Dem-Ignored House IT Scandal Among ‘All-Time Congressional Scandals’ Of Last 30 Years


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
GOP Rep: House IT Scandal Among ‘All-Time Congressional Scandals’ Of Last 30 Years

"The growing House IT scandal is one of the “one of the all-time congressional scandals in the last 30 years,” Republican Florida Rep. Ron DeSantis told the Washington Free Beacon.

DeSantis has requested a briefing from the Capitol Police on the growing scandal,
the Free Beacon reported. DeSantis is a member of the House Oversight Committee and chairs the National Security Subcommittee.

The FBI arrested one of Democratic Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s top IT aides, Imran Awan, on bank fraud charges last week as he attempted to flee the country to Pakistan, where he had recently wired almost $300,000. Awan and several of his family members who worked for dozens of House Democrats are suspected of stealing computers and improperly accessing and transferring House members’ computer files."

“I’m pushing very heard to get a full briefing from Capitol Police as soon as possible,” DeSantis told the Free Beacon."

AGAIN, why are the Keystone Capitol Cops still in charge of this federal terrorist-connected Pakistani-DNC Chairwoman Spy scandal?!

Hopefully the newly confirmed Director of the FBI will step in and take over....and hopefully that 2nd Special Counsel gets appointed soon.
I'm not sure it holds a candle to Chinagate, but we shall see. Until we find out the true reason why the BIS wanted and orchestrated the Trump presidency, we won't know for sure.

This is related to the Deep State and will be covered up by establishment Republicans as well. Count on it. Everyone else is just being played like rats to the pied piper.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz staffer arrested trying to flee America & charged with bank fraud

Why does the DNC have the intelligence agencies, all of congress and the media, focused on Russians? It is a distraction technique.

If you asked anyone why Bill Clinton was brought up for impeachment, most would tell you it was all about lying under oath about the Lewinski affair. Hardly anyone knows the truth.

The truth is, it was all about Chinagate. It was in the interest of all of the ruling elites in DC, both on the right and left to distract the public from the establishment's betrayal of the American people to China. Chinagate began during the Regan-Bush years, and continued all the way to the Gore candidacy for presidency. It was the largest scandal next to the Russians stealing the secrets to the bomb. The Deep State needed to distract the public when the news started to leak out. Hell, Judicial Watch got nearly a million dollar settlement from the whole thing, they wouldn't exist but for this one issue.

The same thing is going on now. The world is falling apart and the Deep State is distracting all Americans, both on the left and the right.
It was exposed last week that the entire Trump Collusion crusade was spawned from the false Russia-generated propaganda in the Trump Dossier....

Democrats and the media are distracting from Hillary's crimes, the Obama administration's crimes, Lynch, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, and now DWS. The Liberal propaganda outlets won't even touch this story because it is so radioactive to Democrats.
GOP Rep: House IT Scandal Among ‘All-Time Congressional Scandals’ Of Last 30 Years

"The growing House IT scandal is one of the “one of the all-time congressional scandals in the last 30 years,” Republican Florida Rep. Ron DeSantis told the Washington Free Beacon.

DeSantis has requested a briefing from the Capitol Police on the growing scandal,
the Free Beacon reported. DeSantis is a member of the House Oversight Committee and chairs the National Security Subcommittee.

The FBI arrested one of Democratic Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s top IT aides, Imran Awan, on bank fraud charges last week as he attempted to flee the country to Pakistan, where he had recently wired almost $300,000. Awan and several of his family members who worked for dozens of House Democrats are suspected of stealing computers and improperly accessing and transferring House members’ computer files."

“I’m pushing very heard to get a full briefing from Capitol Police as soon as possible,” DeSantis told the Free Beacon."

AGAIN, why are the Keystone Capitol Cops still in charge of this federal terrorist-connected Pakistani-DNC Chairwoman Spy scandal?!

Hopefully the newly confirmed Director of the FBI will step in and take over....and hopefully that 2nd Special Counsel gets appointed soon.
The dems are pushing to prove it was all the Russians and Trump. Not sure what other rabbit hole they should investigate, maybe the hole were the real culprits reside.

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