Dem Thugs beat up man who removes Dem signs from his OWN YARD


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
IDIOT libs keep tellng us the GOP is the part of racists, bigots, violence, blah blah blah, but every time REAL VIOLENCE happens, it's alway one the Democrat side and the Libs turn a blind eye. HERE WE GO AGAIN!

Officials with the Taos Police Department say they are still working to get to the bottom of the alleged beating of a Taos landowner over the removal of political signs from in front of his property.

In an interview with The Taos News Friday (May 25), property owner Roy Cunnyngham and his wife Joni recounted the events when they returned home, across from Casa los Córdovas May 1.

“I don’t know how many people hit me,” Cunnyngham said of the incident.

According to the police report filed the same day, Eighth Judicial District Court judge candidate Ernestina Cruz was having a “meet and greet” event at Plaza de Colores. At the same time, across the street, Cunnyngham and his wife were returning home from dinner to find several of Cruz’ campaign signs in front of his property.

As in the police report, Cunnyngham confirmed that three men approached him and demanded that he replace the signs where they’d been staked. Cunnyngham said he resisted.

Taos Police continue probe into political sign fracas - The Taos News: News

Now, get this! This was a "meet and greet for a Dem judge. This man was being beaten. THE POLICE WERE THERE AND DID NOTHING!

In his report, Wentz also said that Taos Police Lt. David Maggio was present at the “meet and greet” and told Wentz at the time that he wanted “no part” of the incident. He has since denied seeing any part of the alleged battery.

They put these signs on this man property and when he went to remove them, they BEAT HIM??????

And the police were there and claim they saw nothing while this man was beaten?

THIS is the face of the Democrat party. It has thrown off the mask that makes it out like they are the "nice" party that defends the poor and the "middle class." And the police won't help you, because they fear it will hurt their jobs as well.

They have revealed themselves to be RADICAL MARXIST/FASCIST THUGS!

THIS is what we need to vote COMPLETELY OUT OF OFFICE come November.

From the Dog catcher to the President.

IDIOT libs keep tellng us the GOP is the part of racists, bigots, violence, blah blah blah, but every time REAL VIOLENCE happens, it's alway one the Democrat side and the Libs turn a blind eye. HERE WE GO AGAIN!

Officials with the Taos Police Department say they are still working to get to the bottom of the alleged beating of a Taos landowner over the removal of political signs from in front of his property.

In an interview with The Taos News Friday (May 25), property owner Roy Cunnyngham and his wife Joni recounted the events when they returned home, across from Casa los Córdovas May 1.

“I don’t know how many people hit me,” Cunnyngham said of the incident.

According to the police report filed the same day, Eighth Judicial District Court judge candidate Ernestina Cruz was having a “meet and greet” event at Plaza de Colores. At the same time, across the street, Cunnyngham and his wife were returning home from dinner to find several of Cruz’ campaign signs in front of his property.

As in the police report, Cunnyngham confirmed that three men approached him and demanded that he replace the signs where they’d been staked. Cunnyngham said he resisted.

Taos Police continue probe into political sign fracas - The Taos News: News

Now, get this! This was a "meet and greet for a Dem judge. This man was being beaten. THE POLICE WERE THERE AND DID NOTHING!

In his report, Wentz also said that Taos Police Lt. David Maggio was present at the “meet and greet” and told Wentz at the time that he wanted “no part” of the incident. He has since denied seeing any part of the alleged battery.

They put these signs on this man property and when he went to remove them, they BEAT HIM??????

And the police were there and claim they saw nothing while this man was beaten?

THIS is the face of the Democrat party. It has thrown off the mask that makes it out like they are the "nice" party that defends the poor and the "middle class." And the police won't help you, because they fear it will hurt their jobs as well.

They have revealed themselves to be RADICAL MARXIST/FASCIST THUGS!

THIS is what we need to vote COMPLETELY OUT OF OFFICE come November.

From the Dog catcher to the President.


When are they going to change thier name from 'Democrat'? There's NOTHING Democratic about them any longer.
Story sounds kinda flaky. I'll withhold judgment for now.


And to the OP, the story says the signs were in front of his property, not ON his property. Of course that doesn't justify beating the guy, but it would justify putting the signs back and physically preventing him from removing them again should he try. In other words, that's a pretty important fact that isn't at all clear at this point.
Story sounds kinda flaky. I'll withhold judgment for now.


And to the OP, the story says the signs were in front of his property, not ON his property. Of course that doesn't justify beating the guy, but it would justify putting the signs back and physically preventing him from removing them again should he try. In other words, that's a pretty important fact that isn't at all clear at this point.

Dude, I am responsible for the side walk and grass in front of that sidewalk.

I can be sued if someone slips on a public side walk but I can't remove signs put there by some bozo?

I sure as hell can and will!

That strip in front of the side walk is MY PROPERTY. I have to mow it, maintain it, and can be cited by the city if I don't.

But I can't remove signs from it?

Only a fascist liberal would think otherwise.
Story sounds kinda flaky. I'll withhold judgment for now.


And to the OP, the story says the signs were in front of his property, not ON his property. Of course that doesn't justify beating the guy, but it would justify putting the signs back and physically preventing him from removing them again should he try. In other words, that's a pretty important fact that isn't at all clear at this point.

Dude, I am responsible for the side walk and grass in front of that sidewalk.

I can be sued if someone slips on a public side walk but I can't remove signs put there by some bozo?

I sure as hell can and will!

That strip in front of the side walk is MY PROPERTY. I have to mow it, maintain it, and can be cited by the city if I don't.

But I can't remove signs from it?

Only a fascist liberal would think otherwise.

As far a spinning backpedals are concerned, this one is pretty good. But you are still assuming facts that have yet to come to light.
Story sounds kinda flaky. I'll withhold judgment for now.


And to the OP, the story says the signs were in front of his property, not ON his property. Of course that doesn't justify beating the guy, but it would justify putting the signs back and physically preventing him from removing them again should he try. In other words, that's a pretty important fact that isn't at all clear at this point.

Isn't the edge of most people's property next to the street owned by the govt? It is here.

If that's the case NO signs should be there.

I just don't get the beating while police ignored it. If photos or video surface ill be swayed but until then this seems a he said she said.
Story sounds kinda flaky. I'll withhold judgment for now.


And to the OP, the story says the signs were in front of his property, not ON his property. Of course that doesn't justify beating the guy, but it would justify putting the signs back and physically preventing him from removing them again should he try. In other words, that's a pretty important fact that isn't at all clear at this point.

Dude, I am responsible for the side walk and grass in front of that sidewalk.

I can be sued if someone slips on a public side walk but I can't remove signs put there by some bozo?

I sure as hell can and will!

That strip in front of the side walk is MY PROPERTY. I have to mow it, maintain it, and can be cited by the city if I don't.

But I can't remove signs from it?

Only a fascist liberal would think otherwise.

Apparently it depends on where you live and less about lib/con theories. Here in KC many municipalities do not allow signs of any kind between the sidewalk and the street. And as far as lawsuits, that's tricky. Here where I live the city constantly repairs them so I dunno who is liable.

And to the OP, the story says the signs were in front of his property, not ON his property. Of course that doesn't justify beating the guy, but it would justify putting the signs back and physically preventing him from removing them again should he try. In other words, that's a pretty important fact that isn't at all clear at this point.

Dude, I am responsible for the side walk and grass in front of that sidewalk.

I can be sued if someone slips on a public side walk but I can't remove signs put there by some bozo?

I sure as hell can and will!

That strip in front of the side walk is MY PROPERTY. I have to mow it, maintain it, and can be cited by the city if I don't.

But I can't remove signs from it?

Only a fascist liberal would think otherwise.

Apparently it depends on where you live and less about lib/con theories. Here in KC many municipalities do not allow signs of any kind between the sidewalk and the street. And as far as lawsuits, that's tricky. Here where I live the city constantly repairs them so I dunno who is liable.

And here one has to have permission to post the signs...AND after the event those responsible MUST remove them or face a fine.
IDIOT libs keep tellng us the GOP is the part of racists, bigots, violence, blah blah blah, but every time REAL VIOLENCE happens, it's alway one the Democrat side and the Libs turn a blind eye. HERE WE GO AGAIN!

Officials with the Taos Police Department say they are still working to get to the bottom of the alleged beating of a Taos landowner over the removal of political signs from in front of his property.

In an interview with The Taos News Friday (May 25), property owner Roy Cunnyngham and his wife Joni recounted the events when they returned home, across from Casa los Córdovas May 1.

“I don’t know how many people hit me,” Cunnyngham said of the incident.

According to the police report filed the same day, Eighth Judicial District Court judge candidate Ernestina Cruz was having a “meet and greet” event at Plaza de Colores. At the same time, across the street, Cunnyngham and his wife were returning home from dinner to find several of Cruz’ campaign signs in front of his property.

As in the police report, Cunnyngham confirmed that three men approached him and demanded that he replace the signs where they’d been staked. Cunnyngham said he resisted.

Taos Police continue probe into political sign fracas - The Taos News: News

Now, get this! This was a "meet and greet for a Dem judge. This man was being beaten. THE POLICE WERE THERE AND DID NOTHING!

In his report, Wentz also said that Taos Police Lt. David Maggio was present at the “meet and greet” and told Wentz at the time that he wanted “no part” of the incident. He has since denied seeing any part of the alleged battery.

They put these signs on this man property and when he went to remove them, they BEAT HIM??????

And the police were there and claim they saw nothing while this man was beaten?

THIS is the face of the Democrat party. It has thrown off the mask that makes it out like they are the "nice" party that defends the poor and the "middle class." And the police won't help you, because they fear it will hurt their jobs as well.

They have revealed themselves to be RADICAL MARXIST/FASCIST THUGS!

THIS is what we need to vote COMPLETELY OUT OF OFFICE come November.

From the Dog catcher to the President.


Yeah, I read this on this morning....

I would love to see them try that shit on me..... The tables would turn real quick....

Not to mention those dudes in the story were sissies - 3 people vs one - not to mention another MAN grabbed the guys wife and held her back...

Typical progressives, and typical progressive tactics.

Remember back in 2010 when that progressive bit that Tea Party guys finger off at a town hall event??

And to the OP, the story says the signs were in front of his property, not ON his property. Of course that doesn't justify beating the guy, but it would justify putting the signs back and physically preventing him from removing them again should he try. In other words, that's a pretty important fact that isn't at all clear at this point.

Dude, I am responsible for the side walk and grass in front of that sidewalk.

I can be sued if someone slips on a public side walk but I can't remove signs put there by some bozo?

I sure as hell can and will!

That strip in front of the side walk is MY PROPERTY. I have to mow it, maintain it, and can be cited by the city if I don't.

But I can't remove signs from it?

Only a fascist liberal would think otherwise.

As far a spinning backpedals are concerned, this one is pretty good. But you are still assuming facts that have yet to come to light.

Dude, was it in front of his property? No one argues that!

Did they beat him up. YES. Read the article. His doctor confirms it.

More facts come to light my ass!
"We were setting them in the car and we’d planned to call whoever they belonged to,” Cunnyngham said.

stealing signs right in front of the people who owned them? sounds like a real Tea Party Lunatic. :lol:

“It seems like if people can get away with this where’s it going to stop?”

this guy and his wife are both cranks.
"We were setting them in the car and we’d planned to call whoever they belonged to,” Cunnyngham said.

stealing signs right in front of the people who owned them? sounds like a real Tea Party Lunatic. :lol:

“It seems like if people can get away with this where’s it going to stop?”

this guy and his wife are both cranks.

Guess what dickhead - sticking signs on private property you don't own is fucked up.

If someone stuck a political sign on my lawn I would kick their ass with the fucking sign itself.

I'm not joking either.
"We were setting them in the car and we’d planned to call whoever they belonged to,” Cunnyngham said.

stealing signs right in front of the people who owned them? sounds like a real Tea Party Lunatic. :lol:

“It seems like if people can get away with this where’s it going to stop?”

this guy and his wife are both cranks.

Guess what dickhead - sticking signs on private property you don't own is fucked up.

If someone stuck a political sign on my lawn I would kick their ass with the fucking sign itself.

I'm not joking either.

Except in this case, the signs were not on the man's lawn.

Better luck with your reading comprehension next time scooby. :thup:
a Republican "angry with the government" held a school board hostage at gun point in Florida.

An Arizona man who on Wednesday reportedly killed four people, including a 47-year-old grandmother and a 15-month-old infant, and then took his own life was also a former Republican Party official, a former white supremacist neo-Nazi and the founder of a border patrol vigilante group that advocated using violence on immigrants.

On Thursday morning, police in Gilbert, Arizona confirmed that J.T. (Jason Todd) Ready had committed suicide after killing his girlfriend, 47-year-old Lisa Mederos, along with her daughter, her daughter’s boyfriend and her granddaughter, according to The Arizona Republic.

Source: Raw Story (Arizona shooter was neo-Nazi and former GOP official | The Raw Story)
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"We were setting them in the car and we’d planned to call whoever they belonged to,” Cunnyngham said.

stealing signs right in front of the people who owned them? sounds like a real Tea Party Lunatic. :lol:

“It seems like if people can get away with this where’s it going to stop?”

this guy and his wife are both cranks.

Guess what dickhead - sticking signs on private property you don't own is fucked up.

If someone stuck a political sign on my lawn I would kick their ass with the fucking sign itself.

I'm not joking either.
"We were setting them in the car and we’d planned to call whoever they belonged to,” Cunnyngham said.

stealing signs right in front of the people who owned them? sounds like a real Tea Party Lunatic. :lol:

“It seems like if people can get away with this where’s it going to stop?”

this guy and his wife are both cranks.

Guess what dickhead - sticking signs on private property you don't own is fucked up.

If someone stuck a political sign on my lawn I would kick their ass with the fucking sign itself.

I'm not joking either.

You really are pretty pathetic aren't you.

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