Dem introduces bills to eliminate electoral college, stop presidents from pardoning themselves

I understand you're butthurt from losing two Presidential elections to the Constitution. The Constitution always speaks truth to power. You socialist vermin want to pack metropolitan areas with your voters so you can override the will of the rural citizens and not give them a voice. You cry "fairness", while you work secretly in an unfair manner.
The majority voice of the American people lost two elections to an archaic clause of the Constitution.

How exactly do we "pack metropolitan areas" with our voters, and how does that relate to the issue of the EC? You're not making any sense at all.
We are a nation of states. How else will less populous states have a voice in the Presidential election?
Is that supposed to be an answer? You're STILL not making any sense. The EC does not give the smaller states an equal voice in selecting the president so that is just a non sequitur logical fallacy-in other words bullshit. The only way to ensure that everyone's voice is heard equally is to adapt the popular vote.
With a pure popular vote, states like Montana, the Dakotas, Wyoming, Idaho etc might as well not even vote... Their votes would not make any difference whatsoever it be a fucking waste of time so shut the fuck up you fucking moron

Given their populations, should their votes make any difference to the direction of the nation? They have a state government to tend to their needs, but in terms of economics, jobs, and the environment, there's not enough people in these states to give them a stake in the game and in the issues affecting MOST Americans.
Rural areas control the energy, food and natural resources of this country, What’s good for urban America is never good for rural America and vice versa that’s just a fact.
Getting along is way overrated
The majority voice of the American people lost two elections to an archaic clause of the Constitution.

How exactly do we "pack metropolitan areas" with our voters, and how does that relate to the issue of the EC? You're not making any sense at all.
We are a nation of states. How else will less populous states have a voice in the Presidential election?
Is that supposed to be an answer? You're STILL not making any sense. The EC does not give the smaller states an equal voice in selecting the president so that is just a non sequitur logical fallacy-in other words bullshit. The only way to ensure that everyone's voice is heard equally is to adapt the popular vote.
With a pure popular vote, states like Montana, the Dakotas, Wyoming, Idaho etc might as well not even vote... Their votes would not make any difference whatsoever it be a fucking waste of time so shut the fuck up you fucking moron

Given their populations, should their votes make any difference to the direction of the nation? They have a state government to tend to their needs, but in terms of economics, jobs, and the environment, there's not enough people in these states to give them a stake in the game and in the issues affecting MOST Americans.
Rural areas control the energy, food and natural resources of this country, What’s good for urban America is never good for rural America and vice versa that’s just a fact.
Getting along is way overrated

Bullshit. I've lived in both rural and residential areas, and you're right, in that there is a huge difference in terms of needs. But the idea that the city dweller and the rural resident should be at war or even at odds is ridiculous.

Without the city dweller, the country dweller wouldn't have markets for their products. Without country dwellers, we wouldn't have food or energy. It is in both of their best interests to respect the economics needs and interests of the other, because at the end of the day, you're all Americans.

But conservatives have driven this "us" versus "them" thing since Ronald Reagan, and his "Welfare Queen" meme, which was and is a lie. Conservatives have denigrated and vilified liberals as "commies" and a "plague", when they're neither. Right wing talk radio has lied to rural Americans, endlessly. Their fear, paranoia and toxic attacks against liberals have destroyed any middle ground.

Churches, which should be apolitical, or which should be voting for parties to help their neighbours, are encouraging voters to vote for conservatives because liberals are in favour of free will in abortion and sexuality. God gave us free will, but the religious right wants to take it away. Voting liberal is not voting for abortion or homosexuality. Voting liberal is voting for freedom of choice, which is the very essence of being American. Churches voting for conservative policies, which hurt families, the poor, and women, simply cannot call themselves Christian.

Christians, who should be standing up for families through legislation for universal health care, workers vacations, maternity and family leave, and other real "family values" legislation, instead oppose anything that helps the poor or families. It makes no logical sense.

The fastest way to turn a conservative into a liberal, is to have him live in the city for one winter. He'll be voting liberal by spring.
We are a nation of states. How else will less populous states have a voice in the Presidential election?
Is that supposed to be an answer? You're STILL not making any sense. The EC does not give the smaller states an equal voice in selecting the president so that is just a non sequitur logical fallacy-in other words bullshit. The only way to ensure that everyone's voice is heard equally is to adapt the popular vote.
With a pure popular vote, states like Montana, the Dakotas, Wyoming, Idaho etc might as well not even vote... Their votes would not make any difference whatsoever it be a fucking waste of time so shut the fuck up you fucking moron

Given their populations, should their votes make any difference to the direction of the nation? They have a state government to tend to their needs, but in terms of economics, jobs, and the environment, there's not enough people in these states to give them a stake in the game and in the issues affecting MOST Americans.
Rural areas control the energy, food and natural resources of this country, What’s good for urban America is never good for rural America and vice versa that’s just a fact.
Getting along is way overrated

Bullshit. I've lived in both rural and residential areas, and you're right, in that there is a huge difference in terms of needs. But the idea that the city dweller and the rural resident should be at war or even at odds is ridiculous.

Without the city dweller, the country dweller wouldn't have markets for their products. Without country dwellers, we wouldn't have food or energy. It is in both of their best interests to respect the economics needs and interests of the other, because at the end of the day, you're all Americans.

But conservatives have driven this "us" versus "them" thing since Ronald Reagan, and his "Welfare Queen" meme, which was and is a lie. Conservatives have denigrated and vilified liberals as "commies" and a "plague", when they're neither. Right wing talk radio has lied to rural Americans, endlessly. Their fear, paranoia and toxic attacks against liberals have destroyed any middle ground.

Churches, which should be apolitical, or which should be voting for parties to help their neighbours, are encouraging voters to vote for conservatives because liberals are in favour of free will in abortion and sexuality. God gave us free will, but the religious right wants to take it away. Voting liberal is not voting for abortion or homosexuality. Voting liberal is voting for freedom of choice, which is the very essence of being American. Churches voting for conservative policies, which hurt families, the poor, and women, simply cannot call themselves Christian.

Christians, who should be standing up for families through legislation for universal health care, workers vacations, maternity and family leave, and other real "family values" legislation, instead oppose anything that helps the poor or families. It makes no logical sense.

The fastest way to turn a conservative into a liberal, is to have him live in the city for one winter. He'll be voting liberal by spring.
Yes, there such a thing as free will, but not spiritual free will.
As far as the nanny state goes, I have lived in a government controlled socialist Indian reservation for my whole adolescent life. No thanks
Well I would say hes probably not a conservative to begin with if he has no backbone like that.
Is that supposed to be an answer? You're STILL not making any sense. The EC does not give the smaller states an equal voice in selecting the president so that is just a non sequitur logical fallacy-in other words bullshit. The only way to ensure that everyone's voice is heard equally is to adapt the popular vote.
With a pure popular vote, states like Montana, the Dakotas, Wyoming, Idaho etc might as well not even vote... Their votes would not make any difference whatsoever it be a fucking waste of time so shut the fuck up you fucking moron

Given their populations, should their votes make any difference to the direction of the nation? They have a state government to tend to their needs, but in terms of economics, jobs, and the environment, there's not enough people in these states to give them a stake in the game and in the issues affecting MOST Americans.
Rural areas control the energy, food and natural resources of this country, What’s good for urban America is never good for rural America and vice versa that’s just a fact.
Getting along is way overrated

Bullshit. I've lived in both rural and residential areas, and you're right, in that there is a huge difference in terms of needs. But the idea that the city dweller and the rural resident should be at war or even at odds is ridiculous.

Without the city dweller, the country dweller wouldn't have markets for their products. Without country dwellers, we wouldn't have food or energy. It is in both of their best interests to respect the economics needs and interests of the other, because at the end of the day, you're all Americans.

But conservatives have driven this "us" versus "them" thing since Ronald Reagan, and his "Welfare Queen" meme, which was and is a lie. Conservatives have denigrated and vilified liberals as "commies" and a "plague", when they're neither. Right wing talk radio has lied to rural Americans, endlessly. Their fear, paranoia and toxic attacks against liberals have destroyed any middle ground.

Churches, which should be apolitical, or which should be voting for parties to help their neighbours, are encouraging voters to vote for conservatives because liberals are in favour of free will in abortion and sexuality. God gave us free will, but the religious right wants to take it away. Voting liberal is not voting for abortion or homosexuality. Voting liberal is voting for freedom of choice, which is the very essence of being American. Churches voting for conservative policies, which hurt families, the poor, and women, simply cannot call themselves Christian.

Christians, who should be standing up for families through legislation for universal health care, workers vacations, maternity and family leave, and other real "family values" legislation, instead oppose anything that helps the poor or families. It makes no logical sense.

The fastest way to turn a conservative into a liberal, is to have him live in the city for one winter. He'll be voting liberal by spring.
Yes, there such a thing as free will, but not spiritual free will.
As far as the nanny state goes, I have lived in a government controlled socialist Indian reservation for my whole adolescent life. No thanks
Well I would say hes probably not a conservative to begin with if he has no backbone like that.

Indian Reservations aren't government controlled Ruskie, nor are they socialist. They're controlled by the tribes who own them.
A bill?

Pointless showboating...

It'll never make it out of Committee...

Doesn't it need to be a Constitutional Amendment?
[ ...Indian Reservations aren't government controlled...
Has somebody told the US Government and the Department of the Interior about this?

...nor are they socialist...
Oh, I'll bet some are, and some aren't... all that "goods held in common" stuff, eh?

...They're controlled by the tribes who own them.
Or so they think, until the piss off the Feds, and the Feds turn off the funding faucet.
With a pure popular vote, states like Montana, the Dakotas, Wyoming, Idaho etc might as well not even vote... Their votes would not make any difference whatsoever it be a fucking waste of time so shut the fuck up you fucking moron

Given their populations, should their votes make any difference to the direction of the nation? They have a state government to tend to their needs, but in terms of economics, jobs, and the environment, there's not enough people in these states to give them a stake in the game and in the issues affecting MOST Americans.
Rural areas control the energy, food and natural resources of this country, What’s good for urban America is never good for rural America and vice versa that’s just a fact.
Getting along is way overrated

Bullshit. I've lived in both rural and residential areas, and you're right, in that there is a huge difference in terms of needs. But the idea that the city dweller and the rural resident should be at war or even at odds is ridiculous.

Without the city dweller, the country dweller wouldn't have markets for their products. Without country dwellers, we wouldn't have food or energy. It is in both of their best interests to respect the economics needs and interests of the other, because at the end of the day, you're all Americans.

But conservatives have driven this "us" versus "them" thing since Ronald Reagan, and his "Welfare Queen" meme, which was and is a lie. Conservatives have denigrated and vilified liberals as "commies" and a "plague", when they're neither. Right wing talk radio has lied to rural Americans, endlessly. Their fear, paranoia and toxic attacks against liberals have destroyed any middle ground.

Churches, which should be apolitical, or which should be voting for parties to help their neighbours, are encouraging voters to vote for conservatives because liberals are in favour of free will in abortion and sexuality. God gave us free will, but the religious right wants to take it away. Voting liberal is not voting for abortion or homosexuality. Voting liberal is voting for freedom of choice, which is the very essence of being American. Churches voting for conservative policies, which hurt families, the poor, and women, simply cannot call themselves Christian.

Christians, who should be standing up for families through legislation for universal health care, workers vacations, maternity and family leave, and other real "family values" legislation, instead oppose anything that helps the poor or families. It makes no logical sense.

The fastest way to turn a conservative into a liberal, is to have him live in the city for one winter. He'll be voting liberal by spring.
Yes, there such a thing as free will, but not spiritual free will.
As far as the nanny state goes, I have lived in a government controlled socialist Indian reservation for my whole adolescent life. No thanks
Well I would say hes probably not a conservative to begin with if he has no backbone like that.

Indian Reservations aren't government controlled Ruskie, nor are they socialist. They're controlled by the tribes who own them.
Actually they are, the poor ones.

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