Delta Airlines has banned the Navy SEAL who killed Osama Bin Laden for refusing to wear a mask

Where is Obama to back the guy up? This man enabled Obama to get off his tricycle around Martha’s Vinyard for a moment and take credit for taking out bin Laden.
You don't get a pass because you killed a guy. A (former) Navy Seal should know that you have to conform to regulations no matter how ludicrous you may think they are.

Maybe if he was escaping from an oppressive country or claimed systemic racism, would you give him a pass for not conforming? Ludicrous.
This mask bullshit has gone way too far.
It sure has.
I got a kick out of a news cast the other day when they were reporting that the idiotic masks were no protection against the smoke from all the fires California has been having. Scuse me, smoke you can see but virus cells you can't. DUH! If they provide no protection from micrion sized smoke particles then how in the hell are they supposed to help contain virus cells that are a thousand times smaller.

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