Definition of the term "walk back".

I'm still waiting for the new "definition" of the term "walking back". Perhaps it could simply be used in a paragraph....... " We are [walking back] this statement . That's just old Uncle Joe. Please don't be offended. He's really quite harmless, really he is, and we'll all try and smooth this over in the morning"
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Kinda like when Tramp recently called Putin a genius then realized that he stepped on his own dick again.
When you are too fucking stupid to address the topic of a thread..............

That Vegetable should not be anywhere near the Oval Office.

Biden is a disgrace to this country, and anyone saying otherwise is a liar.
Biden is a disgrace to you as you defend the former guy who tried to overturn the election & committed felonies in the bargain,Trump asseater.

What a joke.
Biden is a disgrace to you as you defend the former guy who tried to overturn the election & committed felonies in the bargain,Trump asseater.

What a joke.
Biden is a disgrace.

Yep, you finally got something right.
It's usually those poor sonnsabeechs that have to scramble about and "explain" what their shitpants leedor says- but I watched him today taking a couple questions (staff off stage probably fainted from holding their breath in terror) and he damn sure "walked back" a few things.

He and his scramblers lie a lot.
They had that covered... questions and answers were pre-prepared, all he had to do was squint at his palm and read.

To "walk something back" is to attempt to explain a prior statement in a way that fundamentally changes its meaning. "[Putin] has to go," is "walked back" to mean, "[Putin] must remove his forces from Ukraine." See?

It is fundamentally different from saying, "The person mis-spoke," which is usually true with President Biden, but it acknowledges an error, which he is not willing to do publicly.

I am both puzzled and appalled that the Leftists who post here cannot make simple distinctions that normal, rational people make every day. For example,

If I criticize a person who is a BIPOC, that does not mean that I presume all BIPOC's are deficient in the same way, or that I hate anybody, either the person criticized or others of the same demographic. Leftists just don't get it.

Conversely, if a positive statement is made about someone, that does NOT mean that the speaker supports everything the person has ever done or tried to do.

V. Putin is a political genius. There, I said it. It is true. It does not mean that I like what he does with his political acumen, or that I love him, or that he is a military genius or anything else. It means what it says.

Why can't Leftists figure this out? Are they truly this stupid?
I am hopeful that the definition of the term "walk back" does not end up being....: "Biden said another stupid thing. We're sorry about that."
That already is the definition.
One definition is : "Retract a statement or reverse an action or decision.".......I've heard the term "walk back" a lot lately. My definition seems to not be aligned with the way it is being used with regard to Biden's "statements"....Are they being retracted or reversed? Not really. To me that term, now, conjures up an image of Biden doing the moon walk in a Micheal Jackson costume.
Pretty accurate, IMO. The term 'walk back' is the politically correct way of saying 'I'm a giant hypocrite'. Every party uses it liberally. It sucks, it is a bullshit throwaway phrase, and needs to go away.

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