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Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

She's Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Ok, not all the way...but, surprisingly, Elite Democrat Donors are beginning to kick her name around again....

“When a half-dozen Democratic donors gathered at the Whitby Hotel in Manhattan last week, the dinner began with a discussion of which presidential candidates the contributors liked. But as conversations among influential Democrats often go these days, the meeting quickly evolved into a discussion of who was not in the race — but could be lured in. Would Hillary Clinton get in, the contributors wondered, and how about Michael R. Bloomberg, the former New York mayor? One person even mused whether Michelle Obama would consider a late entry, according to two people who attended the event, which was hosted by the progressive group American Bridge. It’s that time of the election season for Democrats. ‘Since the last debate, just anecdotally, I’ve had five or six people ask me: ‘Is there anybody else?’ said Leah Daughtry, a longtime Democrat who has run two of the party’s recent conventions.”

With just the right push the DNC and Liberal media would be willing to sell their soul to Hillary again for the promise of her 'saving' the Party that protected her from indictment, handed her the nomination she could not win on her own, but who she threw under the proverbial bus after loss, claiming THEY were thr reason....


.Dem elites searching for white knight

* 2 things wrong with this article title / story:

1. White Knight:
Again, Hillary's 'scorched earth' policy of blaming anyone and EVERYONE - to include the DNC - for her loss in 2016 afterwards hardly makes Hillary their 'white knight'...but the DNC / snowflakes are so desperate for a Socialist Democrat win they would bend over again for / would deep-throat a snake like Hillary in 2020.

2. ;White Knight'


She's Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Ok, not all the way...but, surprisingly, Elite Democrat Donors are beginning to kick her name around again....

“When a half-dozen Democratic donors gathered at the Whitby Hotel in Manhattan last week, the dinner began with a discussion of which presidential candidates the contributors liked. But as conversations among influential Democrats often go these days, the meeting quickly evolved into a discussion of who was not in the race — but could be lured in. Would Hillary Clinton get in, the contributors wondered, and how about Michael R. Bloomberg, the former New York mayor? One person even mused whether Michelle Obama would consider a late entry, according to two people who attended the event, which was hosted by the progressive group American Bridge. It’s that time of the election season for Democrats. ‘Since the last debate, just anecdotally, I’ve had five or six people ask me: ‘Is there anybody else?’ said Leah Daughtry, a longtime Democrat who has run two of the party’s recent conventions.”

With just the right push the DNC and Liberal media would be willing to sell their soul to Hillary again for the promise of her 'saving' the Party that protected her from indictment, handed her the nomination she could not win on her own, but who she threw under the proverbial bus after loss, claiming THEY were thr reason....


.Dem elites searching for white knight


there is no white knight for the dems

and all the repubs have is a black knight......

there are no lincolns or jeffersons anymore

She's Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Ok, not all the way...but, surprisingly, Elite Democrat Donors are beginning to kick her name around again....

“When a half-dozen Democratic donors gathered at the Whitby Hotel in Manhattan last week, the dinner began with a discussion of which presidential candidates the contributors liked. But as conversations among influential Democrats often go these days, the meeting quickly evolved into a discussion of who was not in the race — but could be lured in. Would Hillary Clinton get in, the contributors wondered, and how about Michael R. Bloomberg, the former New York mayor? One person even mused whether Michelle Obama would consider a late entry, according to two people who attended the event, which was hosted by the progressive group American Bridge. It’s that time of the election season for Democrats. ‘Since the last debate, just anecdotally, I’ve had five or six people ask me: ‘Is there anybody else?’ said Leah Daughtry, a longtime Democrat who has run two of the party’s recent conventions.”

With just the right push the DNC and Liberal media would be willing to sell their soul to Hillary again for the promise of her 'saving' the Party that protected her from indictment, handed her the nomination she could not win on her own, but who she threw under the proverbial bus after loss, claiming THEY were thr reason....


.Dem elites searching for white knight


there is no white knight for the dems

and all the repubs have is a black knight......

there are no lincolns or jeffersons anymore

Both Lincoln and Jefferson had more in common with Republicans not Democrats. In fact Lincoln was the first republican president.

Here's some clues, the KKK, Jim Crow and dixiecrats are all democratic achivements and the first democratic president was Andrew Jackson who brought us the trail of tears.
While another Democrat, FDR locked several thousand American citizens away in internment camps and confiscated their property based soley on racial grounds with no legal due process whatsoever.
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