Deficit spending not sustainable. The Fed spends more on INTEREST ON DEBT than DEFENSE

Don't get me started on that RINO.
He was one of the first Republicans to defend Trump when Trump broke the law. He said "give him a break he's new at this".

And he didn't fight Trump. He simply left. I may not like his politics, but I respect him more than any Republican going along with Trump. That includes my brother and Nephew. Fucking Nazi's. Or Confederates.
You're bringing me back to 2008

America’s working families have been squeezed for most of this decade by stagnant wages and diminishing health and retirement benefits. Now they face new economic pressures from rising gasoline, food, heating, and electricity prices. A portion of those higher costs are directly attributable to the weakening of the dollar and the economic policies that have produced a weak dollar.

Since January 2000, the dollar has fallen by 37 percent against the euro, with nearly two-thirds of that decline occurring since January 2006. The dollar has fallen 31 percent against the Canadian dollar, and 17 percent against the British pound.

This was in 2008. Did you vote for Obama?
This is Government's BACKDOOR TAX on our savings. They won't stop borrowing and spending until the whole house of cards collapses.
This is Government's BACKDOOR TAX on our savings. They won't stop borrowing and spending until the whole house of cards collapses.

I'm going to be so pissed when they say they have to cut everyone's social security 25%.

Oh yea, I agree with you that the 2008 Great Recession was on purpose, to recoup all the money necessary to keep the house of cards going. In other words, our system was not working out. Too many people owned homes and something had to give. This is all way over our heads, but bottom line is they needed to make a correction. So they sent 750,000 jobs overseas, chain reaction, foreclosures, a recession at just the right time, bing bang bong, next thing you know hundreds of houses are foreclosed and the rich gobbled them up cheap and today they rent those homes to the people who used to own them.
No he was president until January 2008 when the new guy is sworn in.
But wait. Biden is going to be president Nov 2024. The election year. Isn't 2008 the election year? So the election is held in Nov 2008.

Am I stupid?
2008 budgets were made in 2007. That would be under Bush jr not Oblama, duh.

they added nearly $1T STIMULUS in 08’.
Obiden 1 had no budget for all 8 years? Not sure how they did it but “continuing resolution” comes to mind. The $1T stayed in spending every year. Once debt interest and costs ate up the $1T slush fund the economy began to slow or go sideways 15, 16 to hand off to the next guy to deal with.
I'm going to be so pissed when they say they have to cut everyone's social security 25%.
You underestimate government's greed. Not just cuts to entitlements, multiple times government has floated grabbing the deferred taxes NOW on our retirement savings vs waiting until we spend the money in retirement.
they added nearly $1T STIMULUS in 08’.
Obiden 1 had no budget for all 8 years? Not sure how they did it but “continuing resolution” comes to mind. The $1T stayed in spending every year. Once debt interest and costs ate up the $1T slush fund the economy began to slow or go sideways 15, 16 to hand off to the next guy to deal with.
Yet something else to mock, that government actually has a budget. :auiqs.jpg: I'm surprised they don't self immolate for daring to even speak the word budget.
they added nearly $1T STIMULUS in 08’.
Obiden 1 had no budget for all 8 years? Not sure how they did it but “continuing resolution” comes to mind. The $1T stayed in spending every year. Once debt interest and costs ate up the $1T slush fund the economy began to slow or go sideways 15, 16 to hand off to the next guy to deal with.
Wars deal a blow to economies also.
But wait. Biden is going to be president Nov 2024. The election year. Isn't 2008 the election year? So the election is held in Nov 2008.

Am I stupid?

Moon is right but only on a technicality like fiscal year and such. It is All Congress BS spending games as they raid the treasury and shovel blame. Moon repeats the talking points.
You underestimate government's greed. Not just cuts to entitlements, multiple times government has floated grabbing the deferred taxes NOW on our retirement savings vs waiting until we spend the money in retirement.
Like I said earlier, I want to see a really red state government do what you are suggesting. Like Alaska and Wyoming? They are number 1 and 2!!!

State and local gov't. employees: 19.8% of workforce (2nd highest)

State and local gov't. employees: 21.1% of workforce (the highest)

NY only 14%
Cali 13%

North Dakota, Nebraska, etc. Don't they vote Republican?
Raise which Taxes? By how much? on Business? On Individuals? What do you propose to take from them? You don’t have a clue do you? without killing the GDP and causing less overall revenue? So Sad, the parott Leftist.
Given that you obviously don’t actually care about the debt
What is the plan to reduce the debt?

a $7 trillion budget?

A $7 Trillion Biden budget with $5 Trillion in new taxes.

We need to buy Biden a $5 Casio calculator and help him with the math.

Janet Yellen testified before Congress that Biden's spending plans will eventually push the deficit to $51 Trillion dollars. Thst is apparently the Dem / Socialist plan.
A $7 Trillion Biden budget with $5 Trillion in new taxes.

We need to buy Biden a $5 Casio calculator and help him with the math.

Janet Yellen testified before Congress that Biden's spending plans will eventually push the deficit to $51 Trillion dollars. Thst is apparently the Dem / Socialist plan.
So roll back the tax break for the rich and raise the cap on Social Security right?


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