Delta Airlines has banned the Navy SEAL who killed Osama Bin Laden for refusing to wear a mask

The only thing he did wrong was fly delta. That's the racing stripe of the skies. I would fly Kenyan Camelpiss Air before dealing with those incompetent fuckups.
let's choose sides: Robert O'Neill or Osama Bin Laden?

those are the only 2 options available!
That lady was shown on the Inside Edition show today. I am on the her side. To me, that airline was crazy to think that a kid will keep a mask on when they aren't even old enough to be potty trained yet. Its already hard enough to keep the kids that young from taking their shoes off and so what makes them airline people think that a mask would be any easier?

God bless you and the woman and her kids always!!!

Need 60 million volunteers to do the same thing.................then the gov't and these airlines have no power.
Robert O’Neill is an American hero. But he is still bound by the same rules as the rest of us. Delta’s plane their rules.
What is so hard about putting on a mask? I can see cutting this brave man a break even a few breaks. But it is a private business and abiding by their policies is necessary. There are other airlines although most all are requiring masks. Every business here requires a mask and it is not state mandates. The business s themselves have instituted it on themselves. Don't like it stay out.
Robert O’Neill is an American hero. But he is still bound by the same rules as the rest of us. Delta’s plane their rules.
if i ever meet him, i would tell him to take off his shoes so that i can kiss his feet. he saved countless lives by killing OBL
Their plane, their rules.
Not if the company eventually ends up in bad enough need of money to stay in business. If they want people to continue to have anything to do with them, certain rules will have to be done away with.

God bless you always!!!

So, you're saying that they should willingly place their passengers into harms way just to make a buck?

Sorry, can't agree with that. And, like I said, so what if he was the SEAL that killed OBL? Doesn't exempt him from having to follow the rules.
Sadly anything harmful can happen anyways whether a mask is being worn or not. It is a plane that we are talking about after all. How safe are they really in the grand scheme?

God bless you always!!!


Part of it is about safety, to protect people against an airborne virus while locked in a sealed tube with others. No, it's not gonna protect against explosive decompression, or against plane crashes (which is what I think you were hinting at).

And, it's their airline, so therefore, it's their rules. If you want to fly with that airline, you have to abide by their rules. Doesn't matter if you're a national hero or not. I've got 3 Navy Achievement Medals, as well as several flag officer letters of commendation, which means I was exceedingly good at my job the last half of my career. Does that mean I don't have to follow rules? No, it doesn't. My service and the various awards I received while in don't mean squat to a civilian company that wants me to wear a mask. So what do I do? Instead of bitching about it and trying to make a big deal about the situation, I simply wear a mask, do what I need to get done, and then am on my merry way.

By the way, lots of government buildings have requirements for people to wear a mask. What would you say if that SEAL had violated the rules for those places?
I’m glad he set the record straight so people know it was he and not Obama who killed bin laden.
But he should have complied with the mask rule — IF — it was stated when he purchased his ticket that it would be enforced.
Their plane, their rules.
Not if the company eventually ends up in bad enough need of money to stay in business. If they want people to continue to have anything to do with them, certain rules will have to be done away with.

God bless you always!!!

So, you're saying that they should willingly place their passengers into harms way just to make a buck?

Sorry, can't agree with that. And, like I said, so what if he was the SEAL that killed OBL? Doesn't exempt him from having to follow the rules.
Sadly anything harmful can happen anyways whether a mask is being worn or not. It is a plane that we are talking about after all. How safe are they really in the grand scheme?

God bless you always!!!


Part of it is about safety, to protect people against an airborne virus while locked in a sealed tube with others. No, it's not gonna protect against explosive decompression, or against plane crashes (which is what I think you were hinting at).

And, it's their airline, so therefore, it's their rules. If you want to fly with that airline, you have to abide by their rules. Doesn't matter if you're a national hero or not. I've got 3 Navy Achievement Medals, as well as several flag officer letters of commendation, which means I was exceedingly good at my job the last half of my career. Does that mean I don't have to follow rules? No, it doesn't. My service and the various awards I received while in don't mean squat to a civilian company that wants me to wear a mask. So what do I do? Instead of bitching about it and trying to make a big deal about the situation, I simply wear a mask, do what I need to get done, and then am on my merry way.

By the way, lots of government buildings have requirements for people to wear a mask. What would you say if that SEAL had violated the rules for those places?
To answer what you ask me at the end of your message here, it would depend on why the mask is not being worn. Sadly there are exceptions to certain rules no matter who doesn't like it. The lady who was removed from her flight because of her two year old, in my opinion, never once should've been an issue.

God bless you and her and her kids always!!!

What is so hard about putting on a mask? I can see cutting this brave man a break even a few breaks. But it is a private business and abiding by their policies is necessary. There are other airlines although most all are requiring masks. Every business here requires a mask and it is not state mandates. The business s themselves have instituted it on themselves. Don't like it stay out.
What is so hard about putting on a mask? I wonder what is being done about full grown people who have the mentality of a child due to them being special needs kind of people.

God bless you and them and their familes always!!!

Part of it is about safety, to protect people against an airborne virus while locked in a sealed tube with others.
Correct.............and the virus is in microns...........not just the spittle........they will be in shared air with a rag over their mouth for effect................which is a joke...........

N95 properly won would offer protection in shared air.......other than's a freaking joke.
You don't get a pass because you killed a guy. A (former) Navy Seal should know that you have to conform to regulations no matter how ludicrous you may think they are.

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