knows Iran is hiding parts of their program, so he's effectively letting them have nuclear weapons.

And Iran has demanded Saudi Arabia stop bombing their minions in Yemen, effectively giving Iran that country, and Obama is going along with it. How's that for success in Yemen?
This makes the Menendez complaint about the White House using Iran's talking points not just figurative, but literal.

What it also means is that the old Israeli leak was true. Jarrett secretly "pre-negotiated" with Iran, and then Kerry was brought in to buy into that position and make it look legit. Now they are trying to sell it to other nations which undoubtedly suspect that there is something fishy going on.
France has already balked at the deal, and Obama is pressuring them to accept it.

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