Dem Booed Over Birth Control at Town Hall

'messiah'? Who's that?
Here ya go:
The problem, of course, is that the “Obama Messiah” stuff didn’t start with McCain. It started with Oprah calling Obama “The One.” It started with Obama saying stuff like:

That label is a pretty obvious manifestation of the theocon apprehension that the end of days is near. Some of them actually believe Obama's the antichrist--hence the innuendo in threads like these. Every time you hear about godless Democrats or Obama "the [false] Messiah" that's a little streak of fundie in a rightwinger hinting that Obama just might be the antichrist.

Be not afraid, my children.

Talk trash.....get trashed....

Welcome to politics.
Dem Booed Over Birth Control at Town Hall - Birth Control Mandate - Fox Nation

Video at above link.

Watch out Liberals. November 2012 is coming and Obama has galvanized a lot of people against Democrats.



"We were taking care of the country's sick long before the government got involved".

67% of their money comes from the government. Oops.

The Catholic Church WAS the government for centuries.
Got to love the sight of social conservatives railing against birth control

One of the evils of modern society

There was a time when Americans embraced freedom.... for everyone. What happened to that concept?

You want access to birth control? No problem. Just don't expect me to pay for it. That's freedom. I live my way. You live yours. I won't take your money, you don't take mine.

Ain't about birth control, it's about freedom. sucks like that

You end up paying for a lot of shit that others use but you don't need
True dat, but treating your hemorrhoids doesn't violate my religious or moral freedom any more than your plan costing a bit more to pay for my liberal induced migraine medication.
Got to love the sight of social conservatives railing against birth control

One of the evils of modern society

We're not against birth control...and only an idiot would think that.

You folks love to harp about the separation of church and state, but when the state infringes on the church you have no problem with that.

I grow tired of the constant double-standards of the left.

For the most part conservatives are not against birth control

The funny part is that once the issue was opened up there were social conservatives ready to pop up and blame all societies woes on the availability of birth control
Agreed: Obama picked a political loser at the wrong time. No need to talk about birth control, especially because his female supporters are not going anywhere.

However, Obama's overreach is muted by Santorum's views of women and sex, which are over the top.

Santorum prompted Rudy Giuliani to say:
“It makes the party look like it isn’t a modern party,”

Santorum prompted Jeb Bush to say:
“I used to be a conservative, and I watch these debates and I’m wondering, I don’t think I’ve changed, but it’s a little troubling sometimes when people are appealing to people’s fears and emotion rather than trying to get them to look over the horizon for a broader perspective.”

Santorum prompted former Republican Senator Alan Simpson to say:
“rigid and homophobic.”

Given the economy, this is the easiest election for the Republicans to win in modern times. Yet, they have managed to run the only 3 candidates that could possibly lose this election.

Romney, Santorum, and Gingrich are not viable candidates.

Governor Christie is viable. Governor Daniels is viable. Jeb Bush is Viable. Ron Paul is brilliant.

The Republican Party is now completely run by Talk Radio and FOX News. They have turned themselves into a circus. They have created an environment where losers and lunatics rise to the top. The good people in the party don't want any part of it. The only people who like the current candidates are the folks who post on message boards > i.e., low information voters who literally get their opinions from men like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage.

(god help us because these people vote)
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There was a time when Americans embraced freedom.... for everyone. What happened to that concept?

You want access to birth control? No problem. Just don't expect me to pay for it. That's freedom. I live my way. You live yours. I won't take your money, you don't take mine.

Ain't about birth control, it's about freedom. sucks like that

You end up paying for a lot of shit that others use but you don't need

I know. The easy answer would be for insurance companies to be allowed to provide coverage that does not include birth control. Simple. But of course, that's not acceptable to the left.... you want the fucking government involved in every single aspect of every single American's lives.

Yea...I've dealt with insurance companies for 35 years

Sometimes it's nice having the government on your side
Isn't liberty and freedom job one for the conservative crowd. And yet, some are willing to follow a Pope or Bishop or priest without question. Why do conservatives believe in freedom and liberty for the individual and yet subject themselves to a collective, and an Authoritarian Church?

Oh, so now we can't choose which, if any, religion to follow?

Hell's teeth, you left wingers think you get to control every fucking thing.
Isn't liberty and freedom job one for the conservative crowd. And yet, some are willing to follow a Pope or Bishop or priest without question. Why do conservatives believe in freedom and liberty for the individual and yet subject themselves to a collective, and an Authoritarian Church?

Oh, so now we can't choose which, if any, religion to follow?

Hell's teeth, you left wingers think you get to control every fucking thing.

That's what they think...
However much noise is being made by a few noisies, I think you're going to find that this is not a "loser" of an issue for Obama.

Of course that doesn't stop the noisies from being noisy. We have this thing called freedom of speech which guarantees their right to do so.
However much noise is being made by a few noisies, I think you're going to find that this is not a "loser" of an issue for Obama.

Of course that doesn't stop the noisies from being noisy. We have this thing called freedom of speech which guarantees their right to do so.
Anytime ANY politician (yes, Obama is a consummate politician) advocates subverting the First Amendment, and attacking religion will lose.

And don't think for one minute this will be forgotten.
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Isn't liberty and freedom job one for the conservative crowd. And yet, some are willing to follow a Pope or Bishop or priest without question. Why do conservatives believe in freedom and liberty for the individual and yet subject themselves to a collective, and an Authoritarian Church?

Oh, so now we can't choose which, if any, religion to follow?

Certainly you can. But your tendency to outsource your thinking, accept opinions telegraphed from the pulpit, and engage in groupthink and collectivism is certainly at odds with the impressive posting history you've racked up of snide remarks accusing others of exactly that.

The good news is, the Pope has said health care access is an inalienable right and that "Justice in health care should be a priority of governments and international institutions," so you still have plenty of opportunities to put party before your Church and demonstrate your, ah, "independence."
Sometimes I believe that conservatives respond as they are taught. For example, use the word socialism they would respond the same way, while carrying a sign that says, "Don't let the socialists touch my Medicare."
Perhaps birth control, even abortion are in the same catagory, we are against those practices but we use them so they should not be touched?
'messiah'? Who's that?
Here ya go:
The problem, of course, is that the “Obama Messiah” stuff didn’t start with McCain. It started with Oprah calling Obama “The One.” It started with Obama saying stuff like:

That label is a pretty obvious manifestation of the theocon apprehension that the end of days is near. Some of them actually believe Obama's the antichrist--hence the innuendo in threads like these. Every time you hear about godless Democrats or Obama "the [false] Messiah" that's a little streak of fundie in a rightwinger hinting that Obama just might be the antichrist.

Be not afraid, my children.

Actually, it's just mocking you morons who worship him.

Actually, it's just mocking you morons who worship him.

We get it, he's the false messiah from your theology.

Be not afraid, fundie, he's not the antichrist. Really. Don't let biblical stories define your politics.

Let me see if I can put this in a way you can understand. It's got jack shit to do with theology. It's because fucking morons worship him like he's the messiah. In fact, he's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.*

*To quote The Life of Brian.
I hear that the messiah also had a tough time in CA last week.... apparently, people are a tad pissed at him lying to the Catholic Church... and it's not just Catholics.... "We're All Catholics Now". LOL

'messiah'? Who's that?
Here ya go:
The problem, of course, is that the “Obama Messiah” stuff didn’t start with McCain. It started with Oprah calling Obama “The One.” It started with Obama saying stuff like:

“I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal”

Jet Li is... THE MESSIAH!



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Isn't liberty and freedom job one for the conservative crowd. And yet, some are willing to follow a Pope or Bishop or priest without question. Why do conservatives believe in freedom and liberty for the individual and yet subject themselves to a collective, and an Authoritarian Church?

Oh, so now we can't choose which, if any, religion to follow?

Hell's teeth, you left wingers think you get to control every fucking thing.

And with the way things are going, don't you think they have some pretty good evidence to make their case?


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