Dem Leader in Congress admits mask wearing just for show.

Wake up, Rubes. You are being played.

Jesus Christ Himself could descend from heaven in the most unmistakable manner and if the media told these bed wetters not to believe it, they would ignore Him, until their their flesh burned off in the pits of hell.
Jesus Christ Himself could descend from heaven in the most unmistakable manner and if the media told these bed wetters not to believe it, they would ignore Him, until their their flesh burned off in the pits of hell.

They still wouldn't......

They'd still be blaming Trump
Wake up, Rubes. You are being played.

Joke of the day: Trump asslickers like you crying about COVID being spread by illegals, then from the other side of their yap pissing & moaning that COVID is a scam & nobody needs a mask or "the jab".

Joke of the day: Trump asslickers like you crying about COVID being spread by illegals, then from the other side of their yap pissing & moaning that COVID is a scam & nobody needs a mask or "the jab".

Keep being a rube. It’s what you are good at.
No, they don’t. Sez it right on the box.
I'm not talking about the kleenix you use all the time. I DO find that those whining most about masks also believe it's too much trouble to wash their hands after using public restrooms.
I'm not talking about the kleenix you use all the time. I DO find that those whining most about masks also believe it's too much trouble to wash their hands after using public restrooms.
Keep being a rube.
Joke of the day: Trump asslickers like you crying about COVID being spread by illegals, then from the other side of their yap pissing & moaning that COVID is a scam & nobody needs a mask or "the jab".

Yep.....COVID is real.....the pandemic is the scam.

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