Dem congressman breaks rank on War Powers Resolution - Refuses To Play 'Politics' W/Natl Security


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
After stating President Trump was 'justified' in ordering the drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani and others as they traveled from Baghdad's international airport last Friday, and argued that the resolution being debated Thursday “simply restates existing law and sends the message that war is imminent, Rose declared he would NOT support Speaker Pelosi's and the House Democrat's 'War Powers Resolution'.

“I know all too well the real costs of war, and sending troops into harm’s way is the most consequential decision I could make. I refuse to play politics with questions of war and peace and therefore will not support this resolution.”
-- D-Rep. Max Rose

*Rose, a Democrat House Representative,served in the Army during the conflict in Afghanistan.


"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said the resolution -- which does not require Trump's signature -- nonetheless “has real teeth” because it is "a statement of the Congress of the United States."

The resolution, like Speaker Pelosi, actually HAS NO TEETH. The fact that it is a resolution - being voted upon by the proven partisans who have already rushed the fastest Impeachment in US history based on the weakest Impeachment case in US history through the House but still refuses to send the Articles to the House - is not supported by members of Pelosi's own party proves it is yet another treasonous PARTISAN Democrat attempt to undermine the President of the United States

Dem congressman breaks rank on War Powers Resolution: 'I refuse to play politics with questions of war and peace'
When Barry was arming, supplying, financing, training, protecting, defending, and pimping our military out to Al Qaeda ... and other terrorists, enemies of the state, and Mexican Drug cartels ... funny how none of them wanted to limit Barry's ability to do so....

I find it amazing how few democrats are reaching this conclusion.

Only 3 on a completely bogus impeachment & so far only 1 dem on this ridiculous thing that means nothing.

It's as if most of the dems think they could vote to ban tornados.
When Barry was arming, supplying, financing, training, protecting, defending, and pimping our military out to Al Qaeda ... and other terrorists, enemies of the state, and Mexican Drug cartels ... funny how none of them wanted to limit Barry's ability to do so....


Heck, O wasnt even telling congress about his covert adventures.
Another day, another hyper-partisan, butt-hurt, useless, non-binding waste of time attempting to undermine the President of the United Stated by the Democrats....

Breaking News
In symbolic rebuke, House votes to limit Trump's military action against Iran

"The resolution is non-binding....Trump did not consult with congressional leaders ahead of the attack that killed the Iranian military leader"


He wasn't required to!

House passes War Powers Resolution in rebuke of Trump's actions against Iran


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