Defying US sanctions, Iran is delivering oil to Venezuela.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
In this crazy world, nothing surprises me anymore.

This is nothing new actually.
(6 months ago)
In this crazy world, nothing surprises me anymore.

This is nothing new actually.
(6 months ago)

You shouldn't worry about a thing. Joey Xi will allow the Iranian Mullahs to do whatever they want and that goes for the Chinese too.
In this crazy world, nothing surprises me anymore.

This is nothing new actually.
(6 months ago)

This just proves how ridiculously idiotic the entire left-wing claims are.

Iran has been trading with Venezuela for decades, as have many other countries.

The idea that US sanctions are the cause of all Venezuela's problems is ridiculous, because they can, and have, been trading with everyone else consistently for 20 years.

Moreover, the fact they are shipping oil to Venezuela, the country with the largest known oil reserves in on the entire planet, is proof socialism sucks.
This just proves how ridiculously idiotic the entire left-wing claims are.

Iran has been trading with Venezuela for decades, as have many other countries.

The idea that US sanctions are the cause of all Venezuela's problems is ridiculous, because they can, and have, been trading with everyone else consistently for 20 years.

Moreover, the fact they are shipping oil to Venezuela, the country with the largest known oil reserves in on the entire planet, is proof socialism sucks.
With the latest revelations about Dominion voting machines, my whole perspective has changed about Venezuela- not that I was ever a Hugo Chavez supporter- but it does ring a bell of familiarity -namely US propping up dictators in various places.
In this crazy world, nothing surprises me anymore.

This is nothing new actually.
(6 months ago)

Venezuela isn't the enemy. I know that the Globalist had tried to bribe Maduro to let them rule over their country like they've done to other countries' leaders, but he refused their offer. And so they've had stopped lending money and stopped the production of drilling for oil in their country in order to bring down their country.
These Global bankers destroys anyone who don't go along with their agendas like how they are destroying Pres. Trump's supporters source of income.
Obama have leftover intel agents giving Pres. Trump fake intel to make him to do what they want him to do.
In the beginning of Pres. Trump's term. He said he don't trust the intelligence community. But all of the politicians and MSM kept on slamming him until he submitted to them.
But our first gay president, Obama knew that Iran kills gays. But he never sanctioned them because the Iranian government submitted to the Globalist it's because they had paid very handsomely with U.S. tax dollars for them to submit.

  • President Barack Obama signed the Venezuela Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Act of 2014, a U.S. Act imposing sanctions on Venezuelan individuals held responsible by the United States for human rights violations during the 2014 Venezuelan protests, in December of that year.

The failed agricultural policies by the US made sure Haiti, a country that produced its own rice, would be reliant on US food to the extent that Haiti imports food from the US. Foreign aid is continuously pumped into Haiti, and no plan is made to bolster the country’s own capacity to rebuild and produce.

Haiti is still run on which business finds favor with the US, and while the Clintons were in charge of the US, they presided over all these failed policies. It is high time the onus to build Haiti shifts back to the government.

One of the main issues is violence perpetrated by landowners who have opposed the Venezuelan government’s land redistribution policy going back to the landmark 2001 Land Law introduced by former President Hugo Chavez.

In 2017, a committee of victims’ relatives asked the National Constituent Assembly to declare campesino killings crimes against humanity. They likewise demanded justice be done for the more than 300 leaders killed in their struggle for land, especially in the states of Zulia, Barinas, Apure and Portuguesa.

Campesino leaders have also denounced evictions pushed forward by the National Land Institute. In a recent case, the institute revoked the property deed of the 300-hectare Cacho e’ Venao plot that had been turned over to 45 families in Portuguesa State, only to return it to the previous landowner, even though the campesinos are currently producing food.


But our first gay president, Obama knew that Iran kills gays.
John Brennan started that rumor.
Venezuela and Brazil suffer from africanation. You see it day by day in the US.
As an ol man once told me...darker that thar skin the more sin....
In this crazy world, nothing surprises me anymore.

This is nothing new actually.
(6 months ago)

You shouldn't worry about a thing. Joey Xi will allow the Iranian Mullahs to do whatever they want and that goes for the Chinese too.

Trump is the POTUS 2day what is he going to do about it?
Venezuela and Brazil suffer from africanation. You see it day by day in the US.
As an ol man once told me...darker that thar skin the more sin....
Don't tell my pet monkey, Epstein.
He's never seen himself in the mirror.

It's none of our business. This does show what it's all still about though. Oil. We bankrupt our future over it. We kill thousands over it.

Then some wonder why so many of us want to move away from it.
It's none of our business. This does show what it's all still about though. Oil. We bankrupt our future over it. We kill thousands over it.

Then some wonder why so many of us want to move away from it.
They are chasing people from off their property around the world in order to grow their GMO crops and cattle for the Paris Climate Accord.
They want everyone to move up north to work in their mines.

In this crazy world, nothing surprises me anymore.

This is nothing new actually.
(6 months ago)

You shouldn't worry about a thing. Joey Xi will allow the Iranian Mullahs to do whatever they want and that goes for the Chinese too.

Trump is the POTUS 2day what is he going to do about it?

We do not have the ability to fight after a first round of mass destruction of our military hardware with another world class military power like China. If many of our naval vessels are destroyed, we can not reproduce them fast. China can for theirs. So the use of WMD's becomes a very somber move.
In this crazy world, nothing surprises me anymore.

This is nothing new actually.
(6 months ago)

You shouldn't worry about a thing. Joey Xi will allow the Iranian Mullahs to do whatever they want and that goes for the Chinese too.

Trump is the POTUS 2day what is he going to do about it?

We do not have the ability to fight after a first round of mass destruction of our military hardware with another world class military power like China. If many of our naval vessels are destroyed, we can not reproduce them fast. China can for theirs. So the use of WMD's becomes a very somber move.

We have the best military in the world and that was long before your saviour showed up on the scene.

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