Define "Enlightenment"


  • Receiving a Universary Degree.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Believing that you possess secret knowledge that most others do not.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Believe that you have all the answers.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Believing yourself to be a Prophet sent to teach the masses.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Realizing that your knowledge is little more than a speck of dust in a sea of what can be known.

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Achieving at least 10 or more insightful, "aha moments" in your life.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Other (please explain).

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters


Cast Iron Member
Feb 16, 2014
State of Disgust!
How do you define "enlightenment" and to what degree do you feel you've reached that state of perfect nirvana? How has your level of enlightenment enhanced your personal life and the lives of them who surround you?
I am probably one of the most opinionated people I know but I'm also aware that opinions are like bung-holes ... everyone has one. I've been convinced that I "know" a truth of some sort just to realize that I was wrong. I'd be willing to bet that all the collective knowledge of all the humans that have ever walked the earth is but a fraction of what there really is to know. Humans are a boastful, egotistical lot that know virtually nothing in the grand scheme of things.
I have spent my entire life learning new things and I expect that this will continue until I die or become mentally incapable of learning. Since it is unlikely that I will know all there is to know by then I most certainly won't be enlightened as far as knowledge is concerned.

But enlightenment is more about self knowledge in my opinion. Do I know myself better now than I did when I was younger? Yes, absolutely. Do I know everything there is to know about myself? No, I might be the subject matter expert about me but I am still learning about how I am evolving as a person.

One final point is spiritual enlightenment. Billions of people believe this is the path that they should follow while there are others who choose to make their own path. In this respect we are all equally ignorant and unenlightened in my opinion.
How do you define "enlightenment" and to what degree do you feel you've reached that state of perfect nirvana? How has your level of enlightenment enhanced your personal life and the lives of them who surround you?

I'm up to eight. Wish me luck!
Interestingly, the question in the OP was the central question during the Enlightenment period itself.
Thanks for some good comments. I've only had two "aha moments" that I can think of. One came when I realized that there was a power greater than myself (early sobriety in AA) and the second was when I realized that I knew virtually nothing about most things. I don't even truly know that much about myself. I think most folks build a box around themselves based on what they THINK they know about themselves. But I could be wrong ... again.
Nirvana can't be obtained as long as you live wanting.

As humans I believe we will always live wanting; therefore, Nirvana is unobtainable. Even the "A-number-one-top-dog" Buddhist wants things. Whether he wants a new set of cool robes or wants his head shaved for wants a bowl of stir fry he's gonna want something.
How do you define "enlightenment" and to what degree do you feel you've reached that state of perfect nirvana? How has your level of enlightenment enhanced your personal life and the lives of them who surround you?

I suppose being enlightened means understanding something that others do not that lets you get a leg up on your fellow man. Otherwise it is just common knowledge.
How do you define "enlightenment" and to what degree do you feel you've reached that state of perfect nirvana? How has your level of enlightenment enhanced your personal life and the lives of them who surround you?

I suppose being enlightened means understanding something that others do not that lets you get a leg up on your fellow man. Otherwise it is just common knowledge.

Or maybe enlightenment is the realization that it's not necessary to get a "leg up" in the first place. Perhaps entering a more giving and caring mode of thought is the leg up we all need.
Achieving enough insightful, "aha moments" in your life to elevate your soul. But these "aha moments" only work if you act on them.

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