Definition Of Insanity: Repeating The Clinton Years With The Clintons


Sep 23, 2010
Anybody who says voters have long memories suffers from a short memory. Voters have notoriously short memories and even shorter attention spans. They prove it every time they reelect the people who are enslaving them. Now comes another item voters will forget should Hillary Clinton get her party’s nomination:

It took 11 years, but Judicial Watch recently received a response to a 2002 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that revealed another major missed opportunity by the Clinton administration to prevent the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack, which is part of perhaps the most catastrophic failure in the history of U.S. intelligence.

The new document reads like a Robert Ludlum spy novel, replete with exotic locales and sinister plots.

FITTON: Clinton White House ignored 9/11 warnings
By Tom Fitton Wednesday, November 6, 2013

FITTON: Clinton White House ignored 9/11 warnings - Washington Times

The above revelation is terrifying because the Clintons might very well return to power in 2017.

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. George Santayana

Let’s face it, Santayana (1863 - 1952) did a bit of fudging. There is no collective memory passed down from generation to generation. For the most part the past is remembered in history books written for profit by authors of questionable character. Indeed, recorded history is the natural enemy of recorded wisdom. Recorded wisdom can only be found in the observations of a tiny handful of wise men. Ask yourself this question. Is mankind better off because of history books or because of universal wisdom stated in a few words?

Example: Americans learn more from the words of the Founders than they ever learned from the recorded history of the American Revolution. Learning about all of the battles and the hardships Colonial Americans faced to win independence cannot compare with a few words encapsulating the reason those battles were fought and those hardships endured:

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. Thomas Jefferson

Short memories have nothing to do with reliving terrible events from bygone centuries. Repeating the recent past is another matter. Repeating the Clinton years with the Clintons is insanity.

No doubt many of the villains who served the Clintons in the 1990s will also return. Voters in the state of Virginia just elected a governor who is one of the vilest scoundrels ever to serve the Clintons. Alas, the same thing might occur on the federal level.

Professional villainess

I do not use the word professional lightly. Anybody who excels in their chosen profession certainly deserves the title of professional. A good case can be made that Jamie Gorelick, a professional villainess in every sense of the phrase, was more responsible for the events of 9-11-2011 than any other single individual. She won’t be returning to power with the Clintons. SHE NEVER LEFT.

I believe that Gorelick is now a member of the Defense Policy Board, and the Defense Legal Policy Board in the Department of Defense. Considering Gorelick’s infamous wall I’d say her current grip on influence is akin to putting Al Capone in charge of the Volstead Act:

As Deputy Attorney General under Bill Clinton from 1994 to 1997 Gorelick wrote the memo that created the now infamous “Gorelick Wall.” A 1995 memo she wrote, stated explicitly that they would “go beyond what is legally required, [to] prevent any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance that FISA is being used to avoid procedural safeguards which would apply in a criminal investigation.” These rules were, shortly after their creation, expanded to regulate such communications in future counter-terrorism investigations. It set a procedure where various intelligence operations such as the FBI and CIA could not share information with each other.

Jamie Gorelick’s “wall” barred anti-terror investigators from accessing the computer of Zacarias Moussaoui, the 20th hijacker, already in custody on an immigration violation shortly before 9/11.

At the time, an enraged FBI investigator wrote a prophetic memo to headquarters about the wall

‘Whatever has happened to this — someday someone will die — and wall or not — the public will not understand why we were not more effective in throwing every resource we had at certain problems…..especially since the biggest threat to us UBL [Usama bin Laden], is getting the most protection.

Jamie Gorelick’s Incompetence Helped Cause 9/11 AND the Housing Collapse” Why is She on Obama’s Short List for FBI Director ?
by Jeff Dunetz
Posted on March 25 2011 5:30 pm

Jamie Gorelick?s Incompetence Helped Cause 9/11 AND the Housing Collapse? Why is She on Obama?s Short List for FBI Director ? | NewsReal Blog

The Clintons are famous for coverups. The Waco Massacre, Hillary and Benghazi, Whitewater, cattle futures, Rose Law Firm billing records, Vince Foster, rape, Travelgate, Sandy Berger, money in brown paper bags delivered to the White House, and so on. All of the coverups combined cannot hold a candle to the 9-11 Commission coverup. The Clintons making Gorelick a member of the 9-11 Commission was part of the greatest coverup coup of all time?

Bottom line: The Clintons walked away from 3,000 dead Americans without a scratch regardless of Gorelick’s Wall that was built to enforce Clinton policies; i.e., build a wall separating intelligence agencies in order to salvage the remnants of worldwide Communism.

Serendipitously, Gorelick’s Wall was a godsend to the United Nations and the global government crowd. The fear then, and now, is that the intelligence community would uncover the full scope of Islam’s jihad. If the non-Muslim world acted on such information it would cause every Muslim country to walk out of the UN. Global government thinking still says there is no better way to prevent a mass exodus than neutering the intelligence community. Ergo, Muslim fundamentalists have no reason to walk out so long as they can fight their war with a free hand.

Incidentally, the 9-11 Commission gave birth to the Department of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence. Socialists had finally achieved their dream. Consolidated control over the entire intelligence community. Basically, the Soviet Union would still be with us if Democrats had that control throughout the Cold War.

If I remember correctly Attorney General John Ashcroft was chastised by the Commission for putting Gorelick on the spot. At the time many in Washington, and in the media, thought that Gorelick should have been testifying —— not sitting on a Commission that was supposed to be seeking the truth.

NOTE: I’ll keep an eye open to see if the stuff Judicial Watch uncovered through the FOIA includes anything about Gorelick’s Wall.

Aside from 9-11-2001, Gorelick’s name pops up in so much shady business she is known as the the Mistress of Disaster. Adding injury to insult she is paid a lot of money:

Former Clinton Official Paid $26 Million by Fannie Mae Before Taxpayer Bailout Now on Obama Shortlist to Run FBI March 23, 2011 - 4:00 AM
By Chris Neefus

Former Clinton Official Paid $26 Million by Fannie Mae Before Taxpayer Bailout Now on Obama Shortlist to Run FBI | CNS News

All things considered, George Santayana better be wrong on this one.
Oh, if they make it back to the White House, I'll be celebrating for a week at least. I'm no drinker but there will definately be a party at my house.
Oh, if they make it back to the White House, I'll be celebrating for a week at least. I'm no drinker but there will definately be a party at my house.

To Sarah G: You’re either a glutton for punishment, or you want to hand this country to the United Nations.

[ame=]Walter Cronkite receives "Global Governance Award" from WFA - YouTube[/ame]​
Booming economy

To rightwinger: Clinton’s misnamed booming economy was a result of the Peace Dividend (the Soviet Union imploding) which he squandered. The only benefit to the economy during the Clinton years came after Republicans forced him to accept welfare reform.

In an August 1, 1996 Baltimore Sun piece, authors Carl M. Cannon and Karen Hosler wrote:


After Republicans took over Congress in 1994, they made welfare reform a top priority.

Last winter, however, Clinton twice vetoed their version, saying it would take too much money out of the welfare system and would prove a hardship to poor children.

A third veto would have occurred in the bright light of a presidential campaign and would have risked putting Clinton at odds with some 90 percent of American voters, polls show.

If the GOP hadn’t, in an election year, force-fed Clinton welfare reform, he could not now brag about one of his major “accomplishments.”

Chicago Tribune: Welfare Reform Was ‘Backed by Republican Leaders and Then-President Bill Clinton’
By Mke Bates September 12, 2013 19:57

Chicago Tribune: Welfare Reform Was ?Backed by Republican Leaders and Then-President Bill Clinton? | NewsBusters

and a nation at peace

To rightwinger: The absence of a cross-border war does not mean peace. The Waco Massacre and Clinton’s Balkan Adventures can hardly be called peace —— not to mention the Muslim attack on 9-11-2001 that I touched on in the OP.

Incidentally, war is not the greatest evil in the world. Totalitarian government has that honor as the last century proved. Totalitarian government is the very form of government the Clintons advocate. Instead of defending the Clintons you should be asking how many hundreds of millions they will slaughter if they ever get the global government they want?

Hundreds of millions slaughtered is not an exaggeration. The number of civilians killed by their own government began with the Ottoman empire slaughtering two million Christian Armenians. The totals increased throughout the 20th century with Communist countries taking the lead; a lead they never surrendered. Hell, Nazi Germany was a temple of mercy compared to Communism in China; the very type of government the Clintons snuggle up to.

Totalitarians can always justify killing; so there is ample reason to believe that a global government run by the Clintons and their ilk will continue the practice of butchering the weak and defenseless in the name of population control or some such excuse. As I’ve said in the past, killing babies is only an appetizer; killing the weak, the sick, and unwanted groups is the main course.
Booming economy

To rightwinger: Clinton’s misnamed booming economy was a result of the Peace Dividend (the Soviet Union imploding) which he squandered. The only benefit to the economy during the Clinton years came after Republicans forced him to accept welfare reform.

In an August 1, 1996 Baltimore Sun piece, authors Carl M. Cannon and Karen Hosler wrote:


After Republicans took over Congress in 1994, they made welfare reform a top priority.

Last winter, however, Clinton twice vetoed their version, saying it would take too much money out of the welfare system and would prove a hardship to poor children.

A third veto would have occurred in the bright light of a presidential campaign and would have risked putting Clinton at odds with some 90 percent of American voters, polls show.

If the GOP hadn’t, in an election year, force-fed Clinton welfare reform, he could not now brag about one of his major “accomplishments.”

Chicago Tribune: Welfare Reform Was ‘Backed by Republican Leaders and Then-President Bill Clinton’
By Mke Bates September 12, 2013 19:57

Chicago Tribune: Welfare Reform Was ?Backed by Republican Leaders and Then-President Bill Clinton? | NewsBusters

and a nation at peace

To rightwinger: The absence of a cross-border war does not mean peace. The Waco Massacre and Clinton’s Balkan Adventures can hardly be called peace —— not to mention the Muslim attack on 9-11-2001 that I touched on in the OP.

Incidentally, war is not the greatest evil in the world. Totalitarian government has that honor as the last century proved. Totalitarian government is the very form of government the Clintons advocate. Instead of defending the Clintons you should be asking how many hundreds of millions they will slaughter if they ever get the global government they want?

Hundreds of millions slaughtered is not an exaggeration. The number of civilians killed by their own government began with the Ottoman empire slaughtering two million Christian Armenians. The totals increased throughout the 20th century with Communist countries taking the lead; a lead they never surrendered. Hell, Nazi Germany was a temple of mercy compared to Communism in China; the very type of government the Clintons snuggle up to.

Totalitarians can always justify killing; so there is ample reason to believe that a global government run by the Clintons and their ilk will continue the practice of butchering the weak and defenseless in the name of population control or some such excuse. As I’ve said in the past, killing babies is only an appetizer; killing the weak, the sick, and unwanted groups is the main course.

The economy boomed under Clinton and Republicans had nothing to do with it. We were ramping down from the Cold War and saw the Internet and cell phone technologies boom

We were at peace. Russia was gone as a threat, we got involved in Kosovo and Somalia with limited casualties. Clinton even kept Iraq under control without requiring an invasion
I am most astounded by the number of people who support candidates with known character flaws. Almost by definition, these candidates cannot be trusted to deal with national emergencies.
I am most astounded by the number of people who support candidates with known character flaws. Almost by definition, these candidates cannot be trusted to deal with national emergencies.

One word: Surplus

The economy boomed under Clinton and Republicans had nothing to do with it. We were ramping down from the Cold War and saw the Internet and cell phone technologies boom

We were at peace. Russia was gone as a threat, we got involved in Kosovo and Somalia with limited casualties. Clinton even kept Iraq under control without requiring an invasion

To rightwinger: Unless you believe that Al Gore invented the Internet the technology explosion was created by the private sector not big government. The surplus rdean credits to Clinton was a combination of private sector innovations that provided the taxes Democrats spent on the welfare state. And let’s not forget HillaryCare. Luckily, avoiding the Clinton train wreck and the damage it would have created at least gave the country a 20 year break before the current train wreck came down the big government tracks. On the plus side, failing to pass HillaryCare was the best thing Clinton ever did.

The Cold War ended abruptly and without warning. Communism in the Soviet Union imploded. If there was any ramping down it was triggered by liberals claiming that Communism was dead while they secretly turned to China as a replacement for the Soviet Union. From the day Clinton took office Democrats began working feverishly to see that America worked with Communist China instead of opposing another brutal Communist regime as well as a serious military threat. In practical terms Clinton economic policies with China were designed to help the Chicoms avoid the mistakes that caused the Soviet Union to implode.

The Balkans and basket cases like Somalia were not our business. The US military is not the world’s police force nor is it a meals-on-wheels program. The former Yugoslavia and Somalia were philosophical military interventions carried out by NATO and the UN respectively. Neither country posed a military threat to the American people. That’s why they had to be presented as philosophical threats.

And what the hell did Clinton ever do to keep Iraq under control before 9-11-2001 beside support a dictator —— the very policy the Left is always denouncing. The Arab Spring is all about overthrowing dictators and look where that is going.

When Bush the Younger took the war to a Muslim country, and overthrew a dictator into the bargain, liberals were still not satisfied. Nor did they ever attack Bush the Elder for not getting rid of Saddam Hussein in Desert Storm. The reason for giving the elder Bush a pass was obvious. Desert storm was a UN-approved war that gave the UN veto power over the US military. UN control over the US military in a war allowed a brutal dictator to stay in power, yet nary a squawk denouncing a UN-backed dictator was heard from Democrats. Had the first Bush gone all the way to Baghdad there would have been no war in Iraq 12 years later.
I am most astounded by the number of people who support candidates with known character flaws. Almost by definition, these candidates cannot be trusted to deal with national emergencies.
Well that narrows the field about 6.
9/11 happened 8 months after George W. Bush assumed office. It was committed by a terrorist formerly funded and supported by George Bush's father and Ronald Reagan.

The Bush's also had many financial ties with the Bin Laden's.
One word: Surplus

The economy boomed under Clinton and Republicans had nothing to do with it. We were ramping down from the Cold War and saw the Internet and cell phone technologies boom

We were at peace. Russia was gone as a threat, we got involved in Kosovo and Somalia with limited casualties. Clinton even kept Iraq under control without requiring an invasion

To rightwinger: Unless you believe that Al Gore invented the Internet the technology explosion was created by the private sector not big government.

No it absolutely was not.

It was the result of research at DARPA and using government grants at Bell Labs and Berkley.

Pick up a fucking book.
To rightwinger: Unless you believe that Al Gore invented the Internet the technology explosion was created by the private sector not big government.

No it absolutely was not.

It was the result of research at DARPA and using government grants at Bell Labs and Berkley.

Pick up a fucking book.

To Sallow: Routing tax dollars through the welfare state does NOT qualify as creating wealth. UNCONSTITUTIONAL government involvement in private sector affairs is passed off as creating wealth, but it always ends up strengthening the Rights of absentee owners at the expense of CONSTITUTIONALLY protected liberties.

Stupid people like you find books that support the parasite worldview. Worst of all, the crap you read teaches you to advocate a form of government that allows the government to confiscate wealth —— then take credit for creating it. The technology revolution was well underway before government parasites saw the potential and latched on. You and your kind are simple and simply too dumb to see that the revolution would have benefitted more Americans without an infusion of confiscated tax dollars. Proof: The best parts of America were built by private sector individuals before and after the tax on income began funding the Great Society. The country has been going downhill ever since the LBJ years irrespective of a few success stories the parasites attached themselves to the same way a leach sucks the blood out of its host.
9/11 happened 8 months after George W. Bush assumed office. It was committed by a terrorist formerly funded and supported by George Bush's father and Ronald Reagan.

The Bush's also had many financial ties with the Bin Laden's.

To Sallow: Working with friendly dictators is better than backing the Muslim Brotherhood and others of that ilk. The Ayatollahs replacing the Shah of Iran should have set that lesson in cement.
If Mrs. BJ Bubba makes the WH in 2017 we can pretty much say America as we knew it, is dead. Big government and rule by elite will have won (this assumes it hasn't already won, which is a big assumption). However, some may conclude after 16 years of failure under W and Big Ears, Mrs. BJ Bubba would be an improvement. A terribly foolish and ignorant conclusion. But then, do not forget the strong possibility of the Rs shooting themselves in the head...thus allowing the most corrupt and evil women in politics access to unlimited power.

And remember anyone who criticizes Mrs. BJ Bubba will be considered an extremist and a hater of women. Most illogical, but we live in illogical times.
If Mrs. BJ Bubba makes the WH in 2017 we can pretty much say America as we knew it, is dead. Big government and rule by elite will have won (this assumes it hasn't already won, which is a big assumption). However, some may conclude after 16 years of failure under W and Big Ears, Mrs. BJ Bubba would be an improvement. A terribly foolish and ignorant conclusion. But then, do not forget the strong possibility of the Rs shooting themselves in the head...thus allowing the most corrupt and evil women in politics access to unlimited power.

And remember anyone who criticizes Mrs. BJ Bubba will be considered an extremist and a hater of women. Most illogical, but we live in illogical times.

To gipper: I agree with one minor correction. Elite is a good thing:

elite or élite (noun)
plural elite or elites

1. a. A group or class of persons or a member of such a group or class, enjoying superior intellectual, social, or economic status: “In addition to notions of social equality there was much emphasis on the role of elites and of heroes within them” (Times Literary Supplement). b. The best or most skilled members of a group: the football team's elite.

2. A size of type on a typewriter, equal to 12 characters per linear inch.

elite (adjective)

Elitist describes the Clintons and their kind:

elitism or élitism (noun)
elitist (adjective & noun)

1. The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources.

2. a. The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class. b. Control, rule, or domination by such a group or class.
Just watched Bill Kristol on Morning Joe going on about how Clinton was such a great president. So great the GOP impeached him.

Bill talked about the recent "great" presidents and named Reagan and Clinton. Nothing about Bush and he couldn't name what Reagan did except follow the USSR containment policies put in place decades before he took office.
It’s difficult to believe that Jamie Gorelick is still standing after playing a major role in so many scandals over the decades:


Is Jamie Gorelick in on IRS scandal, too?
Exclusive: Jack Cashill notes 'Mistress of Disaster' is vice chairwoman of Urban Institute
Published: 13 hours ago

Is Jamie Gorelick in on IRS scandal, too?

This brief article is for anybody not familiar with Gorelick’s Memo:

The Gorelick Memo
Cliff Kincaid — May 5, 2004

The Gorelick Memo

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