Defund vs. Reform


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
Democrats and Liberals are scrambling yet in a smug tone telling us that Defund means Reform. Bullshit.

Who Why was the term Defund used in the first place? Reform would have been a more positive, unifying term to use. Defund was the term of choice and accepted because it is divisive.
I am all for reforming the Police departments. But defunding them will not solve the problem. These democrat cities have the highest crime rate in the nation - such as Chicago, NYC, Los Angeles, and Detroit. To defund them won't do anything but raise the crime rate even more.
The lefties think a police-less society oils be a utopia. They forget that civilians don’t have to give warnings before shooting and are generally trained to shoot to kill, not wound or stop.
The defund the police movement is forcing Democrats to admit all their anti police rhetoric was BS and they don't support defunding. Love it when Dems shit themselves.
Democrats and Liberals are scrambling yet in a smug tone telling us that Defund means Reform. Bullshit.

Who Why was the term Defund used in the first place? Reform would have been a more positive, unifying term to use. Defund was the term of choice and accepted because it is divisive.
I say we defund all criminal activity, thus the criminals on the streets will not go out and be violent to others.
Democrats and Liberals are scrambling yet in a smug tone telling us that Defund means Reform. Bullshit.

Who Why was the term Defund used in the first place? Reform would have been a more positive, unifying term to use. Defund was the term of choice and accepted because it is divisive.
It means moving some of the funding to reduce workload, such as mental health support, for example.
Democrats and Liberals are scrambling yet in a smug tone telling us that Defund means Reform. Bullshit.

Who Why was the term Defund used in the first place? Reform would have been a more positive, unifying term to use. Defund was the term of choice and accepted because it is divisive.
It means moving some of the funding to reduce workload, such as mental health support, for example.

Defund is the wrong term to use instead of or ahead of “reform”. If you use the term reform and discuss allocation of resources to alleviate stress from the police force, then, yes, defunding is inherently understood.

When you lead with “defund” it is a negative, punitive tenor towards the organization getting funding. The Democrats and Liberals knew exactly what they were doing by leading with this term. They wanted to divide.
Democrats and Liberals are scrambling yet in a smug tone telling us that Defund means Reform. Bullshit.

Who Why was the term Defund used in the first place? Reform would have been a more positive, unifying term to use. Defund was the term of choice and accepted because it is divisive.
The Democrats don't really want to defund the police. Lol The authoritarian left longs for a Soviet style police state.
If we defund the police who will collect the taxes and confiscate the firearms?

The Democrats really want a police force of fanatics entirely loyal to PC ideology.

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