Dem Secret Impeachment 'Inquiry' Throws Out GOP Congressman


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Adam Shiff-head tossed out Matt Gaetz who sits on the Judiciary committee and his chairman, 'Fats' Nadler, has been investigating the Ukraine issue along with other issues in a publicly stated aim to impeach Trump.

So he went to the 'secret' Star Chamber hearing interviewing a Dem with dirt on Trump, they think/wish, and Shiff-head threw him out for being on a different committee.

Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz kicked out of impeachment inquiry hearing

Shiff-head explained:
“We want to make sure that we meet the needs of the investigation and not give the president or his legal minions the opportunity to tailor their testimony and in some cases fabricate testimony to suit their interests,” the California Democrat said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

Schiff said they may call some or all of the witnesses to return to testify in public later, though that might not include the whistle-blower who triggered the impeachment fight in the first place.

While Trump and some of his Republican allies have hoped to unmask the official and question him or her, Schiff said his priority now is to protect the whistle-blower and said they don’t need the person’s testimony to find out what happened on the phone call between Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

“We’re keeping our focus right now on the president’s coercion of an ally, that is Ukraine, to create these sham investigations into his political opponent,” Schiff said.....

Schiff said investigators have already seen strong evidence that Trump abused his office by conditioning a meeting Zelenskiy wanted with Trump on Ukraine “digging up dirt on the Bidens.”

“That is a terrible abuse of the president’s power,” Schiff said.

“Here we have a president of the United States abusing his power to the detriment of our national security and doing so to get yet another foreign country to intervene in our election. It’s hard to imagine more of a corruption of his office than that.”

Schiff also said the committee continues to investigate whether the president decided to hold up military aid to Ukraine as leverage, saying there’s already strong indications that is true “and we’re going to get to the bottom of it.”

Representative Doug Collins of Georgia, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, ripped the closed sessions. “Democrats know they can’t win on the facts, so they’re having to move it behind closed doors,” he said on Fox News. “I believe that sunshine is the best disinfectant.”​

So, Biden Clan takes in a $900k donation to Joe, and gets around $160k each month to Hunter as 'pay', and asking for that to be looked into is somehow nothing more than a 'campaign donation to Democrats? And then Biden bragged about doing the EXACT SAME THING that Shiff-head is trying to investigate Trump about, and that was he got a prosecutor fired by threatening to with hold aid to the Ukraine. What about Trumps due process rights?

So to get Trump, and not allow him to view the evidence against him, Shiff-head is doing all this in secret because it will be more effective?

It would be freaking hilarious if it werent so serious.

The Democratic PArty is an iceberg of criminal corruption and they are scared to death Barr is going to expose them.
Adam Shiff-head tossed out Matt Gaetz who sits on the Judiciary committee and his chairman, 'Fats' Nadler, has been investigating the Ukraine issue along with other issues in a publicly stated aim to impeach Trump.

So he went to the 'secret' Star Chamber hearing interviewing a Dem with dirt on Trump, they think/wish, and Shiff-head threw him out for being on a different committee.

Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz kicked out of impeachment inquiry hearing

Shiff-head explained:
“We want to make sure that we meet the needs of the investigation and not give the president or his legal minions the opportunity to tailor their testimony and in some cases fabricate testimony to suit their interests,” the California Democrat said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

Schiff said they may call some or all of the witnesses to return to testify in public later, though that might not include the whistle-blower who triggered the impeachment fight in the first place.

While Trump and some of his Republican allies have hoped to unmask the official and question him or her, Schiff said his priority now is to protect the whistle-blower and said they don’t need the person’s testimony to find out what happened on the phone call between Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

“We’re keeping our focus right now on the president’s coercion of an ally, that is Ukraine, to create these sham investigations into his political opponent,” Schiff said.....

Schiff said investigators have already seen strong evidence that Trump abused his office by conditioning a meeting Zelenskiy wanted with Trump on Ukraine “digging up dirt on the Bidens.”

“That is a terrible abuse of the president’s power,” Schiff said.

“Here we have a president of the United States abusing his power to the detriment of our national security and doing so to get yet another foreign country to intervene in our election. It’s hard to imagine more of a corruption of his office than that.”

Schiff also said the committee continues to investigate whether the president decided to hold up military aid to Ukraine as leverage, saying there’s already strong indications that is true “and we’re going to get to the bottom of it.”

Representative Doug Collins of Georgia, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, ripped the closed sessions. “Democrats know they can’t win on the facts, so they’re having to move it behind closed doors,” he said on Fox News. “I believe that sunshine is the best disinfectant.”​

So, Biden Clan takes in a $900k donation to Joe, and gets around $160k each month to Hunter as 'pay', and asking for that to be looked into is somehow nothing more than a 'campaign donation to Democrats? And then Biden bragged about doing the EXACT SAME THING that Shiff-head is trying to investigate Trump about, and that was he got a prosecutor fired by threatening to with hold aid to the Ukraine. What about Trumps due process rights?

So to get Trump, and not allow him to view the evidence against him, Shiff-head is doing all this in secret because it will be more effective?

It would be freaking hilarious if it werent so serious.

The Democratic PArty is an iceberg of criminal corruption and they are scared to death Barr is going to expose them.
He was not a member of the relevant committee and it was a closed door testimony. There were republicans present that are members of the committee.

Next faux outrage.
[Worthless Faux link erased.] Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz kicked out of impeachment inquiry hearing

I didn't think they had it in them, but yeah, they did throw this dumb-as-a-stump, mendacious, sorry excuse for a representative out of a committee of which he is not a member. They really, actually did.

Good, very good. It's about time that those who believe the foremost duty of representatives is to be lick-spittle denizens of Trump's rectum have their comeuppance.

Cue the whining.
Cue the commie Eurotrash cheering on one-party kangaroo court proceedings.

Stay in your lane and GFY.
He was not a member of the relevant committee and it was a closed door testimony. There were republicans present that are members of the committee.

Next faux outrage.

Yeah, closed-door hearings are such an outrage:

[2018] This is Comey's second closed-door meeting with House Republicans this month, as Republicans attempt to draw attention away from special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe and other investigations that have ensnared Trump associates.​

... when Democrats do it. It's all oh-so "secret".

Also, here's the most sincere and honorable Mr. Gaetz at his level best:

As the former prosecutor noted, Mr Gaetz previously tweeted a seemingly threatening message to Mr Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen the night before he was set to testify before the House oversight committee.

“Hey @MichaelCohen212 – Do your wife & father-in-law know about your girlfriends? Maybe tonight would be a good time for that chat,” he wrote at the time. “I wonder if she’ll remain faithful when you’re in prison. She’s about to learn a lot.”​

So, we have the close-door hypocrisy in full bloom, and a bit of witness tampering / intimidation on behalf of the Dear Leader as the icing on the cake.

Trumpletons and other assorted demented goofs couldn't be more indignant. Irate, really.
He was not a member of the relevant committee and it was a closed door testimony. There were republicans present that are members of the committee.

Next faux outrage.

Yeah, closed-door hearings are such an outrage:

[2018] This is Comey's second closed-door meeting with House Republicans this month, as Republicans attempt to draw attention away from special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe and other investigations that have ensnared Trump associates.​

... when Democrats do it. It's all oh-so "secret".

Also, here's the most sincere and honorable Mr. Gaetz at his level best:

As the former prosecutor noted, Mr Gaetz previously tweeted a seemingly threatening message to Mr Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen the night before he was set to testify before the House oversight committee.

“Hey @MichaelCohen212 – Do your wife & father-in-law know about your girlfriends? Maybe tonight would be a good time for that chat,” he wrote at the time. “I wonder if she’ll remain faithful when you’re in prison. She’s about to learn a lot.”​

So, we have the close-door hypocrisy in full bloom, and a bit of witness tampering / intimidation on behalf of the Dear Leader as the icing on the cake.

Trumpletons and other assorted demented goofs couldn't be more indignant. Irate, really.
Apples and atom bombs.

This isn't a "meeting" jackass, it's another lame attempt at trying to topple a duly elected prez.

There's a reason my ancestors left Europe: arrogant commie asswpies like you.
I didn't think they had it in them, but yeah, they did throw this dumb-as-a-stump, mendacious, sorry excuse for a representative out of of a committee of which he is not a member. They really, actually did.

Good, very good. It's about time representatives who think their foremost duty is to be lick-spittle denizens of Trump's rectum have their comeuppance.

Cue the whining.
Adam Shiff-head tossed out Matt Gaetz who sits on the Judiciary committee and his chairman, 'Fats' Nadler, has been investigating the Ukraine issue along with other issues in a publicly stated aim to impeach Trump.

So he went to the 'secret' Star Chamber hearing interviewing a Dem with dirt on Trump, they think/wish, and Shiff-head threw him out for being on a different committee.

Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz kicked out of impeachment inquiry hearing

Shiff-head explained:
“We want to make sure that we meet the needs of the investigation and not give the president or his legal minions the opportunity to tailor their testimony and in some cases fabricate testimony to suit their interests,” the California Democrat said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

Schiff said they may call some or all of the witnesses to return to testify in public later, though that might not include the whistle-blower who triggered the impeachment fight in the first place.

While Trump and some of his Republican allies have hoped to unmask the official and question him or her, Schiff said his priority now is to protect the whistle-blower and said they don’t need the person’s testimony to find out what happened on the phone call between Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

“We’re keeping our focus right now on the president’s coercion of an ally, that is Ukraine, to create these sham investigations into his political opponent,” Schiff said.....

Schiff said investigators have already seen strong evidence that Trump abused his office by conditioning a meeting Zelenskiy wanted with Trump on Ukraine “digging up dirt on the Bidens.”

“That is a terrible abuse of the president’s power,” Schiff said.

“Here we have a president of the United States abusing his power to the detriment of our national security and doing so to get yet another foreign country to intervene in our election. It’s hard to imagine more of a corruption of his office than that.”

Schiff also said the committee continues to investigate whether the president decided to hold up military aid to Ukraine as leverage, saying there’s already strong indications that is true “and we’re going to get to the bottom of it.”

Representative Doug Collins of Georgia, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, ripped the closed sessions. “Democrats know they can’t win on the facts, so they’re having to move it behind closed doors,” he said on Fox News. “I believe that sunshine is the best disinfectant.”​

So, Biden Clan takes in a $900k donation to Joe, and gets around $160k each month to Hunter as 'pay', and asking for that to be looked into is somehow nothing more than a 'campaign donation to Democrats? And then Biden bragged about doing the EXACT SAME THING that Shiff-head is trying to investigate Trump about, and that was he got a prosecutor fired by threatening to with hold aid to the Ukraine. What about Trumps due process rights?

So to get Trump, and not allow him to view the evidence against him, Shiff-head is doing all this in secret because it will be more effective?

It would be freaking hilarious if it werent so serious.

The Democratic PArty is an iceberg of criminal corruption and they are scared to death Barr is going to expose them.

The Corrupt Democrats trying to hide their crimes from the public.
He was not a member of the relevant committee and it was a closed door testimony. There were republicans present that are members of the committee.

Next faux outrage.

Yeah, closed-door hearings are such an outrage:

[2018] This is Comey's second closed-door meeting with House Republicans this month, as Republicans attempt to draw attention away from special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe and other investigations that have ensnared Trump associates.​

... when Democrats do it. It's all oh-so "secret".

Also, here's the most sincere and honorable Mr. Gaetz at his level best:

As the former prosecutor noted, Mr Gaetz previously tweeted a seemingly threatening message to Mr Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen the night before he was set to testify before the House oversight committee.

“Hey @MichaelCohen212 – Do your wife & father-in-law know about your girlfriends? Maybe tonight would be a good time for that chat,” he wrote at the time. “I wonder if she’ll remain faithful when you’re in prison. She’s about to learn a lot.”​

So, we have the close-door hypocrisy in full bloom, and a bit of witness tampering / intimidation on behalf of the Dear Leader as the icing on the cake.

Trumpletons and other assorted demented goofs couldn't be more indignant. Irate, really.

There were national security issues and classified material being discussed in Comey's meetings.

What did they get from Cohen's testimony? A nothingburger. The hearings should have never been held.

With the current witch hunt, they cannot use the excuse of national security, so why is it closed door?.It is closed door because Democrats will selectively leak anything damaging to the President after applying their selective hearing and lock down any exculpatory testimony.
Adam Shiff-head tossed out Matt Gaetz who sits on the Judiciary committee and his chairman, 'Fats' Nadler, has been investigating the Ukraine issue along with other issues in a publicly stated aim to impeach Trump.

So he went to the 'secret' Star Chamber hearing interviewing a Dem with dirt on Trump, they think/wish, and Shiff-head threw him out for being on a different committee.

Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz kicked out of impeachment inquiry hearing

Shiff-head explained:
“We want to make sure that we meet the needs of the investigation and not give the president or his legal minions the opportunity to tailor their testimony and in some cases fabricate testimony to suit their interests,” the California Democrat said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

Schiff said they may call some or all of the witnesses to return to testify in public later, though that might not include the whistle-blower who triggered the impeachment fight in the first place.

While Trump and some of his Republican allies have hoped to unmask the official and question him or her, Schiff said his priority now is to protect the whistle-blower and said they don’t need the person’s testimony to find out what happened on the phone call between Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

“We’re keeping our focus right now on the president’s coercion of an ally, that is Ukraine, to create these sham investigations into his political opponent,” Schiff said.....

Schiff said investigators have already seen strong evidence that Trump abused his office by conditioning a meeting Zelenskiy wanted with Trump on Ukraine “digging up dirt on the Bidens.”

“That is a terrible abuse of the president’s power,” Schiff said.

“Here we have a president of the United States abusing his power to the detriment of our national security and doing so to get yet another foreign country to intervene in our election. It’s hard to imagine more of a corruption of his office than that.”

Schiff also said the committee continues to investigate whether the president decided to hold up military aid to Ukraine as leverage, saying there’s already strong indications that is true “and we’re going to get to the bottom of it.”

Representative Doug Collins of Georgia, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, ripped the closed sessions. “Democrats know they can’t win on the facts, so they’re having to move it behind closed doors,” he said on Fox News. “I believe that sunshine is the best disinfectant.”​

So, Biden Clan takes in a $900k donation to Joe, and gets around $160k each month to Hunter as 'pay', and asking for that to be looked into is somehow nothing more than a 'campaign donation to Democrats? And then Biden bragged about doing the EXACT SAME THING that Shiff-head is trying to investigate Trump about, and that was he got a prosecutor fired by threatening to with hold aid to the Ukraine. What about Trumps due process rights?

So to get Trump, and not allow him to view the evidence against him, Shiff-head is doing all this in secret because it will be more effective?

It would be freaking hilarious if it werent so serious.

The Democratic PArty is an iceberg of criminal corruption and they are scared to death Barr is going to expose them.

So, Biden Clan takes in a $900k donation to Joe, and gets around $160k each month to Hunter as 'pay', and asking for that to be looked into is somehow nothing more than a 'campaign donation to Democrats? And then Biden bragged about doing the EXACT SAME THING that Shiff-head is trying to investigate Trump about, and that was he got a prosecutor fired by threatening to with hold aid to the Ukraine. What about Trumps due process rights?

No its not the exact same thing, but you know it. The difference is the IMF and EU wanted him out and it wasn't even about Burisma which of course was not being investigated at the time.

Also Tramp wanted a favor, investigate his pollical rival.
Adam Shiff-head tossed out Matt Gaetz who sits on the Judiciary committee and his chairman, 'Fats' Nadler, has been investigating the Ukraine issue along with other issues in a publicly stated aim to impeach Trump.

So he went to the 'secret' Star Chamber hearing interviewing a Dem with dirt on Trump, they think/wish, and Shiff-head threw him out for being on a different committee.

Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz kicked out of impeachment inquiry hearing

Shiff-head explained:
“We want to make sure that we meet the needs of the investigation and not give the president or his legal minions the opportunity to tailor their testimony and in some cases fabricate testimony to suit their interests,” the California Democrat said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

Schiff said they may call some or all of the witnesses to return to testify in public later, though that might not include the whistle-blower who triggered the impeachment fight in the first place.

While Trump and some of his Republican allies have hoped to unmask the official and question him or her, Schiff said his priority now is to protect the whistle-blower and said they don’t need the person’s testimony to find out what happened on the phone call between Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

“We’re keeping our focus right now on the president’s coercion of an ally, that is Ukraine, to create these sham investigations into his political opponent,” Schiff said.....

Schiff said investigators have already seen strong evidence that Trump abused his office by conditioning a meeting Zelenskiy wanted with Trump on Ukraine “digging up dirt on the Bidens.”

“That is a terrible abuse of the president’s power,” Schiff said.

“Here we have a president of the United States abusing his power to the detriment of our national security and doing so to get yet another foreign country to intervene in our election. It’s hard to imagine more of a corruption of his office than that.”

Schiff also said the committee continues to investigate whether the president decided to hold up military aid to Ukraine as leverage, saying there’s already strong indications that is true “and we’re going to get to the bottom of it.”

Representative Doug Collins of Georgia, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, ripped the closed sessions. “Democrats know they can’t win on the facts, so they’re having to move it behind closed doors,” he said on Fox News. “I believe that sunshine is the best disinfectant.”​

So, Biden Clan takes in a $900k donation to Joe, and gets around $160k each month to Hunter as 'pay', and asking for that to be looked into is somehow nothing more than a 'campaign donation to Democrats? And then Biden bragged about doing the EXACT SAME THING that Shiff-head is trying to investigate Trump about, and that was he got a prosecutor fired by threatening to with hold aid to the Ukraine. What about Trumps due process rights?

So to get Trump, and not allow him to view the evidence against him, Shiff-head is doing all this in secret because it will be more effective?

It would be freaking hilarious if it werent so serious.

The Democratic PArty is an iceberg of criminal corruption and they are scared to death Barr is going to expose them.

So, Biden Clan takes in a $900k donation to Joe, and gets around $160k each month to Hunter as 'pay', and asking for that to be looked into is somehow nothing more than a 'campaign donation to Democrats? And then Biden bragged about doing the EXACT SAME THING that Shiff-head is trying to investigate Trump about, and that was he got a prosecutor fired by threatening to with hold aid to the Ukraine. What about Trumps due process rights?

No its not the exact same thing, but you know it. The difference is the IMF and EU wanted him out and it wasn't even about Burisma which of course was not being investigated at the time.

Also Tramp wanted a favor, investigate his pollical rival.

Are we also going to throw out the three libtard Senators who wrote a letter to Ukraine demanding the prosecutor be removed or they would withhold funding? There is quid pro quo of no doubt. Trump had none.
So, Biden Clan takes in a $900k donation to Joe, and gets around $160k each month to Hunter as 'pay', and asking for that to be looked into is somehow nothing more than a 'campaign donation to Democrats? And then Biden bragged about doing the EXACT SAME THING that Shiff-head is trying to investigate Trump about, and that was he got a prosecutor fired by threatening to with hold aid to the Ukraine. What about Trumps due process rights?

No its not the exact same thing, but you know it. The difference is the IMF and EU wanted him out and it wasn't even about Burisma which of course was not being investigated at the time.

Also Tramp wanted a favor, investigate his pollical rival.

Also, "a $900k donation to Joe" is a lie.

Also, "around $160k each month to Hunter" is a lie.

Also, "asking for that to be looked into is somehow nothing more than a 'campaign donation to Democrats" is a lie.

Also, "Biden bragged about doing the EXACT SAME THING that Shiff-head is trying to investigate Trump about" is a lie.

And that's just the tip of that iceberg of mendacity. The Gish Galloppers on the right on behalf of the Dear Leader have been very busy, indeed.
So, Biden Clan takes in a $900k donation to Joe, and gets around $160k each month to Hunter as 'pay', and asking for that to be looked into is somehow nothing more than a 'campaign donation to Democrats? And then Biden bragged about doing the EXACT SAME THING that Shiff-head is trying to investigate Trump about, and that was he got a prosecutor fired by threatening to with hold aid to the Ukraine. What about Trumps due process rights?

No its not the exact same thing, but you know it. The difference is the IMF and EU wanted him out and it wasn't even about Burisma which of course was not being investigated at the time.

Also Tramp wanted a favor, investigate his pollical rival.

Also, "a $900k donation to Joe" is a lie.

Also, "around $160k each month to Hunter" is a lie.

Also, "asking for that to be looked into is somehow nothing more than a 'campaign donation to Democrats" is a lie.

Also, "Biden bragged about doing the EXACT SAME THING that Shiff-head is trying to investigate Trump about" is a lie.

And that's just the tip of that iceberg of mendacity. The Gish Galloppers on the right on behalf of the Dear Leader have been very busy, indeed.

So how much did Hunter get paid for being on a board of a company that he knew nothing about energy or finances?
Also Tramp wanted a favor, investigate his pollical rival.
So any time a Republican investigates the crimes of any Democrat it is 'getting dirt' on his political rival, from a Democrat point of view.

Politics and politics only is all a Democrat can ever see or consider.
No its not the exact same thing, but you know it. The difference is the IMF and EU wanted him out and it wasn't even about Burisma which of course was not being investigated at the time.
How about documenting that?

Also Tramp wanted a favor, investigate his pollical rival.
Not true. Trump told Zelinsky it would be in their interest to investigate the corruption that was draining off billions in aid intended for Ukraine into the pockets of a few oligarch gangsters. It also happens to be in the interest of the US as it's their money being siphoned off by crooks.
No its not the exact same thing, but you know it. The difference is the IMF and EU wanted him out and it wasn't even about Burisma which of course was not being investigated at the time.
How about documenting that?

Also Tramp wanted a favor, investigate his pollical rival.
Not true. Trump told Zelinsky it would be in their interest to investigate the corruption that was draining off billions in aid intended for Ukraine into the pockets of a few oligarch gangsters. It also happens to be in the interest of the US as it's their money being siphoned off by crooks.

Its already documented in the tramp summary of the call and the report of the whistleblower.

I doubt you read either.
Also Tramp wanted a favor, investigate his pollical rival.
So any time a Republican investigates the crimes of any Democrat it is 'getting dirt' on his political rival, from a Democrat point of view.

Politics and politics only is all a Democrat can ever see or consider.

Its just too bad the Democrats are the maj of the house now, unlike the Republicans who did nothing but investigated Benghazi since 2012 and Hillary's emails since 2014. Isn't it.

The democrats took control of the house in Jan 2019, but since you were use to the house in republican hands since 2011, I can see how you are confused about who is in charge.
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