Delaware bans Spanking

If you can't "discipline" your kids without beating the crap out of them, then you're a failure of a parent and shouldn't have children in the first place.
If you pay attention, its not hard to see which parents hit their kids and which do not.

There are parents who snap at their kids, use that "you're so stupid" tone of voice, look at their kids with hatred - you all know exactly what I mean.

My question is this -

If you hate kids in general and your own kids in particular, why have them?

It takes thinking to effectively discipline children without hitting them. You demand that teachers do it every day...but you don't have to THINK, just hit.

As a teacher I became very creative at hurting a kid's feelings and did the same with my kids. My kids are better behaved and also better off financially than their Mom.

May all those who hit their kids be subject to their dear kiddies choosing which nursing home to dump them in.


There is never a reason or excuse for hitting children.

this says it all


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If you can't "discipline" your kids without beating the crap out of them, then you're a failure of a parent and shouldn't have children in the first place.

There is a BIG difference from BEATING a child and a One Swat on their butt.. BIG DIFFERENCE!!
Now you see how we got to be a society with so many people in prison. Those who grow up without discipline or consequences become adults without discipline who don't think there should be consequences.

Hitting children is lazy parenting. I have two beautiful, well behaved , courteous children and I have never hit them.
First and foremost, hitting children violates their basic human rights. Secondly, spanking causes many negative outcomes that show up later. The research is pretty clear on the topic. The idea that a parent's rights can trump the human rights of the child is a VERY confused idea. :confused:

Banning all hitting of children eliminates the confusion that hitting is sometimes OK. 65 - 85% of all physical child abuse cases begin with spanking. It is pretty obvious that we need to stop condoning assault as discipline so that we can be more serious about dealing with child abuse in general.

Look at it this way. The law should protect the most vulnerable. If we can agree that children are humans, then we can agree that they possess basic human rights. If so, then they have a right to be free from all forms of violence - at least in a democracy they should have that right!

Check out this link for a very compelling argument:
Oh horse shit

We are not talking beating a child.. we are talking SPANKING, noob

I would contend that because of the touchy feely hippie 'never spank a child' 'time out' bullshit, we have larger numbers of unruly kids today than ever before

And BTW, we do not reside in a democracy, we reside in a republic
If you can't "discipline" your kids without beating the crap out of them, then you're a failure of a parent and shouldn't have children in the first place.

There is a BIG difference from BEATING a child and a One Swat on their butt.. BIG DIFFERENCE!!

I think this is an incredibly destructive and dangerous idea - there is a BIG difference between what? Gradients of pain? Degree of force? So, is there a difference between me slapping your face or punching you in the face or clubbing you? I suppose, but do I really want to defend any version of violence against you? Please. I am not going to cross that line at all! It is called respect.

Promoting spanking is promoting violence. It is illogical to defend spanking and condemn child abuse. Drawing this imaginary line only contributes to a disrespectful attitude toward children. How many pro-spankers are going to defend a husband lightly slapping his wife?
What next??... no harsh language because it makes the feel bad?? No taking away things because it could stunt their expression?? No grounding them because they cannot expand their boundaries??

Give me a break, hippie noob....

If my wife slaps me because I said something offensive or stupid.. So be it... If I have to swat my kids (not that I have to any more at their current age) on the butt to punish or show that there are consequences for their bad behavior and tantrums... So be it
If you can't "discipline" your kids without beating the crap out of them, then you're a failure of a parent and shouldn't have children in the first place.

There is a BIG difference from BEATING a child and a One Swat on their butt.. BIG DIFFERENCE!!

I think this is an incredibly destructive and dangerous idea - there is a BIG difference between what? Gradients of pain? Degree of force? So, is there a difference between me slapping your face or punching you in the face or clubbing you? I suppose, but do I really want to defend any version of violence against you? Please. I am not going to cross that line at all! It is called respect.

Promoting spanking is promoting violence. It is illogical to defend spanking and condemn child abuse. Drawing this imaginary line only contributes to a disrespectful attitude toward children. How many pro-spankers are going to defend a husband lightly slapping his wife?

So you consider a toddler to be the same as an adult? You think they should be treated the same way?

Young children are not the same as adults. Perhaps that doesn't mean you should spank your child, but comparing spanking a child to a man slapping his wife is just ridiculous.
If you can't "discipline" your kids without beating the crap out of them, then you're a failure of a parent and shouldn't have children in the first place.

There is a BIG difference from BEATING a child and a One Swat on their butt.. BIG DIFFERENCE!!

I think this is an incredibly destructive and dangerous idea - there is a BIG difference between what? Gradients of pain? Degree of force? So, is there a difference between me slapping your face or punching you in the face or clubbing you? I suppose, but do I really want to defend any version of violence against you? Please. I am not going to cross that line at all! It is called respect.

Promoting spanking is promoting violence. It is illogical to defend spanking and condemn child abuse. Drawing this imaginary line only contributes to a disrespectful attitude toward children. How many pro-spankers are going to defend a husband lightly slapping his wife?

no offense, but i'm going to bet you've never had kids.

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