Dem Who Led Witch Hunt to Impeach: Now I’m Undecided


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Translation: "the poll numbers are in and supporting impeachment will cost me my job."


Key swing-district Dem who led the charge on impeachment: I'm undecided
If this is true, this is exactly what our representatives are supposed to do. Hear from their constituents and act on behalf of their will. Let’s hope she does the right thing.
If this is true, this is exactly what our representatives are supposed to do. Hear from their constituents and act on behalf of their will. Let’s hope she does the right thing.

To bad both parties have congress rigged such that your elected representative is prohibited from doing that.
If this is true, this is exactly what our representatives are supposed to do. Hear from their constituents and act on behalf of their will. Let’s hope she does the right thing.

To bad both parties have congress rigged such that your elected representative is prohibited from doing that.

I don’t get your point here. This woman has a choice to make. If her constituents don’t want her to vote for impeachment then that’s what she needs to do. She isn’t prohibited from doing so unless you’re referring to whatever retribution she would receive by the DNC, which to that I say who the fuck cares. Hopefully these idiots wake up and realize they don’t have to pander to them anymore because the DNC is about to be relegated to history
She's a Dem so she will vote as Nancy Pelosi commands her to vote.
This is short sighted. Nancy Pelosi’s career is over. The woman is going to be behind bars soon. Non-deep state democrat politicians are going to want to get as far away from these pieces of shit as possible. The stranglehold is loosening now. There’s an opportunity to be free of the machine and people are going to take it
The woman can’t even form a coherent sentence anymore. She’s losing her mind. Anybody who’s willing to go down with this ship is doing so at their own peril.
If this is true, this is exactly what our representatives are supposed to do. Hear from their constituents and act on behalf of their will. Let’s hope she does the right thing.

To bad both parties have congress rigged such that your elected representative is prohibited from doing that.

I don’t get your point here. This woman has a choice to make. If her constituents don’t want her to vote for impeachment then that’s what she needs to do. She isn’t prohibited from doing so unless you’re referring to whatever retribution she would receive by the DNC, which to that I say who the fuck cares. Hopefully these idiots wake up and realize they don’t have to pander to them anymore because the DNC is about to be relegated to history
While listening to constituents maybe a good thing actually listening to and considering the actual merits and evidence in a case like impeachment should be the top priority. If you are basing a vote for or against impeachment on how someone will vote you should not be in a position of authority.

That being said I applaud the fact that she is unsure. Given the so called evidence she should be more sure.
Translation: "the poll numbers are in and supporting impeachment will cost me my job."

View attachment 294362

Key swing-district Dem who led the charge on impeachment: I'm undecided

I'll tell you what's going to happen. This piece of shit is going to peter out and die on the house floor and will never get to the Senate. And it's been designed to do exactly that. Impeachment lite my ass. They simply cant afford for the Senate to open up this can of worms in broad daylight because if they do the democratic party will be done for all eternity and they damn well know it. However, I wish to hell it would get the Senate for just that reason.
2010, a bunch of Dems voted for the ACA even though it was unpopular with the voters in their districts. But the Dem Party pressured them to vote for it, so they did. And then the 2010 election kicked their asses out of Congress.

I can see the same thing happening this time around. The Dem Party is going to pressure the Reps in red and purple districts to vote for impeachment, and if they do the same thing will happen come next November. Most of them will get voted out of office.

The talk right now is that the Dems will have their vote next week before the Christmas break. I suspect they don't want Reps who are worried about losing their seat in the House to go home and hear their constituents tell them to vote NO. Shades of 2010, deja vu all over again? I think they're already on shaky ground as it is, so far they ain't done shit the last 2 years.
If this is true, this is exactly what our representatives are supposed to do. Hear from their constituents and act on behalf of their will. Let’s hope she does the right thing.

To bad both parties have congress rigged such that your elected representative is prohibited from doing that.

I don’t get your point here. This woman has a choice to make. If her constituents don’t want her to vote for impeachment then that’s what she needs to do. She isn’t prohibited from doing so unless you’re referring to whatever retribution she would receive by the DNC, which to that I say who the fuck cares. Hopefully these idiots wake up and realize they don’t have to pander to them anymore because the DNC is about to be relegated to history
While listening to constituents maybe a good thing actually listening to and considering the actual merits and evidence in a case like impeachment should be the top priority. If you are basing a vote for or against impeachment on how someone will vote you should not be in a position of authority.

That being said I applaud the fact that she is unsure. Given the so called evidence she should be more sure.
There’s no evidence of an impeachable offense. By this point that’s already clear. If her constituents want a no vote on impeachment then she is a fool if she votes otherwise.
Translation: "the poll numbers are in and supporting impeachment will cost me my job."

View attachment 294362

Key swing-district Dem who led the charge on impeachment: I'm undecided

I'll tell you what's going to happen. This piece of shit is going to peter out and die on the house floor and will never get to the Senate. And it's been designed to do exactly that. Impeachment lite my ass. They simply cant afford for the Senate to open up this can of worms in broad daylight because if they do the democratic party will be done for all eternity and they damn well know it. However, I wish to hell it would get the Senate for just that reason.
It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t. The case continues and so do the indictments. Trump is forcing them to go this route so that they can be exposed to the rest of the country as the traitors they are. He doesn’t care whether they impeach or not, he’s still going to carry out his agenda. But taking it to the senate just makes it that much more interesting. The dems have no more moves. They used up all of their ammunition and the media narrative isn’t working anymore. They’re done. They’re damned if they impeach and they’re damned if they don’t.
Translation: "the poll numbers are in and supporting impeachment will cost me my job."

View attachment 294362

Key swing-district Dem who led the charge on impeachment: I'm undecided

I'll tell you what's going to happen. This piece of shit is going to peter out and die on the house floor and will never get to the Senate. And it's been designed to do exactly that. Impeachment lite my ass. They simply cant afford for the Senate to open up this can of worms in broad daylight because if they do the democratic party will be done for all eternity and they damn well know it. However, I wish to hell it would get the Senate for just that reason.
The beauty of it is all the Dems in tight races. They vote impeach they’ve lost the moderate Dems. They vote no they’ve lost the moonbat voters. Either way they’re screwed now.
She's a Dem so she will vote as Nancy Pelosi commands her to vote.
You watch, a lot of Dems are jumping ship.

Won't happen, at best Pelosi will give her permission for a select few so long as she still has the votes to pass impeachment. That would be typical for her. But in this case if even a few Dem's vote no on impeachment that's bi-partisan proof impeachment is a sham.
Translation: "the poll numbers are in and supporting impeachment will cost me my job."

View attachment 294362

Key swing-district Dem who led the charge on impeachment: I'm undecided

I'll tell you what's going to happen. This piece of shit is going to peter out and die on the house floor and will never get to the Senate. And it's been designed to do exactly that. Impeachment lite my ass. They simply cant afford for the Senate to open up this can of worms in broad daylight because if they do the democratic party will be done for all eternity and they damn well know it. However, I wish to hell it would get the Senate for just that reason.
The beauty of it is all the Dems in tight races. They vote impeach they’ve lost the moderate Dems. They vote no they’ve lost the moonbat voters. Either way they’re screwed now.
EXACTLY! And trump trolled them the whole way. He forced them to play this card.
Translation: "the poll numbers are in and supporting impeachment will cost me my job."

View attachment 294362

Key swing-district Dem who led the charge on impeachment: I'm undecided

I'll tell you what's going to happen. This piece of shit is going to peter out and die on the house floor and will never get to the Senate. And it's been designed to do exactly that. Impeachment lite my ass. They simply cant afford for the Senate to open up this can of worms in broad daylight because if they do the democratic party will be done for all eternity and they damn well know it. However, I wish to hell it would get the Senate for just that reason.
The beauty of it is all the Dems in tight races. They vote impeach they’ve lost the moderate Dems. They vote no they’ve lost the moonbat voters. Either way they’re screwed now.
Didn't you say that before the 2018 election? :71:
If this is true, this is exactly what our representatives are supposed to do. Hear from their constituents and act on behalf of their will. Let’s hope she does the right thing.

To bad both parties have congress rigged such that your elected representative is prohibited from doing that.

I don’t get your point here. This woman has a choice to make. If her constituents don’t want her to vote for impeachment then that’s what she needs to do. She isn’t prohibited from doing so unless you’re referring to whatever retribution she would receive by the DNC, which to that I say who the fuck cares. Hopefully these idiots wake up and realize they don’t have to pander to them anymore because the DNC is about to be relegated to history

Government is corrupt and rigged. House and Senate rules concentrate all the power in the hands of a select few and allows those select few to threaten and punish representatives who refuse to obey and do as they are told.

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