Dem pulls resolution to honor Cesar Chavez after learning truth


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Menendez sure didn't do his homework and he did what I often accuse some liberals of doing. He assumed how Chavez thought based solely on the color of his skin. My, my, it must shock libs when people don't think the way liberals feel they should based on the group into which they've been placed. This independent thinking business tends to throw some people for a loop.

Cesar Chavez would be thought of as an enemy by Obama for his stance on illegal immigration. I base that on what Obama said to a group at a LaRaza meeting. He said border security supporters/anti-amnesty groups were enemies. Chavez, unlike the idiots in Washington, believed laws should be followed. Wow, following laws is a radical idea, isn't it? He went as far to use the term, 'illegals' and even worse. It's clear he didn't think much of people who ignored immigration laws.

Menendez no longer wanted to honor Chavez and pulled the resolution after actually learning what the guy's stance was on immigration. I take it to mean that he only admired him because of what he assumed the guy was all about rather than anything the guy actually did. I think that is the same thinking behind the Nobel Peace Prize committee when they handed Obama the award.

Regardless of what other things the guy might have accomplished, the liberal idiot thought the only thing worth honoring him for was supporting illegal immigration. I find it amusing that Menendez was humiliated due to his own ignorance.

Senator Bob Menendez introduced a resolution to honor “Cesar Chavez’ legacy.” But hilarity ensued when Republicans tried to tell the truth about Chavez’ real position against illegal immigration.

Democrat Senator Pulls Resolution To Honor Cesar Chavez After GOP Adds Border Security Language
Democrat Senator Pulls Resolution To Honor Cesar Chavez After GOP Adds Border Security Language | Top Right News
A Democrat didn't know what he was supporting? Gee, that never happens.
Menendez is the one who wasted everyone's time. The Repubs knew why he wanted to honor Chavez and merely told him the truth about where the guy stood on illegal immigration. It was no surprise than the resolution was pulled and by stopping it, Menendez showed his true intentions. I guess there was nothing else about the guy he felt was deserving of praise.

Menendez assumed how Chavez felt based solely on the color of his skin. It's very telling and this whole thing proved what I've said many times. The Repubs just wanted to keep the facts straight about the views Chavez had on illegal aliens. Of course, the liberals rejected that and they act like there is something wrong with any minority who thinks outside the box.

It's sad that some in Washington only would honor those who believe in breaking our immigration laws. They attack anyone who wants them followed. It's pretty screwed up.
A Democrat didn't know what he was supporting? Gee, that never happens.
They have people for that, all of them.

And we pay congress for what? They don't read bills before voting. They submit bills without knowing the content. In other words, they can't do the jobs we sent them to do. And they conveniently blame it on those they hired to do their jobs for them. That is about as lame as it gets.

If a congress member submits a bill, they should at least know what they are putting on the table. No excuse not to.
A Democrat didn't know what he was supporting? Gee, that never happens.
They have people for that, all of them.

And we pay congress for what? They don't read bills before voting. They submit bills without knowing the content. In other words, they can't do the jobs we sent them to do. And they conveniently blame it on those they hired to do their jobs for them. That is about as lame as it gets.

If a congress member submits a bill, they should at least know what they are putting on the table. No excuse not to.
They would disagree. Cutting deals is a full-time job, and so is avoiding, at all costs, doing such a thing. Between that, travel, and constant fundraising, it's a wonder they have time to sleep and be sold off to the highest bidder.
Cesar Chavez was a dyed in the wool communist. Like obama, Chavez was a student of Saul Alinsky. Chavez was a union man. He was a labor leader not a proponent of immigrant rights. He and Jimmy Hoffa had a lot in common.
Just for thought. The Daily Kos reported this morning that the bill was pulled because of GOP opposition to it. Not a word about the sponsor withdrawing it.

Typical left-wing rag.

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